Pro-Gun Decal on Home Window?


Staff In Memoriam
Since I been burgled twice with one being the loss of many firearms including heirlooms and no gun or other sticker was displayed, I don't see enuff enhanced risk to worry about my NRA decal. It isn't there as a deterrent... It is a proclamation of my love of both my 2A and 1A rights...


New member
Since I been burgled twice
Sheesh, the large pair of work boots would scare me off! But don't worry Brent, with the dogs, oversize bowls, empty cases littering the front yard and the squirrel blood on the porch, the NRA sticker is kinda superfluous. :)


New member
stickers / decals / signs all may or may not help , draw attention, invite theft / show pride.

Maybe layers of security are as or more important.

Here are a few layers and I realize that some cannot procure all and some may not be able to based on type of dwelling or living situation.

But layers = time and warning to some degree which can save your life and also, a BG will notice where layers are present vs. where they are not.


watch dog / alert dog / or even small yappy dog that goes nuts when senses presence near entry point. For $100 bucks you can buy a device that is motion/sound activated that you set near the door and it "barks" when detection is made. My sister has on in her kitchen by the back door. It's pretty cool.

Outside lights. Motion are great, but even porch and flood lights are good to leave on.

Solid doors with good solid frames / dead bolt locks. kept locked.

Security system kept on for outer doors and especially when sleeping

Good powerful hand held spot light and flashlight. I once noticed a stranger poking around my SUV. I spotlighted him and he took off like a track star.

lights on timers that periodically come on during the night. doesn't have to light up the whole house, but if someone is casing your place for info, if they see the kitchen light up at 2am one night but the den light up at 330 the next night, that is a good thing.

most security systems have a key fob panic button option. nice to have in an emergency.

have a plan for where to seek safety, phone for calling out, and yes SD / firearm plan to protect and save life.


New member
or even small yappy dog that goes nuts when senses presence near entry point.
I'd rather be shot than listen to a yappy little mutt all the live long day!

For $100 bucks you can buy a device that is motion/sound activated that you set near the door and it "barks" when detection is made.
I'd rather be shot than pay a 100 bucks to listen to a yappy little electronic mutt all the live long day.

Outside lights. Motion are great, but even porch and flood lights are good to leave on.
I'd rather be shot than stare at my neighbor's flood lights all the live long night.

Other than those minor points, I like your layered defense strategy. :)


New member
my neighbors do have to endure a few flood lights and two hound dogs who will bark and howl if something comes in the yard.

oh well, we all make sacrifices.


Staff In Memoriam
grym, That was back when Mrs.Hogdogs refused to allow shoes left outside... inside city limits so any shooting was immediately followed by the shell scramble to pick up the ebb-E-dense:D One time was during the 6-10 months without a dog and the second was with a lovey dog who may have showed the burglar my stash of hand guns hidden under 3 feet of "out of season" girly clothing in the closet:mad: Don't get me miffed right before mrs.hogdogs gets home from the sugar mine... If I am pouting she paddles my bottom...:eek:


New member
under 3 feet of "out of season" girly clothing in the closet Don't get me miffed right before mrs.hogdogs gets home from the sugar mine... If I am pouting she paddles my bottom...
I'd rather be shot than to know any more about this, Brent! :D


Staff In Memoriam
under 3 feet of "out of season" girly clothing in the closet Don't get me miffed right before mrs.hogdogs gets home from the sugar mine... If I am pouting she paddles my bottom...
I'd rather be shot than to know any more about this, Brent!
Her GIRLY clothes.... HERS!!!!


Staff In Memoriam
I don't know what you mean...
but if you wanna scrap...



New member
I don't get it... a sticker or sign is an indicator that I own a firearm

where were most of you folks raised?

I was born and raised in South Carolina and EVERYONE I knew had guns in their home and usually in their vehicle....

I'm still here and I think most folks still have a couple guns in their house and and a lot have one on their person too.


New member
I am a firm believer in "out of sight, out of mind".

If a woman wants to leave her purse in the car - put it in the trunk, do not leave it in the seat or even on the floor. For that matter, leaving anything else out in the open and visible gives someone a reason to break in to your car.

In college I would hide my home phones when we had parties at our house - people loved to use phones that didn't belong to them for long distance and 900 number calls.

Having a car that is all tricked out, the coolest, loudest, etc... these are all things that draw attention to you and can give someone a reason to follow you/break in/whatever.

"Blending in" is getting to be more and more important imho.


New member
A cop once told me that he would regularly pull over people with AA bumper stickers and that many of them would be intoxicated. Advertising your stuff gets attention and it may not be the type of attention you desire.

Any pro-gun sticker says "guns inside" to a thief. Think of it this way: If there were two houses side by side, and one appeared that it possibly/probably had guns inside while the other did not, which would you burglarize?


Staff In Memoriam
woad, NOT THE ONE WITH THE PRO GUN STICKER.... Might have a N.O.P. (nut on patrol) inside like my house usually does:rolleyes:... But I am a chicken who feels the best way to stay alive is to stay honest... so I can't think like a thug, thief or faker...


New member
A robber will take stuff from you face-to-face. A burglar takes stuff from you when you're not there. I'm talking about burglars, not robbers. Burglars don't need to worry about you or your vicious defense of what's yours because you won't be there when you get burgled. That's how it works.

It is a proclamation of my love of both my 2A and 1A rights...

You're also advertising your possessions while proclaiming your beliefs.
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New member
This is sort of like the debate over whether it is better to open carry or concealed carry your firearm. It depends upon the situation. If there's a robber, rapist, etc... out looking for an easy mark he might bypass the house. If it's a burglar casing joints for booty, it's like an advertisement.

I myself prefer to remain a mystery (contents unknown) to whoever might drive by the house.

Also, I just like to avoid political statements like bumper stickers even though I have strong opinions. I don't want to be prejudged. I had my car keyed one time in a parking lot just because it had a DOD decal. Some college kid didn't like military people and called it a war protest.:barf: The police called it vandalism.


New member
I don't even put stickers on my car. To me, it just advertises I have a firearm. I'll take the element of surprise over the possibility of deterrence.

I have beware of dog signs and no trespassing signs on front door and back fence though.


New member
My Dad used to say, "The less people know about you - the better off you are."

I'll add, "Especially your neighbors."


New member
Everyone has the choice to do what they feel is right. I think some on this thread get their feelings hurt if you don't think like them.

Everyone lives in a different community and they differ also. I live is a city where I lock the doors if I go out to mow the lawn. :D Paranoid? Most likely but all it take is 30 seconds for someone to steal something. My mother-in-law who lives 35 minutes away is in a farm house, leaves her doors unlocked 24/7. :eek:

So am I paranoid or does she have her head in the sand? Maybe both. Why take the chance?

Another example: If you were in a war zone, would you be better off looking like everyone else in camo and driving a humvee.............or better off dressed in neon orange driving a red sports car? Why bring the attention to yourself?

Good luck and be sure to always wear a tin foil hat. :p