Quick poll Californians -- How many are leaving?? How many are staying??

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Jack 99

New member
Seems several of us are bugging out, myself included. I'm outta here on Sept. 15.

I know several of you have bought property in other states and are working on getting yourselves out too. I'm just wondering:

A) Who's leaving

B) Where you're going (I'm going to Boise)

C) Are you a native Californian (I'm not)

D) When you expect to be outta here.

E) Who's staying.

Mr. Pub

New member
If everyone runs, then pretty soon everyone is going to end up in Texas, Arizona and Idaho.

Then they will just pass a federal law that makes gun laws in those states the same as everywhere else.

Stay where you are, make as much noise as you can.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Pub:
Stay where you are, make as much noise as you can.[/quote]


Mr. Pub sez stay where you are and keep your misfourtunes to yerself! :D

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"


New member
1. Me
2. Dallas or Amsterdam or the Big Easy
3. Hell NO :-|
4. December / January this year
5. The sheeple...

lol Mr. Pub, if it were to simply fight for RKBA, I would stay. But since it's also bull**** taxes, insincere and frivolous people, outrageous cost of living, traffic, smog, no shiner in bars, too many other stupid laws, too many Democrats, I could go on. AFAIC, this entire damn state can slide into the water as me and my U-haul cross the state line (except for all you TFL'rs).

Mr. Pub

New member
If you want to leave then leave, no one is stopping you. A lot of people move to California, stay for a while and then leave. Its been like that for a hundred years.

If however, you are leaving because of gun laws, then I think that what you will find is that you can run but you cannot hide.

When all of us move to a hand full of states, then we will become marginalized on the federal level. If all of the strong gun owners leave Calif. then even the Republicans will start becoming anti-gun (as they are in New York, Mass., IL etc. If there are no votes to get then they will shift their postion to where the votes are.

Then what happens is that there will be enough anti-gun Senators and Congressmen to pass federal laws that will be just as strict as in the states that you left.

You can run but you can't hide. Stand and fight.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Pub (edited August 29, 2000).]


New member
I agree. Stay and fight. We can win if you don't leave and we get more progun people to come into California. Who says we have to leave because these pinkos, tree huggers, commies and bleeding heart liberals say we are scum and should be all locked up. Come join us and vote!! MWT

Jack 99

New member
Let's just call it a "strategic retreat."

There's no sense in beating a dead horse and no sense in trying to bring the state of California to its senses. There are plenty of Conservatives and gun owners here (contrary to popular belief) and we're still drowned out by pinkos and leftists and all the usual left-wing identifying groups. Not to mention that the state is pretty squarely pro-union. On top of that, housing is outrageous now. Time to get while the gettin's good.

I'm still trying to get a poll going here. How many of us are going and how many are staying?


New member
Jack....we're not "retreating"...we're "advancing in another direction! :D

I have seriously been considering leaving...in fact expected to be gone next summer. Not sure about the timing now. My first choice is Colorado, Colorado Springs area to be exact. I want to be fairly close to my brother, who is currently in the Denver area. He is getting married soon and planning on starting a family right away, and he and his fiancee have asked me to consider moving closer to them (free babysitting and they know I am an awesome auntie!). However, it looks like he will be transferring to Dallas, and I'm not moving to Dallas! Hopefully things will work out and he will get to stay in CO, since he really doesn't want to leave.

I am a native Californian. I love my Otters and my Redwoods but I am sick of everything else. I am looking at a career change, so where I end up will be dependent on that...wherever I can find a decent environmental ed/outdoor ed job. Hopefully I will make some contacts at the conference I am going to in Orlando in 3 weeks! :)

My parents are down in SoCal and are not in the best of health, so that presents some issues with my timetable too. They don't want me to stick around because of them, but family is family and the most important thing to me.


New member
I will be staying in california, because career opportunity is more important to me that the restrictiveness if the firearm legistlation. Also, there are to many other things here that are keeping me here. The weather, the large asain community, family . I consider myself a native, because my parents move out where when I was 9 months old. I could never see myself permanently living outside of the Silicon Valley. In the 22 years of my life /*with the exception of the 9 months I was in buffalo*/ I haven't been more than 20 miles form my house for more than a month. Longest is 3 weeks in DC in 1995. Currenlty, work and school are both less than 15 miles from my parents residence

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?


New member
Ottergal, how much room you got in your truck? :)

I will escape my re-education facility one day I hope. Got family here, would like to get second place maybe in northern AZ, and maybe ultimate last stop in ID,WY,MT.
There is a time to fight and a time to fall back. If all the pro gunners from this state move to pro gun states it makes those states that much more stable. If those other states get enough, even federal laws can be disobeyed by those states. Like that road in NV, or that sheriff in WY. We need more state independence.
Cali has over 30,000,000 "people" in it they aint leavin faster than they are coming in, especially from mexico. I wouldnt mind the mexicans coming across the border so much if they werent all voting liberal and cared what the constitution said, yeah I know some do but it is not enough. We got 2,000,000 illegals here now, the imigration policy is non existent.
This state suxxs! The liberals control the senate, assembley, and hold the governors office, this place will be a total lost cause after this election if one of those three dont get put back to a majority of another party besides democrat. Got family and job issues now, but in emergency could liquidate and relocate [fairly easily] (yeah I know, split infinitive :)) just a pain in the arse right now.

As I have said, would like to easy my way out by first aquiring property in northern AZ or possibley NV. I think this would make the transfer easier, you know bring some stuff out to the other property every time you visit so when the end comes you dont have to move as much at once, etc...etc...

Unfotunatly I can claim to be a native.
Will be outta here in an inverse ratio to how restrictive the gun laws get (hopefully)
then again by that way of thinking I should fire up the 454 and light some rubber eastbound. Seriously, hopefully within 5 years I will have a second fall back location and maybe even be gone by then, wish me luck Jack. And congrats to you for leaving this **** hole. Keep a balnket in the corner up there in ID for me because you know what they say about the plans of mice and men.

Bruce from OZ,
I'll be the one on the I10 eastbound hitchhicking with all those fifty cal ammo cans, its gettin hot out in this desert when you gonna give me a ride to AZ? Hurry up were burnin daylight! :D

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited August 29, 2000).]

Jack 99

New member


Funny how a potentially fantastic state like California can be totally screwed up with lefties. Just got too popular, I guess. It's really a shame because CA has a lot to offer, mountains deserts, sunshine, ocean. Now if the hippies would just leave.


New member
a) I'm leaving with my wife and two kids.
b) I spent last weekend in the Couer d'Alene area looking at property. I have also looked in the Boise area. CD'A is in the lead because I need an airport and my travel agent says Spokane will work better than Boise.
c)I'm a California native as is my wife. I have very deep emotions revolving around leaving. I feel that I'm being pushed out. I realize that the "cultural tolerance" of California applies as long as you are not part of the gun culture.
d) We'll leave within 14 months.

Sorry DC, I can't stay and fight any longer. Sometimes it is necessary to retreat from the battle to win the war.

Red Bull

New member
I am permanently out of here in one and a half years. I hate this place. I hate the flaming liberals everywhere. I hate the way people vote. This place is a lost cause, give it up, all the sane people left a long time ago. The entire State is Liberal Democrat, there is no battle to win, it is over.

Fortunately, I believe that the old saying that "California leads and the country follows" is now dead. Most people think California is nuts, and I do not see America following California any more in legal guidance like they used to.

I am a CALIFORNIA NATIVE and I hate what has happened to my State. Most of the places I were born have been overrun by immigrants, and entire cities I used to live in that were beautiful, quiet, safe towns are now slums where english is a second language and you have to board up your windows at night.
The only pockets of California worth living in are the very RICH pockets, where homes start at half a million (for a VERY small home).

As a native, I am sorry to see what Hollywierd, liberals and immigrants have done to my State. It used to be a really nice place to live. I know it is a bit harsh to harp on the immigrants, but you have to walk a mile in my shoes to understand. I have lived here 30 years and seen a direct decline of California cities due to booming immigration communities. California used to be a very clean, safe, nice place to live. It is not that I would mind except I have seen crime skyrocket directly relating to these people, and beautiful places have been turned to trash by people that could care less about this place because they did not have to put in the work to build it so they care less about trashing it. There are, of course, the exceptions, but that generally is seen to be true.

I am looking at the OR/WA area.

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited August 30, 2000).]

Jeff Thomas

New member
Interesting thread. It would be even more interesting to see a poll regarding the relative importance of politics in individual decisions regarding their state of residence .... for any issue, including the RKBA.

While I hate to see my state fill up, we can always use more responsible, freedom-loving people. Take a look at Arizona. It has a lot of beauty, a strong economy, and is still relatively free.

Regards from AZ


Staff Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>However, it looks like he will be transferring to Dallas, and I'm not moving to Dallas![/quote]

Hey! Was that a slam on the mighty State of Texas?! ;)

Where else can you drive to work and poach an egg, all in the same car? :D

Just remember: It ain't the heat...well, yes it is the heat. :p



New member
Awwww Ian....you know I would never slam the great state of Texas, especially since so many of my favorite people live there! :D

Notice I said I would not move to Dallas...I didn't say anything about other parts of the state! Heck, even my Texas friends have said not to go to Dallas!


New member
Red, I can feel and see your pain ;)

Always been a D Cowboy fan, the team is pretty good when all the guys get out of jail at the same time and can play together. Whats a little coke,hookers, and steroids?Five super bowls and three runner ups, no other team has made that many apearences. Sorry got off topic a little because of lawdogs reference to my teams home.

Ottergal, I wouldnt move there either, too flat for my kali ass.




New member
Next Poll:

How many aren't moving to California?


God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jack 99:
A) Who's leaving

B) Where you're going (I'm going to Boise)

C) Are you a native Californian (I'm not)

D) When you expect to be outta here.

E) Who's staying.

A -- already did.
B -- already here (Kuna, just south of Boise)
(come say hi when you show up, eh? as much as the area is straining at the seams with growth, we need right-minded folks to balance out the OTHER Californians rushing into the state)
C -- no, thank God!
D -- T minus 2 months
E -- left some very close friends behind, but I never intended California to be more than a couple-year stop myself.

Say... what's the progress of The State of Jefferson? Any chance that's gonna come up for another vote? Would make for a nice comprimise, it seems.
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