Pro-Gun Decal on Home Window?


New member
It is best to keep a low profile, and not advertise having guns in any way. Don't even mention "Gun" as a deterent unless you are ready to use it.

And don't put signs on your house like "Never Mind the dog, Beware of the owner". That is just plain idiotic and un neccessary. It sounds cool around freinds, but if you use your weopon lawfully to protect property and loved ones, you can bet that the perpetrators lawyer will have giant pictures of your signs as evidence in civil court, reinforcing the notion that you were just itching to shoot somebody. If you make it out of criminal court that is.

Just take solace in the fact that if somebody threatens your family, you can take care of buissiness.


New member
One part you anti sign folks are missing is we have now been

indoctrinated into the 'keep your guns hidden' mentality. Part of this is so that when they come and take them... not one else will know. A lot of gun owners have gone into the closet out of fear of being 'outed'.

I have a bumper stick on my truck with a quote from Hitler about how safe the German people will be because they now have full gun control.... interesting thing is in a way he was right. You realize Hitler didn't kill hardly any German Jews or other citizens... because most of them had already left or been thrown out of the country... it was when he started invading his neighbors that they got the free ride to camp.

My house is empty of folks that can shoot an average of 2-3 hours a day... when those hours are is a toss up... bad guys get to gamble.