Prove to me you Guest (nonmember) Glockers are up to my challenge.. if you dare...


New member
As is widely known on this forum I am a true non believer in Glock.. I rarely mince words on it and I'm generally unapologetic about it. So here's my deal. If we get 100 new members on this forum who (on there honor) join this forum in the next 14 days in response to this post AND use the following link and I will refrain from negative Glock comments for 1 year. For the record I detest this brand and then some, so step up to the plate!

Get 1000 new members (on their honor) on this forum within 30 days and who use this link and I will buy a new G30 or G21 when available, or if legal in the next 6 months and post pics in here.

The 2A is way more important than my Glockisms, please support the 2A.

Please announce your membership and link usage below. :)
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I just sent personal letters out last week, so I aplaud your effort...

BTW... the links in red that I tried ( on that page ) did not work, so there's either an error, or they were simply too busy


New member
Sounds like someone secretly wants to try a Glock and come up with this as a way to save face :D

Thanks for posting the link again. I'm a Glocker and have already taken advantage of Rugers webpage. Thanks to Ruger as well.


New member
:) LOL - Im just trying to do my part to save all our guns and rights.. :) Sorry the links worked for me... and still seem to work. Maybe just busy.


New member
Please do Spats! I will even go farther and say I wont deface or sell it for at least one year!

PS - My signature will change when the challenge date runs out. I detest Glocks so here's your chance non members...
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New member
I not a big Glock fan, I think I like the gun more than some of the arrogant Glock owners though.

Last year I bought a G20SF along with a Lone Wolf long slide with a 6.61" threaded barrel, Lone Wolf Compensator +2 round grip extender, 6.01" 9X25mm Dillon barrel,and, and,......should I keep going?

This is one bad 18 round Glock 10mm. What other 10mm compares to that?

I call it my Jackpot gun for a reason.:eek:


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New member
Thats kinda like saying that, if your bride din't cook breakfast, you're going to go the IHOP for a stack of pancakes in protest.

Good try, genius level even, but no Kewpe Doll this time.



New member
My point remains I am a wildly critical of Glock and rightfully so. Here's your chance to write your legislature about guns using the given link AND put a burr under my saddle... What better than to make someone who despises Glock buy one. Scan my post from the past its no exaggeration. I do like some custom Glocks but its few and far between. Meet the goals and I will live up to my word...

I am assuming members have already been writing their reps so that's why I excluded them. I am trying, honestly trying to bring more of us into the fray by telling our reps the 2A is a right and not optional. So non-member Glockers get off the fence. If you think I'm wrong then tell me so here in this thread and support the 2A. You want your revenge for all the comments, here's a fair and honest shot.


New member
Congressmen ignore advocacy letters unless they're bundled with cash. Ruger's advocacy form letter is going into your representative's spam folder without even a look-over by anything more than an intern in a tight blouse and push-up bra.

Also, there are as many Sigs that would qualify, by your standards, to be as crappy as Glocks.


New member
I'm a member, I've written everyone on my own and by using the Ruger link, and my experiences with Glocks have all been positive...

I guess I am disqualified from playing...


Spats McGee

I have posted the following at GlockTalk:
I'm a member at several gun websites, including The Firing Line. One of the members, an avowed unbeliever in Glocks, has issued the following challenge to Glock owners:

BGutzman said:
As is widely known on this forum I am a true non believer in Glock.. I rarely mince words on it and I'm generally unapologetic about it. So here's my deal. If we get 100 new members on this forum who (on there honor) join this forum in the next 14 days in response to this post AND use the following link and I will refrain from negative Glock comments for 1 year. For the record I detest this brand and then some, so step up to the plate!

Get 1000 new members (on their honor) on this forum within 30 days and who use this link and I will buy a new G30 or G21 when available, or if legal in the next 6 months and post pics in here.

The 2A is way more important than my Glockisms, please support the 2A.

Please announce your membership and link usage below.

All you have to do is sign up, use the Ruger Advocacy link to contact your representatives, and announce that you have done so in his thread. That thread is found here:

When I mentioned that I was tempted to post his thread here on GT, he said:

BGutzman said:
Please do Spats! I will even go farther and say I wont deface or sell it for at least one year!

I don't frequent this site, but I hope (and think) that this crowd is as politically active as those at The Firing Line and The High Road (where I'm more active). If not, I figured that if there was any way to get Glock owners out in force, this challenge ought to do it!
That thread is here:


New member
Seriously non members? We the firearms community need you to participate... Not sure what else I can offer but wow not one taker? not one? This is about our rights... I do not in general like Glocks, its all true but this was actually an honest effort to get people involved... If you continue to do nothing you are helping let the other side cast an image that the average citizen just doesn't care about guns... That does not help any of us. Please do something.


New member

I will follow your lead on

Get 1000 new members (on their honor) on this forum within 30 days and who use this link and I will buy a new G30 or G21 when available, or if legal in the next 6 months and post pics in here.

I will gladly pick up a Glock 21SF within 6 months, and give it a go, also if your goal is met.

(Most who know me, understand I am not, umm, big on Glocks myself)