Prove to me you Guest (nonmember) Glockers are up to my challenge.. if you dare...


New member
I have to admit, the Glock is a very reliable firearm. But, it's the "ergonomics" that I dislike. It feels like I am holding a 2X4. If I am going to own a firearm I want it to feel comfortable to shoot in order to shoot it correctly.

If I were a LEO and that was my "ONLY" choice as a firearm I would have to overcome the uncomfortable feeling, somehow, in order to shoot it.

And, last but not least, Glock is too day** expensive!


New member
Yeah... a gun that has proven its reliability time and time again. A gun that goes bang EVERYTIME no matter what. A gun that will run 100% everytime, even when abused and dirty. A gun thats saved the butt of thousands of police officers... yeah I can see why you hate it so much...

Because it ugly????

Thats just ignorant

Also you point to reliability and yet no one anywhere has any proof that they are more or less reliable than anything else... The stats simply don't exist... Further you point out how police use them and yet in this forum it seems to be an accepted fact that police guns are generally chosen by budget limitations and a set of standards. I agree they are exactly that, cheap... reliable and cheap. Also it seems to be accepted as fact that most police aren't even gun guys, so what would the average non gun guy or gal officer even know about other weapons?

If reliability is the sole determining factor then they are lots and lots of brands that are equally reliable, just they also look better.

So ok Glocks are competent guns, but lets not pretend they are special in any way.

So heres a great chance to get your revenge for my anti Glock heresy... Get the nonmember glockers to do whats in my lead in thread and I will honor my word and provide pics over the coming year... Make me eat my words and help me protect our rights....

But you cant hold it against me because the things are just plain, plain... vanilla as it gets...


...most police aren't even gun guys, so what would the average non gun guy or gal officer even know about other weapons?
While some of your points are well taken, this one falls flat.

The "average non gun guy or gal officer" is absolutely and most certainly not the person making the firearms selection for a police department.

Most often, smaller departments tend to follow the lead of larger departments or national organizations who often devote a considerable amount of time and money to determining which weapon(s) and ammunition to choose for issue.


New member
But you cant hold it against me because the things are just plain, plain... vanilla as it gets...

I totally agree with this!


New member
bgutzman, I like this thread and must say, good idea.

As for glocks, I have one and they are good guns, but you are right that there are plenty of other guns that are just as good. I don't love or hate mine, but I think Glock has 2 things really going for it that makes it more attractive to buy than the other "equal" guns. 1) huge aftermarket. If you like to tinker, you have a lot of options. 2) easier to resell quickly


New member
All right in a patriot fervor if we get 50 non members to do whats in my lead in thread on this I will still honor my commitment. Are ther 50 non member Glockers that can step up to the plate?

Look guys its a win/win.. We all win because in about 2 minutes you get to write all your reps.. For Glockers its a win because trust me it will burn my tail feathers to have to buy one of these things...
I think you are a closet Glock fan. I think you WANT to buy a glock...

I see why one may think that, but honestly. He isn't.

Also, you think he'd come on here to show that he wants one? After all his previous posts?

Personally what I think someone would do in the case of getting something they've never liked just to try it would be to shy away from telling his online gun community so, and buy one hush hush on the down low. And never say a word of it on here.

lol he has a life outside the forum.

Just saying...


New member
thanks Constantine! I still owe you some pics and 915 a email... I am truly anything but a Glock fan...

This thread isn't even really truly about Glock, its about getting people off the nonmember sidelines and writing congressional reps...

But if anyone thinks Im a Glock fan or secretly harbor Glock love all they have to do is look at my history of post... Id gladly pay the 500 dollars for a gun I hate if it gets more people involved on our side, that is the point of this thread. Im a strong personality and I get it, but you cant hardly have my background and survive it and not be a strong personality. Im not looking for atta boy points Im looking to preserve our rights..

Constantine is right, I do have a life outside the forum... and Im not a Glock fan... I can buy 2 x 4s at the hardware store.... ;)


New member
I think someone hasn't had the pleasure of an ugly girl.

On a different note, tit for tat from my Congress thing. I send her a form letter, she sends me one back.

Dear Mr. ....:
Thank you for taking the time to write and share your views with me. Your comments will help me continue to represent you and other Californians to the best of my ability. Be assured that I will keep your views in mind as the Senate considers legislation on this or similar issues.
If you would like additional information about my work in the U.S. Senate, I invite you to visit my website, From this site, you can send a message to me about current events or pending legislation, access my statements and press releases, request copies of legislation and government reports, and receive detailed information about the many services that I am privileged to provide for my constituents. You may also wish to visit to track current and past federal legislation.
Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I appreciate hearing from you.


Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
Please do not respond to this message. If you would like to comment on legislation, please visit my website and use the correspondence form at


New member
You're a better man then I Guz. I linked that to facebook a couple weeks ago an have been telling everyone to go sign it.


I think your assertion that a Glock feels like a 2x4 does a disservice to decent upstanding lumber everywhere