Remington is pulling up stakes! Bye Bye New Yawk!

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Skans said:
I can assure you that he and his cabinet are crapping in their shorts as the cancer that destroyed Detroit is now leaving voids in his state.

I wish that were true, but I don't think it is. They don't even see the light in Detroit. Sure, the people do, but the politicians don't. It's not their fault. It's never their fault.

This won't change a thing for Cuomo and his ilk.
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New member
I just skimmed the article so maybe I missed it, but I didn't read anything about the main Remington plant in Ilion moving.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Second paragraph:
the article said:
And — in direct contravention of what Andrew Cuomo promised New Yorkers when he rammed through anti-gun legislation on an emergency basis — several major product lines, and the jobs that go with them, are leaving Remington’s ancestral home of Ilion, New York,


New member

I wouldn't read too much into this, politically. It's a business strategy.
Remington is shutting down a lot of their smaller operations, moving many of the 'larger' operations, and consolidating most everything else. It's about streamlining the entire business by getting as much as possible in one location, and maximizing profit.

If this was political, they wouldn't be shutting down facilities in Utah, Montana, Georgia, and North Carolina; or reducing production in places like Mayfield.

The only reason I suspect they plan to keep minimal production in Illion, is because they just sunk $20+ million into the place. Otherwise, it would be shuttered as well, in order to centralize, socialize, and communize... err... 'streamline' the product lines.



Yup, 80 Remington jobs are leaving New York. Jobs are also leaving GA, Montana, UT, NC and MN.

^^^And this. This really teaches NY politicians a lesson.

I really doubt this has as much to do with politics in NY as is it does with Remington making a business decision to consolidate manufacturing operations, although I guess it makes a convenient excuse for screwing over some of their NY employees. There are no really significant anti-gun movements in GA, MT, UT, NC or MN, so what's the excuse there?


New member
I do believe you are correct in much of your post. I do not believe Remington's desire is to screw over their valued employees.

I will believe otherwise when I hear them complaining. It is always tough when you have to relocate.

I had to do it through most of my career. I am now retired and settled.

I wish the best for all of them.


New member
I'm pretty sure this is race to the bottom stuff rather than political correctness.

Companies look for cheap labor and states are willing to spend millions if not billions of our money in order to attract them.
Hopefully all employees will have the opportunity to relocate with the company. That would be good for them, plus I'm hoping the 'anti' politicians will take note of all those people (and their families) whose votes they have now lost.

I don't think they are losing too many votes because the people most affected aren't going to be anti-gun voters.

New York governor, Andrew Cuomo can try and slough this off as "no big deal", but behind closed doors I can assure you that he and his cabinet are crapping in their shorts as the cancer that destroyed Detroit is now leaving voids in his state.

Not really. There is a difference between so much of the American auto industry leaving a particular town and a few companies leaving an entire state.

Look, New York has 50 of the Fortune 500 companies. Remington is not going to be a huge loss for the state, though as noted, some impact will be had in Illion.

Given that Remington isn't actually leaving the state, but just downsizing a bit to open up elsewhere isn't exactly a big political win for our side either.

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In Schumer's defense; "Newtown changed everthing" and his endorsement was circa 2011. Hopefully this whole episode is a cautionary tale to those who would make deals with the anti's out of expediency.

Newtown changed NOTHING! Schumer has been virulently anti-gun since he entered public life. THERE IS NO CHANGE HERE, just another LIE!

He's the same arrogant, pandering hypocrite he has always been. (and no, I don't like him much....)

Remington's decision what to move, and where, including consolidating operations from other (even gun friendly) states is clearly a business decision. HOWEVER, I think the decision to move nearly everything out of NY is because of the political climate there.

They could have consolidated everything in NY. They aren't. While it may ALSO make good business sense, the reason it makes good business sense is because of the politically created condition in NY.


New member
Schumer has been anti gun as long as I can remember. I saw a video on YouTube where Susan Hupp spoke to various senators about what happened in the Luby's Cafeteria shooting in 1991.

Schumer was there, and his face showed such contempt while she spoke it was disgusting. He cared less about her losses, and had no sympathy for her at all. It was a disgusting display from a real piece of work.

I wish no man any ill will, but when Chuckie finally does go to his reward, I hope there is room on the same rotisserie Teddy is spinning on.


New member
While it's sad that the folks up there working for Remington will lose their jobs, Remington as a whole will be better off. With the way New York views guns, they don't deserve to be the base of operations for some of these major gun companies. NY doesn't want them up there, here in the southeast we will love all the jobs they create down here, and we support gun manufacturers and gun ownership down here.

I hope a lot of the workers up there consider it a good chance to move to somewhere a lot more gun friendly assuming they give them their jobs back if they want to relocate.


New member
A move like this takes years. I'd bet it was in the works before Newtown but I'd also bet that the state's anti-gun stance helped in their big decisions.

The funny part is the TV ads paid by New York (I'm in CT) stating how wonderful it is to bring businesses to NYS and how the state helps new businesses by giving up to 10 years of not paying corporate taxes. Bottom line is they lose the revenue brought in by the companies fleeing but they also lose the revenue they would generate from new business.

New York does not care about Remington or any other gun related company leaving. They paved the way and opened the door and then shoved them on the way out.
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New member
It ain't just New York.

From the May 16th issue of "The Shooting Wire":

The companies being relocated and their current locations are:
Advanced Armament Corp, Lawrenceville, Georgia; Montana Rifleman, Kalispell, Montana; TAPCO, Kennesaw, Georgia; LAR Manufacturing, West Jordan, Utah;
Para-Ordnance, Pineville, North Carolina; and DPMS, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Additionally, the Bushmaster production and Remington 1911 production lines will also be relocating from Ilion, New York.

This means the closing of plants in those towns and the elimination of a good number of skilled workers in those places. Bushmaster hasn't been what it used to be for awhile, this may reduce it further...or not. This also effects the manufacturers, shops and businesses that support the workers in the local areas.

A Remington source tells The Outdoor Wire Digital Network the company will be offering relocation opportunities but an attractions of modern state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities like the one in Huntsville, Alabama is their innate ability to eliminate head count without negatively impacting production outputs.

In other words the total work force will be reduced. New equipment and work culture will mean more production with fewer workers.

The move is a smart one for the bosses at Remington. They receive substantial benefits from Alabama. Hunstville is a major manufacturing center yet wages and the general standard of living is lower than that of N.Y., Minn., Montana or Utah. They will build a modern plant with few of the inherited "legacies" of the past.

This is how capitalism works.



New member
In the meantime in NY -- I was told of a trailer truck load of NY compliant AR 15s has just been sold in three weeks !! To the pols in NY :p