Project Savage .243AI is Finished!

.204 Ruger

Not hijacking the thread--

Brian--My .204 hates Nosler 32, Hornady 32 and 40, and Barnes 26. Shoots off and on with 24 Vmax---not consistent.

32 Gr. Sierras evidently were changed about the time I ran out of Bergers, and the new design would keyhole, so had to fool around trying to develop a usable load and ended up at 3750 fps and 3/4 inch groups at 100 yards. Still have 10 rounds of the Berger/Varget and shot three of those the other day to confirm that the gun still shoots and had a clover leaf---all three holes touching. Just a persnickety darn gun. Sierra 39 gr. is now the best thing besides the Bergers and just got a good load for those. COME ON BERGER BULLETS!!

By the way, I named my 222 Rem CZ after my wife---if I do my part she is the most consistent accurate darn thing I have ever shot out to about 220 yards. I love her--:p