Quality: SIG vs. Beretta


New member
Which pistol does Seal team 6 and other SOG forces that can pick any pistol in the world use??

Except for the fact that SEALs who actually can choose which pistol they use (aside from the standard P226/Mk-25) often use other models, such as the HK45C or the Walther PPS.

Lol at the notion that SIGs are inherently higher quality than are Beretta duty pistols.

I have to agree. I like SIGs quite a bit, but it's hard to say a Cohen-era US-made SIG is inherently any better than a Beretta. Now you might like the features and feel of one particular pistol over another, but there isn't an inherent difference in quality that marries up with the difference in cost.


New member
I've owned both Beretta and SIG, and liked both. They feel and shoot very different, but both were (are) quality pieces. I would tend to focus more on what I want in a gun, like an adjustable rear sight, or the safety where I want it (not a big fan of slide-mounted safeties), or striker vs hammer fired, etc. Find a range where you can shoot 'em both and choose based on results in your hand.


New member
Either way you are going to get one heck of a firearm. I would suggest to this friend renting a P226 and a 92FS and going with the one that feels better in your hand because quality wont be a concern for either.


New member
Either way you are going to get one heck of a firearm. I would suggest to this friend renting a P226 and a 92FS and going with the one that feels better in your hand because quality wont be a concern for either.

YEP. Makes perfect sense to me.


New member
While I love my sigs (only have a p220 now)

My first choice if blowing some cash on a play gun I'd go CZ.


^CZ tactical sport.

Of course I'd probably just get two: CZ75 B SA and CZ85.
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Sweet Shooter

New member
#Gats Italian
I'm not a sucker (thanks for that BTW :rolleyes:), I can afford to have both the 92 and the 226. If you really want to stop either with mud you can, it's easy to do. If you'll allow me to have my own opinion for a minute, I'd say the Sig is the higher quality gun. And more accurate FWIW.

Walt Sherrill

New member
My buddy is looking to get a nice, quality, all metal semi-auto in either 9mm or .45 somewhere in the $1000-1400 range.

Everybody has tried to answer that question, but nobody seems to have agreed of what is meant by QUALITY.

Suggestions, anybody?

Accuracy, fit and finish, and durability immediately come to mind, as do good ergonomics, and ease of use (which would be constrained by size).

Some folks like Glocks, but others are put off by the Glock grip angle. Others like CZs, but complain about CZ's lack of attention to tool marks internally (in areas where it doesn't affect performance.) Some folks can't tolerate polymer -- but H&K makes a lot of nice polymer weapons. Still others think strikers stink. Others like very nice finishes -- even though those finishes may not affect performance.

Some of the things people associate with "quality" are just the things they call attention when showing off their guns; you know: "bragging rights." (I've seen some absolutely breathtaking craftsmanship invested in guns, but if you ever had to use those guns in a self-defense situation, most of that extra craftsmanship wouldn't make a big difference...)

What are WE talking about, here, when we try to define a QUALITY GUN?


New member
Holy cow, page one and we're already into the very depths of both Beretta and Sig fanboyism.

I'm a huge fan of both. They're both absolutely fantastic guns. We ought to tone down the hyperbole and appreciate that these top-tier platforms are available for your friend to select which one fits his hand best. :)

I own four Berettas and have been deeply impressed. I own two Sigs, have regularly shot 2-3 others owned by friends, and I am uniformly impressed with all of them.

I have never had any sort of failure, jam, or stoppage from any Beretta or Sig firearm.


New member
Both are very good models that are know for having excellent accuracy. I think the Sig has better ergonomics. First the decocker is on the frame and there are more grip options. You can get very small ones like the E2 and the aluminum all they way to the bigger over molded ones. A lot of the Sig 226
models come with night sights, so some of the additional cost goes there.

The mentioned CZ 01's are also a good choice though not as good as the Sig or Beretta too me.

One other high quality brand to think about would be Sphinx. They have the Compact size which is more like the Sig 229 and the Standard which is closer to the 226 and 92. They have the Alpha models which has a polymer lower/aluminum upper frame and the "Color" line in the Compact size that has aluminum upper and lower frame. They are also DA/SA with ambidextrous frame decockers.
I will add this: both are quality firearms, but the Beretta 92 is just plain pretty. I'm actually not a fan of the ergonomics, but still want one because, well... pretty!


New member
Holy cow, page one and we're already into the very depths of both Beretta and Sig fanboyism.

Yes.. I should have thought about that before I posted. I forgot about man's inability to separate emotion from inanimate objects!

I actually really like the Sphinx line, as a CZ nut myself, but he is more into the brand recognition of both SIG and Beretta. I'll just tell him to try different models of each brand at the rental range and flip a coin!

Walt Sherrill

New member
I have had a bunch of guns.

I currently have a bunch of guns, among them a highly tuned SIG P228, worked over by Gray Guns. I also have a Sphinx SDP. The Sphinx had a higher ticket price than the P228, until you add in about $400 worth of Gray Guns tuning (done before I bought it, used).

They've very similar guns. I shoot the Sphinx a little better, but others might shoot the SIG a little better. Both are quality guns. The ergonomics work well for me, in either case. I think I like the SIG slide release a bit better than the Sphinx. If I "HAD" to sell one, to avoid financial disaster, I don't know which one it would be.

That said, I recently picked up a used CZ P-07, and it shoots just about as well as the other too, and does it, in an untuned state (exactly as it came from the factory, with some use), and it arguably cost less than 1/2 of either of the other two guns. With some Cajun Gun Works tuning, it's hard to say which of the three would come out on top.

This discussion of QUALITY continues to deal with superficial things (except, perhaps, reliability and accuracy.) Are we talking about QUALITY or simply trying to define what we want to BRAG ABOUT!?


New member
I have 2 Sigs currently (p220 p225) both worked over by gray guns some time ago, and 3 Berettas 2 92fs' and a 92s. all are excellent "quality" guns. Again. build quality and fit and finish for the stock models are virtually the same, of the models the OP mentioned any size difference is negligible. Do-dads and ergonomics (personal preference anyway) are not defining factors of quality.

That said, like many others have already stated your buddy should get the one that "feels" best to him...all else being equal.


New member
I like the controls better on the Sig.
That's why its my choice over the Beretta and Glocks ---
Whats your control preference --- all 3 great pistols


New member
That said, I recently picked up a used CZ P-07, and it shoots just about as well as the other too, and does it, in an untuned state (exactly as it came from the factory, with some use), and it arguably cost less than 1/2 of either of the other two guns. With some Cajun Gun Works tuning, it's hard to say which of the three would come out on top.

Walt is it a newer gen P-07 or the older P-07 Duty? I really want to try one of the newer P-07s.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Mine is one of the older ones, I think. I don't know much about the differences between the old and new, but mine doesn't have changeable backstraps which I think come on the newer models. It does have night sights.

I just looked, and it doesn't say DUTY on the frame, but it also doesn't have detachable grip inserts.
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New member
This discussion of QUALITY continues to deal with superficial things (except, perhaps, reliability and accuracy.) Are we talking about QUALITY or simply trying to define what we want to BRAG ABOUT!?

Thats true, but to a certain extent one's concept of "quality" IS very superficial, and not necessarily logical or factual at all. It's merely how an individual perceives value in an object, and to a greater extent the maker of it. Guns, cars, watches, computers, you name it. It's really kind of funny if you think about it!

Hiker 1

New member
If your buddy doesn't want the "hot-rod" models, he can spend $1400 and get both guns.
I have an Italian 92FS and a West German P226, both of which I bought used and in excellent condition and paid right at $1100 total. Nice to have the extra $300 for mags and ammo.

Quality is equavalent. If I had to go into harm's way and had to choose, I'd pick whichever one was physically closer to me.