problem with my wife and her gun


New member
We went out this evening and i stopped by the gun shop for a box or 2 of ammo.While there she asked to see a gun,i thought great she wants another one.I was almost happy that she wanted more than one gun but it was not so.

The gun she picked up was a walther pps .32 acp.Now she tells me she is thinking of trading her Glock 23/with 9mm conversion barrel and 4 mags for it.To say the least i was shocked,and i offered to buy the little walther but she said no.

So should i buy her the walther or let her go with the trade.I know it's her gun to trade,but i don't want her to regret getting rid of it just to step down.


New member
Why did she like the Walther?

And why do you think she is better off with the Glock?

BTW, I think you meant a PP or PPK. I believe the PPS is only available in 9mm and .40S&W.

Has she ever shot that model of Walther?

Does she like shooting the G23?

What made her choose the G23 in the first place?

The answers to those questions should get you going the right way. (The right way is ultimately going to be letting her make an informed choice, and choose her weapon, IMO.)

If she hasn't shot the Walther, you should see if you can find somebody who will let her shoot one. The PPK can have a very steep DA pull, and she might not like it so much in practice.

CK Bigoldi

New member
Do you tell her what to eat for breakfast, too?

Uncalled for...

The G23 is a big gun for most women so I understand the compulsion to get something smaller. I would counsel her to at least list the G23 for sale rather than taking a huge hit.


New member
I'm for letting her get what she wants, my wife's first pistol was a S&W md 15, she has put a lot of rounds downrange with it, she then fell in love with a Walther PPK in .32, just recently bought a charter arms .38 snub, I don't tell her which one to carry when she does carry. I figure the .32 is better than swinging her purse at a bad guy. She is happy, I am happy, life is pretty good. Just remember, "If Momma ain't happy, NO one is happy"

David AGO


New member
I know it's her gun to trade,but i don't want her to regret getting rid of it just to step down.

In my opinion, a Walther would be a step up from a Glock, but that’s just me.


New member
Uncalled for...

This idea that women are too stupid to choose a gun is one that should have died a long time ago. You don't tell your wife how to wear her hair in the morning, what color to paint her toenails, which purse to carry, etc. The way i look at it, if my wife was smart enough to pick me out out of all the guys walking around out there, she can handle her own business. What gun she carries to guard her life is her business.


New member
Read my signature! Buy the Walther if she likes it!
.................................... V ......................................


New member
tackdriver said:
This idea that women are too stupid to choose a gun is one that should have died a long time ago.

I don't remember the OP saying that. I would consider myself a person of above average intelligence, but in certain things I defer to my wife's judgement. That is how marriage should work. Our skill sets are complimentary. My wife doesn't know a 44mag from a 22lr and would ask my opinion before she chose one. Besides, why sell the Glock if he wants it. She could get the ppk and if she decides she made a mistake they wont have to buy it back.


New member
Who cares, its just a glock. Like you can't get one again if you want it..

she liked the walther in a love-at-first-sight type of way by the sound of your post..let her do what she wants. what do you care what she carries? she's the one that has to carry it, not you..take the fanboyism out of it please.


New member
Tackdriver said:
This idea that women are too stupid to choose a gun is one that should have died a long time ago. You don't tell your wife how to wear her hair in the morning, what color to paint her toenails, which purse to carry, etc. The way i look at it, if my wife was smart enough to pick me out out of all the guys walking around out there, she can handle her own business. What gun she carries to guard her life is her business.

This is not an intelligent post, to say the least. So you are saying that your wife knows as much about firearms as you.
My wife does not, she relies on her husband, me, to guide her. I pick out quality and reliability and she picks out what fits. I don't buy her more than she can handle. Nor do I buy her a weapon that will let her down.


New member
My S&W made PPK/S is my absolute favorite carry pistol. For me, it handles very well. The double action trigger is very heavy, but not stagey. If you put your finger on the trigger and very slowly apply more and more force, once you get that 12 or so lbs it just pulls straight through naturally. Then the single action pull I can only describe as one of the best, if not THE best, SA pulls on any DA/SA auto ever made. The pistol is also very easy to maintain, even moreso than a Glock. Once every week or 2 I oil all of my guns as the oil dries up off of them. Usually when I go to oil the PPK it's still perfectly oiled. Maybe every month - month and a half it needs to be oiled again. Great pistol, and to top it off it's run through a few hundred rounds of all sorts of jhp and fmj with zero issues. YMMV, but mine has been outstanding.


Power levels, carry guns; Massad Ayoob...

I do not really understand the constant use of some handgun models based on "looks" or "appearance".
As I often write on firearms message boards; "Guns are not toys, props or accessories.". Gun owners should select a pistol based on serious issues like budget, power level, features, skill training etc.
Gun writer & use of force expert Massad Ayoob wrote a article about concealed carry firearms/common self defense myths and made the point about carrying a powerful handgun for protection.
A .22LR or .32ACP or other small/sub compact size round is not as good as a .38spl +P, a .380ACP or a .40/.357sig/.45ACP/9mmNATO.

She may want to collect the Walther .32ACP pistol but I would not get rid of a Glock 23 over it.


New member

We don't know how often she carries or shoots the G23.

We don't know her body type, or how she dresses.

It is entirely possible that regular carry of a G23 is not feasible for her; we don't know.

A PPK is much more easily carried and concealed.

The .32 on her person always beats the .40 in the safe.

Amin Parker

New member
If she likes the Walther she will probably end up carrying more often and that in the end is what we want our loved ones to do.


New member
Will she carry the walter more? Will she practice with it more? If yes then get her that. Though test fire it first. And it sounds like YOU like the block, so if she wants the walter buy it and trade her for it... I dont see the problem


New member
I would let her buy what she wants.... I just let my girl sell her 39-2 to get a larger framed 4506...because she said she likes it better...I only told her that being only 100 pounds it would be harder/heavier for her if she ever wants to conceal carry it.


The Walther PP or PPK in .32 is an original that German Police (and others) used for a very long time.




Whether in a purse or holster I consider it a step UP.