Quick poll Californians -- How many are leaving?? How many are staying??

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Jay Baker

New member
L.A., Kalif., resident from early 1962 until late 1997. Great place that was slowly but surely ruined, to my way of thinking. Not just the gun issue, but so many, many things, most already elaborated on above by other posters who got out or are getting out.

My wife, who was born at Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital, was just as happy to get the hell out, as was I. We're both very happy here in Idaho.


[This message has been edited by Jay Baker (edited September 02, 2000).]

Dennis Olson

New member
I was born in L.A. county. Lived in Kal until age 2. Mom was from Oregon, and went back there after the divorce. I lived in Oregon until 1995. Had to leave THERE because it makes Ted Kennedy look like Pat Robertson.

Bad taxes, ever-increasing crowds from (you guessed it) Kal, traffic hell in the Portland and Salem areas, burgeoning "migrant" population, etc. I feel like a refugee. *sigh* Oregon is becoming Kali-North. I no longer feel the pull to live there.

We live in Wisconsin (!?!) now, near Minneapolis MN. The winters keep mosta the "wets" out. Works for me. Someday, we want to move back to the Pacific NW, but will only go as far as Idaho.

And you soon-to-be "ex"-Californians take note: change the license plates on your car QUICKLY. And leave the Beemers and Mercedes' down there. For your own good. Trust me.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken


I am a native who can trace his roots back to the Russians who trapped this state before there was such a thing as "49er". All I have to say, as yokel as it is, is DIE YUPPIE SCUM DIE !!!! Dot-com, babyboom, $50,000 minivan driving (oops I mean luxury SUV) mini mall,over priced homogenous tract house developing, Grey Davis supporting, crappy wine drinking, Kenny G listening, BullSh*it law enacting, fly fishing/ bocce ball playing (Other wussy yuppie sport will suffice, as in croquet ect.) midwest/east coast transient liberal scum can kiss my ...whew...Yosemite Sam "as Californian as the Sierra Nevada and the Pacific coast" ass.

My childhood backyard was once a Walnut field...now its some crappy Starbucks. Insert image of old Indian with one tear running down his cheek here >>>


New member
I am not a native Kalifornian.
I was transplanted there against my will by my parents while still a minor.
I left there for the last time in 1992.
The Kaliforniacrats legislated my home business out of existance, so I bailed.
Moved to Arizona, and love it.
Once I reached adulthood, I left Kalifornia for the right reasons and returned for the wrong reasons twice.
(freedom was the right reason, money was the wrong reason)

The last time I left I didn't look back for fear of turning into a pillar of salt.
The gaygranolahippiedippygungrabbercryptosocialistscumoids are welcome to it.
I figure we can take it back easily once they are all dead of AIDS. :D

[This message has been edited by MAD DOG (edited September 04, 2000).]

Jack 99

New member

Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel? ;)

Interesting. I'm counting down hours here myself. Maybe California will wake-up someday, but its doubtful. I have a feeling the next recession is gonna hit this state hard. Plus, they want to pump treated sewage back into the water supply here in San Diego.

I figure this is about the time to go.

Dave D

New member
I agree with the folks who say stay and fight, but I wouldnt blame anyone who was moving, Ive thought about it. CCWs finally became possible in my county a few years ago so that has made the situation in CA seem a little less hopeless, politically. I was born and raised here. If I was going to move it would probably be TX or AZ.


New member
I am not leaving. THe money is too good here and I plan to win this fight. Remember, california will be where the first shot is fired in the revolution v2.0


Staff Alumnus

(As a PRK native in self-imposed exile, I say let the swine have it. Once they kill themselves off, I'll go back.)
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