Roomate and gun box access

Shadi Khalil

New member
Hello all,

So what do you think about me giving a key to my roomate for my gun box? He dosent have a handgun of his own and i have two, one that is ussually with me and the other locked away and loaded. He knows how to use both (a 342 and 239) he is a responsibe guy, no drinking or drugs ect...I work allot during the week and i'm ussally out late or stay out completely during the weekends, i would feel terrible if something happened and he didnt have access to my firearm. So my question is, are there any legal ramifications that could arise? I live in VA and I didnt find much in the way of research. I'd love to hear your views and any legal knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks fellas.


New member
Wouldn't do it ... don' t unnecessarily expose yourself to potential liability. If a liability issue came up, you would regret allowing him access.

Play it smart ... don’t do it.


New member
How long have you known him? Why are you responsible for providing his weaponry? How comfortable are you with his judgement? Are you willing to defend your decision, in court, to provide access to a deadly weapon attached to your name to someone else who may not be trained, not only in weapons use, but in when NOT to shoot.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I have known him since i was 13? i'm 29 now. Like i said, he is a smart guy, good judgement. the last thing he would ever want to do is have to get that gun. the idea of him ever going in for that gun for any other reason then self preservation is absoultly out of the question.


New member
If he is a close and trusted friend, I would allow him acess to my guns but I would make sure he knows how to operate them then I would try to persuade him to get one of his own.


New member
If he is a close and trusted friend, I would allow him acess to my guns but I would make sure he knows how to operate them then I would try to persuade him to get one of his own.

same here

Shadi Khalil

New member
well, we just started living together in june. Aside for the times he has come out shooting with me and other friends he never had much gun experince. Now that we live together he is learnig more and more about firearms and becoming more interested in them, since I'm always yammering on about things i read here and other places. Outside of taking him shooting and sharing my knowlegde and experinces with him, i dont think there is anything else I could do to convince him to get his own. It takes allot of convincing to get people with no gun experince out on a range, actually buying a gun is a big step for allot of people. I would never allow anyone to carry one of my guns, but in the house is a different story.


New member
I would agree with Activshootr and hoytinak.
Really try to convince him though to get a pistol of his own. If not for defense, just so he has something along when you guys go to the range. Approach it from the fun aspect.

No one here but you knows the guy, so you are going to be the only one who can decide if it's the right move. Do you trust his judgement 100%, no question in your mind?

Just out of curiousity, is this his idea or yours?

Shadi Khalil

New member
"Just out of curiousity, is this his idea or yours?"

it is my idea. he never brought it up. we have had a rash of break in's in the area lately, i figure someone should be standing guard. I asked him if he wanted access about an 30 min ago over a cig and he said he likes the idea. What made me feel better is when he said he'd like to come to the range more often to get more aquainted with P239.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...never had much gun experince(sic)...becoming more interested in them..." Absolutely not. He may be the best friend you'll ever have, but he doesn't have the training or skill to defend your mutual hearth with a handgun.


New member
Personal experience:

My roommate doesn't own any firearms, but enjoys shooting with me and knows enough to properly handle the weapons should the SHTF. He knows there are two keys to my wall locker, one on my keychain and one hidden somewhere in the apartment, and I told him if I'm not home and he needs a peace maker to have at it.

My roommate is actually a knife and blade, and has checked out bumps in the night with me more than once with his double kamas. :cool:


New member
Would not do that....

Everyone should have thier own gun, be respondsible for it and not loan it to anyone....even their mother. If mother needs someone shot, she calls me.:D

Joe the Redneck

New member
I didn't even bother to finsh your post.

A thousand times no.

I am 38 and I can not tell you how many responsible great guys I have know who got arrested for drugs and crimes of violence.

YOu don't know what a person is really like. You roommate is one beer or heartbreak away from being a killer for all you know.

Don't do it.



New member
NO! My guns are just that, mine. I'm responsible for them; I know where they are at all times. Do not be so foolish as to allow your guns to be available to another.


New member
Yep, gotta agree with everyone else. We’re not talking about your car here. We’re talking about a device with the primary function and design goals of delivering lethal force i.e. “to kill”. You should never, never, loan out your handgun or permit access to it by anyone other than yourself.

You want to take a buddy to the range, great. It’s a wonderful way to get people interested in the sport and to begin to expose them to guns. But guns means taking responsibility and nothing means responsibility like ownership, especially in a court of law.


New member
I keep mine locked up. If the roomie needs access, she can buy her own. If the wife needs access, she has my pin number. I think the wife is a bit different though.


New member
wouldn`t do it. think about it this way, think back how many times in life you`ve questioned your own judgement on different things. a self defense gun is a personal thing and should stay that way. sounds as though if your friend likes to go shooting. it may not be as hard as you think to convince him to buy his own. god forbid something did happen and your roommate shot somebody in your house, with your locked up weapon that you gave your key to. almost guaranteed some slick attorney would involve you at least in civil suit.:eek: be careful