Ruger is announcing a new product tomorrow (most likely a handgun)

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Southern Rebel

New member
What will it be? If history is any indication, it will probably be a Kel-tec with a refurbished bluing job and a nice "fluff and buff" job done at the Ruger factory. It might even have a description that includes "starting with a clean sheet of paper...(or words to that effect) :rolleyes:

Kinda like my shooting range friend said when he picked up my Ruger .380:

"I like Ruger. Ruger is a good friend of mine. Trust me, little .390, you are no Ruger!" :D

Jim Watson

New member
I guess they could be jumping on the bandwagon, they reportedly make 1911 castings for other brands. No doubt they think they know better than John Browning, Colt's Pt FA Mfg Co Inc, and the US Army and will screw it up like the other clone labs.

But how about a full size sixshooter on the RCR action?


New member
Well, it is now tommorow. No news yet. Maybe they are talking about some other tommorow.

My money is on a 1911 varient. Perhaps with an external extractor, no traditional swinging barrel link, and maybe a different type of bushing.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
It's an all electric car with a 400 mile range on an overnight charge.

Well, that's more interesting that another 1911 - ducking. :D

They did the snubbie, polymer handguns, AR, 380 - what's next?


New member
Ruger website ---> ck back 1/3/11 @ 2:00 pm for the gun you must own :D
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Sorry, just when I see a 1000 dolalr colt with no frotnstrap checkering or night sights I think, Why?

Beacuse real pistoleros dont need those newfangled inventions:D

WildrocknrollAlaska ™©2002-2011


New member
If it is another 1911 I hope its not just another GI type model like Remington did with the R1 or Para did with the GI Expert.


New member
I highly doubt it is a 1911. My guess will be an existing model in a different caliber. They had the LCP and LCR which are two of the most desired guns in years back to back! Also, they had their piston AR. That's alot of big stuff in a short timeframe. I suggest a couple years of "Old gun. New caliber." for a little while. As long as we are wishing for things, I want a cowboy style lever action to go with my .357 Vaquero! Ruger has a firm grip in SASS and should strengthen it.


New member
Brings back memories of the .308 version of the Mini-14 !! :rolleyes:
There were the ads in the magazines --available ! Well it never was .They had too many problems so they cancelled the project. They did in fact recently have for sale the very few they did make .
BTW advertizing before they are made is a poor way of doing market research. See how many respond to the ad , then adjust the manufacturing to meet that.!


New member
I like the SR9c so much I'm hoping it's a SR40c. I bought the M&P compact 40 and although I like it, I really want an SR40c.

I'm guessing it will be a pistol based on the way it was announced.


New member
I'm hoping for an LC9. it probably won't be anything in the SR line because they didn't make this much fuss for the sr9c or sr40. it could be a 1911 but it had better be something to compete with the magnum research 1911-under $800 with good sights, decent trigger, and beavertail GS-not another GI with a spur hammer.
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