problem with my wife and her gun


New member
Another +1 on what cheapshooter said. Never sell or trade anything. But then I've always been careful not to buy anything I didn't really like. In the end it's worth suggesting again to get the Walther and keep the Glock (at least for a while ... until you both see it really doesn't ever get used). You can always sell or trade the Glock later, but once gone it's gone. In the end it's her gun and ultimately her choice but it is a marriage so you both should be in agreement.


New member
Ok to dispell any miths about me telling her what to do is getting old and is not what i was trying to do:mad:

It's the trading down i don't like.As in her gun is worth more than a used ppk .32.

She may want to collect the Walther .32ACP pistol but I would not get rid of a Glock 23 over it.

This all the way ^^^

We don't know how often she carries or shoots the G23.

She carries it every day and shoots it every month just like i do,and if she wants to carry the walther then fine,i'm all for it.I just don't see the need in trading when she can have both.

what do you care what she carries
Ummmm lets see,to make sure she is safe,i do care about that.Would you let your wife carry a lorcin,raven or jennings.

And it sounds like YOU like the block

No actually i prefer S&W 3rd gen or Sig oh and S&W revolvers mainly my 686
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New member

Have a 1940 "original" PP (7.62)that has never, ever failed to function. How many 70+ old guns can make this claim? It is thin and fits nicely into a petit hand, points instinctively and controls with little recoil.

Haven't you learned by now that women are so much smarter than men?


New member
Trade for the Walther

It's her gun and if that's what she wants to do than so be it. If you're really worried about it, then you buy the glock from her and then she can go to the store and buy the Walther. That way you're not really intervening in her decision making. It's a win win from my point of view. Also, when she goes to the store with cash she could very easily decide to get something else, and with cash she's more likely to get a better deal.


New member
If you're really worried about it, then you buy the glock from her and then she can go to the store and buy the Walther

UMMMM whats the difference in me buying the gun and her not trading it.My God ya'll act like if i'm not hiding in a corner with my mouth gaged and my hands tied behind my back then i should be shot,drawn and quartered.

I offered to buy the gun for her instead of trading it,thats all i did.

I personally don't think the walther will worth trading for,HENCE ME BUYING,GIVING HER THE MONEY TO OUTRIGHT BUY IT.


I realize in todays society women can fend for them selves as well as think for them selves and even open doors for them selves,this is 2010 the last time i checked.There are still things she does not know like how trading in the pawn shops work and thats why i offered to buy it(walther) instead of trading.More than likely they would have given her about 1/3 rd of what her gun is worth and then charged her more for the walther which would have ment she would have been out a perfectly good gun for something she doesn't know she will even like.IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH THAT.

Sgt Pepper

New member
You can always get another Glock 23. A Glock is quite possibly the most replaceable handgun in the shooting world. What would you/she end up losing in the end if she decides to go back to the Glock - a couple hundred bucks at most in the end? More likely scenario is that one day down the road, she spies another handgun, which is neither a Walther nor a Glock, and decides to switch out again. (That's what I tend to do, anyway.) If you were worried about losing a collector piece, that would be another matter entirely.


New member
Let her buy what she wants. If you want the Glock to stay in the family then tell her you want to buy it from her because you love it and have not had the chance to bond with it yet. Then if she never mentions the Glock again, you simply ended up with another gun, but if in 6 months she decides she really liked the Glock, then you can give it back to her. My take on this is that she didn't like the original Glock 40s&w setup nor does she like the 9mm conversion setup. She wants something that fits her better. Something that she picked out herself. The Walther might just be that gun.


New member
dabigguns357 said:
More than likely they would have given her about 1/3 rd of what her gun is worth and then charged her more for the walther which would have ment she would have been out a perfectly good gun for something she doesn't know she will even like.IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH THAT.

i'll totally agree with that... the guns store i frequent even tells the customer out right "if you sell this gun to somebody else you will make more money than selling it to us, we buy all guns for less than You can make because we have over head. but if you want to sell it to us then no problem..."


New member
Go buy it for her. Its almost Christmas anyway. Working at a gun shop, I can tell you straight up you always lose a lot of money trading a gun. If you have to rebuy it, you lose even more money.

You already know the right thing to do. Go buy the gun.

147 Grain

New member
If you get the underperforming 32 ACP, make sure it can reliably handle the best ammo you can find.

************ 32 Auto / ACP ************

Buffalo Bore:
75-gr. +P Flat Nose Hardcast Wadcutter (30A) @ 1,001 fps in 3" barrel. Use FMJ if you have feeding problems.

Note: A hardcast wadcutter is preferred in this underpenetrating mouse load because it permanently cuts through flesh and bone, rather than temporarily just pushing it aside as FMJ does. All 32 ACP HP’s are not good penetrators! Be sure to test any and all loads in your weapon for reliable functionality.

Winchester White Box USA Brand: Low-Budget Load at Walmart – When That’s All You Can Find!
71-gr. FMJ (Q4255) @ 905 fps
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New member
i'll totally agree with that...

Finally some one who gets it

Go buy it for her. Its almost Christmas anyway

If it's still there when i get paid,i'll buy it.

Something that she picked out herself

Thats how she endend up with her glock,she shot my glocks and liked them so when she found one that fit her she got it.Btw i'm not in the habit of telling people what to do especially my wife.

Sgt Pepper

New member
How do you "temporarily" cut through flesh and bone as opposed to "permanently" doing so? I don't follow the explanation there.


New member
Two separate thoughts:

1) Dabigguns357, you might consider putting the Walther on layaway until you get paid, to avoid any unpleasant vacuums on the shelf when you go back after payday...

2) SGT Pepper, he's talking about permanent wound channel vs temporary wound channel. The temporary type is caused by energy, rather than blunt or sharp trauma, but tends to contract back to near normal due to the elasticity of human flesh.

Pretty sure you won't get a "temporary" wound cavity in bone, but I'm not an MD or ME, so I don't know for sure.


New member
I have seen it mentioned a few times, and I am confused a bit. You guys have to buy things from your wives? Are you all accountants? If my wife has something she doesn't want and I want it, she just gives it to me. Then if she wants to buy something else she says "I am going to go pick up that Walther we saw" and I say "okay, drive safely" the end. Maybe I am just weird.;)


Let her do what she wants with HER guns. If she makes a bad trade or deal, then it becomes a life learning experience - which is what life is all about. Some turn out good, some bad, you learn from every one of them