Remington is pulling up stakes! Bye Bye New Yawk!


New member
I was in upstate New York last week. Those I spoke with said Remington is moving people, at the company's expense, and helping them sell their homes. Bad news for Herkimer and Oneida counties, sounds like good news for Remington employees.


New member
^ If that is true, then it is a good move for Remington and the employees lucky enough to be able to move.

I'm sure other factors such as family and community ties are not easy to leave behind for employees, but if they can move it is a good statement to the idiotic politicians in NY state.

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With well over half the state's total voting population concentrated in NYC and Metro areas, my guess is the politicians in control are happily waving bye-bye to those "horrid merchants of death" that have "infected" their state since..1816! ??

Losses and hardships to a hand full of families, or even the tax base of an upstate district hardly matters to them, and won't matter to their next reelection run. So long as the people they are pandering to keep putting them in office, it seems little else matters...

The surprising thing to me is, that they are.. letting .. them move, rather than trying to have them burned at the stake. (metaphorically speaking, of course).