Ron Paul just ended his campaign


New member
Well Paul just "debated" with Hannity and Combs... naturally Hannity twisted the questions and failed to allow an adequate response.. however Paul still did quite well and I think he did a good job putting him in his place.


Hannity is such a little self righteous little neo-con twirp. He asks Paul a qestion and doesn't let him answer, interrupts by answering his own question with what he thinks.


New member
I would have to say after tonight, Ron Paul will not be allowed to anymore debates. Though I don't know why he wants to remain in the Republican party, he would get a lot more attention and traction if he would throw off the shackles of the Republican party and became an Independent.


New member
Hannity is just a party hack with no absolute positions on anything other than his unwavering support for the President regardless of anything. Him and his Murdoch sponsored cohorts have already decided their poll didn't mean anything because it had Paul at the top. Therefore it must be null and void. Yet I'm quite sure if it had went in favor of Guiliani or Romney they would have proclaimed "the people have spoken!"


New member
Ron Paul 2008

Ron Paul is my hero, The original poster of this thread is closed minded. A LOT of Americans believe what he said and a LOT of Americans want him to be the next president of the United States.

He spoke honestly, whats not to like? Have you listened to anything the man says? Explain to me why you disagree with the man.

Little Wolf

New member
Holy Crap...Ron Paul is winning the Fox text poll!!!!! He has 30% Telling the truth is paying off!!! Make sure to call 36988 and text "R7" before 12:30 pm EST!!!


New member
There are facts that most Americans ignore...

We are now the largest superpower on Earth. China is coming up fast but still lags.

We can afford to operate a sophisticated intel network which includes aerial recon, satellites, electronics and human agents. Plus a large naval and air force presence.

The US seldom intervenes in other countries soley for "humanitarian" interests. The US tends to overlook countries with no strategic or economic value to the US.

The U.S. selectively backs despots, juntas and dictators when they are friendly(er) to US interests than their counterparts. Some of these people are nasty to their countrymen.

Sometimes, when political winds shift, U.S. intelligence may betray rebel causes within a country to court an existing government. This is frowned upon by those same rebel groups and they remember it when they get in power.

Also, by the same token, if a leader becomes a liability in either internal or international politics, the US political machine can stop supporting a government almost at a whim. This does not endear us to anyone.

In some countries, the US may play both sides. Rebels may get arms and equipment, the government gets aircraft or money to fight the rebels. Government contractors are pleased. The citizens of that other country are not.

Sure, our "meddling" in the region has stoked some bitter enemies and stirred the ire of a lot of people. George Washington warned us of "foreign entanglements" of this sort and others for good reason. It seems Ron Paul would prefer to follow this logic, difficult as it may be in today's world.

Sadly, the rebels who condemn the US find it almost impossible, once they gain power, to back away from the condemnations. Even if US aid would ease the suffering of their people or provide a benefit for them. This leads them to ally themselves with our opposites, China, Russia, etc., which makes further spying and "meddling" a certainty.

Religious fundamentalists, of any stripe, (imho) are like the Puritans - they're desperately worried that someone, somewhere, is actually having fun. But when they're in power, they use their religion to force people to behave in a manner which they think is "proper", to the exclusion of all else. And Islam, with its bloody history of convert or die is particularly violent and particularly un-suited to be a part of any government.



New member
If, by some chance, Paul were to get onto the Republican ticket, it could send a stark message to both parties and to many foreign countries. Less so for a V.P. slot, but it'd make for some very amusing reading in the news.

And I hope he does it!


New member
Ladies and gentlemen. I never said what Paul said was wrong. In fact I prefaced it with the statement that I wasn't judging the validity of his statements for those of you reading impaired.

What I did say was that what Paul did was the kiss of death. In REAL polls, Paul doesn't even register, and his remarks tonight along with Guliani seizing the opportunity probably was the final nail.

As for real conservatives to vote for, Hunter is about as conservative as they come and Thompson when he gets in it would be bad either. To suggest that Paul is the ONLY person who's ideas follow the constitution only shows one's lack of knowedge about the candidates and more imoprtantly a lack of knowledge about the constitution.


New member
I remember a time when Republican candidates were not afraid to oppose nation building.

Glad to see that time has not completely passed. Paul will still get my vote here in the swing State of Florida, both in the primary and the general election.


Final results from Paul did outstanding! He dropped out of first place, but he is not too far behind and the fact that he is in the top 3 (well above knowitall Rude Giuliani who technically came in 3rd)

I don't know what Romney's appeal is:barf:

You Decide GOP Primary Poll Results

— 29% Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney

— 25% Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas

— 19% Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani

— 8% Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee

— 5% Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif. Hunter

— 4% Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

— 3% Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo.

— 1% Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan.

— 0% Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore

— 0% Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson


New member
Whether what Dr. Paul said was the TRUTH or not, the WAY he said it, then was unable to respond without stumbling around caused his demise.

As far as I'm concerned, ALL of the candidates stepped on their own feet at least once! FOX news had a great format, and definitely focused upon the candidates. The questions asked were fair, but tough. I didn't really see any overall "winner", but the political analysts are saying that Giuliani "won"....perhaps for his somewhat "strong" rebuttal of Paul, which placed Paul on the "hot seat".

Tom Tancredo surprised me, but on the NEGATIVE side! He didn't have a good day, and even stubbed his toes on his expertise in illegal immigration!

Supposedly, if Fred Thompson enters the race by June, Gingrich won't jump into the fray.

Derek Zeanah

New member
Whether what Dr. Paul said was the TRUTH or not, the WAY he said it, then was unable to respond without stumbling around caused his demise.
Well, I think his responses (which for the most part are unrehearsed) are a bit better than we generally see from our current Commander in Chief.

Re: the thread itself. I'd give STAGE2's opinion more weight if he hadn't been bashing Ron Paul for months before the first debate. I think there's some bias there that hasn't been fully addressed.

Re: the debate. Didn't see it, as I was a bit occupied last night. From what I've seen and heard though, Dr. Paul is the only Republican candidate I could vote for in good conscience.