Prove to me you Guest (nonmember) Glockers are up to my challenge.. if you dare...


New member
Worthwhile cause. Submitted my info there, and this is my first post here. Joined after seeing this post.


New member
After what happened to us here in NY, anything that can be done to get people to tell their reps and senators on a state and federal level is not only worthwhile, but also necessary.

And seeing a Glock hater have to buy one would be nice! :D


New member
I submitted mine with Ruger, not to long ago. Would love a free pistol, lol! But seriously I have gotten some form of response from all my States representatives in so form. Most were pre generated responses, well all were. But the last one I received today, while not directly written just for me was a very good response;

January 30, 2013

Dear Mr. Martin,

Thank you for contacting me about proposed gun regulations. I appreciate
hearing from you.

First and foremost, no words can adequately describe the tragedy that
occurred in Connecticut. *With the loss of so many innocent lives,
especially the young children, our prayers should continue to go out to the
families and the community around them. *While a political discussion of
what we in Congress can do to prevent future tragedies is inevitable, I hope
these discussions will not overshadow the memory of those who lost their
life that day.

As a Member of Congress I will honor my oath to "support and defend the
Constitution of the United States." *Since being ratified on December 15,
1791, the Bill of Rights has been one of the core pillars of our
Constitution. The rights enshrined to the people there have been a beacon to
the world. The 2nd Amendment states, "A well regulated Militia, being
necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep
and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." In 2008 the historic Supreme Court
case of D.C. vs Heller reaffirmed this amendment as a protection for
individuals of *the right to bear arms. There is no clause in the Second
Amendment qualifying or limiting this right.

As the 113th Congress begins there will be extensive discussion in the
months ahead concerning what, if any, changes to our gun laws or other laws
are needed following the tragic events in Connecticut. I take seriously the
need to safeguard the Constitutional right to bear arms. I believe that
responsible gun owners should not be punished for the actions of one
deranged person. I am concerned that in a rush to do something, there may be
an overreaction. *I think we need to take a thoughtful approach and look at
all of the facts in order to avoid any unintended consequences.

As we review the facts and study this issue I hope we also review the
effectiveness of current efforts to control gun use. The shooter in
Connecticut, a state with some of the most stringent gun control laws in the
nation, stole the guns from his mother after brutally murdering her. *He
illegally carried the guns into a "gun-free" zone because he knew there
would be no one to stop him. *According to the U.S. Department of Justice, a
majority of guns used by criminals are stolen, bought on the black market,
or obtained in other illegal ways. Most, if not all, of the laws being
proposed by gun control advocates would not have made any difference in

Lastly, President Obama and Vice President Biden have both indicted they
will be using executive orders to pursue gun control. Unfortunately too
often this administration has used this tactic to go around Congress to
achieve its agenda. This flies in the face of the design of our Founding
Fathers when they established the Constitution with three co-equal branches
with checks and balances. Although the President can direct various
executive agencies how to do their business, the Constitution does not allow
the President to make law through executive order. If President Obama wants
changes to our gun laws he must bring these changes to Congress so we can
have an open, honest, and transparent debate. Anything other than this is
totally unacceptable.

As we as a nation continue to heal from this tragedy I hope we *also look
within our families, churches, and cultural institutions--for answers.
Thank you once again for providing me with your concerns. For more
information about my efforts on behalf of Colorado and to receive periodic
congressional updates, please visit my website at

* * * * *Sincerely,

Doug Lamborn
Member of Congress


New member
I think you should buy a G31 so you can feel the pain of 66 cents of WWB going down range every time you pull the trigger.

Now when did I join this forum? Darn it I knew I should have procrastinated more
Why did I not see this till now? lol that's hilarious. I wish you'd of bought one. That'd be hilarious.

For those who don't know him. The OP seriously looks at Glocks like food that you're about to eat that just lands on the floor.

Sent from my phone...expect typos.

Silent Bob

New member
I'm all for inspiring gun rights advocacy but really could care less what the OP's feelings on Glocks or any other gun is.


New member
Bob, its much less about the Glock and much more about getting people involved. My good friends Constantine, AK103 and 915 know I am anything but a Glock fan, but then again as a young man I never went for the ugliest date I could find.

I wouldn't want anyone to confuse me for a mall ninja. And imagine the embarrassment of being seen with such a thing... No, no thanks.. I don't want people to think I find below average as being great :)

Still in previous adventures in this forum I have found Glock fans that seem to deeply like it and I figured what a good way to get more people writing their state reps and the link provided makes it as easy as falling off a log. Glock is suppose to have such a great market share so what better group to pick on to get involvement.

To this point with little exception there hasn't been much of a take up on my offer. For myself if I got 500 people to write Id say I exceeded my wildest dreams... I do despise Glock but I despise gun control much more...

In any case the offer stands... And its not even that I dislike all Glocks... I have seen a few customs that aren't eye sores. Please get people cranked up and get them using this link... Make me eat my words... I will live up to my part of this.. :) Glock or non Glock at least in this thread its just a tool Im hoping to help use to persevere our rights for all of us...

Mr. James

New member
Well, BGutzman, huzzah for your efforts. Venting on the intertubz doesn't really accomplish much. But rallying patriots to actually write to the 535 un-indicted co-conspirators does count. Upon a time, an old snail-mail letter really drew attention. Probably not so anymore, but I'd suggest anyone e-mailing at least copy and paste into their own e-mail account, and then play with the wording enough so that it doesn't get snagged as spam.

Oh, and my name is Bob and I'm a Glock owner. Have one on my hip as I type. Without doubt it is the fugliest firearm in my meager collection. Let's just say I defied conventional wisdom and went ugly late, story of my life! :D But it's accurate, it's reliable, its relatively impervious to the elements, it carries 13+1, and if it gets seized by the police, I won't shed a single tear. Take my one of my 1911s (which I also carry), and I'll be bereft, I tell ya!

Bob James


New member
Thanks Bob James! :)

Silent Bob, its ok... were strangers typing over a faceless medium... Everyone's entitled to their opinion. If my experience benefits you great, that would be my wish... If it doesn't.. well its still sort of a free country... I wish you the best none the less.
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New member
Thanks BlueOval - I don't know what to say its like they lost all the fire I use to get about this... You would think at least one or two more nonmembers would like to see a true blue antiglocker buy and keep one...

Come on nonmember Glockers...step up to the plate... It takes all of two minutes of time and it directly supports gun rights...


New member
Yeah... a gun that has proven its reliability time and time again. A gun that goes bang EVERYTIME no matter what. A gun that will run 100% everytime, even when abused and dirty. A gun thats saved the butt of thousands of police officers... yeah I can see why you hate it so much...

Because it ugly????

Thats just ignorant


New member

Oh... I just cannot resist...


.... You know that every single day there are more and more reports that the US Army's 1st Special Forces Group, Operational Detachment - D (better known as "Delta Force") has switched from their custom-made 1911's to ..... Glock 22's?

Reason given: Reliability.


Sorry in advance.