Pro-Gun Decal on Home Window?

I've searched for the topic, but I only seem to come up with threads relating to NRA-esqe stickers on cars.

I have a new gun for HD, and I was excited to receive decals with my new NRA membership this week. I thought it would be wise to put one of them on one of my front door windows (to hopefully discourage would-be BGs who think that a single lady makes for an easy target at night), but as I was doing so, it occurred to me that it might actually make someone more prepared to use firepower upon illegal entry.

I'm not sure what I think now. Is it a bad decision to post a decal where it would be viewed by someone illegally entering your home? In my mind, someone who wants to steal my gun wouldn't try to do it at night while I am there - and if they want to do other BG things, they will be less likely to risk it if their target is potentially armed.

Thoughts? Please point me to existing threads if I just missed one, I find it hard to believe that this is a new topic.


New member
I have no issues putting one on my truck, But i would not put out a sign saying free guns when I am not home (all an nra sticker is really when on a house)


New member
oh and me a friend might be going out to lone star gun range sometime on Tuesday. You are more then welcome to join us if you want


New member
I would have to agree that putting NRA, XD, M&P, Berreta, Glock, etc sticker on your home would not be in your best interest. It advertises what is inside. You would be better served by putting an ADT, Brinks or another security company's sticker on the entrances. My 2¢


New member
Inside my garage on the door entering the house I keep a "used" range target.

Once they make it in the garage the have one last chance to change their mind.

All guns are locked in a 800lb safe "except" 1.



New member
I have one that says "Beware, Occupants Armed and Ready. Is Breaking In Worth It?" right above my NRA sticker and below my TSC Membership Sticker. They are in the lower left corner of the window on my front door. And if those aren't enough of a detourant for a would-be intruder, my 130lb German Shepard/Pit Bull who is very protective of me, my family and our house is more than enough. Just his barking is enough to send shivers down your spine (according to a neighbor).


New member
As cool as it is to have a used range target and/or sticker...I'd recommend against it.
Asked one of the local LEO's about it when he was here investigating the home intruder we had a couple months back. He fully understood the reasoning to put up a target, but advised that generally it means free guns to potential thieves. However, we do have a sign up with the hobo symbol for "man with gun", he was cool with that since the vast majority of people have no idea how to read hobo. :D


New member
'free guns?"

they won't be free at my house... most are not in a safe.... at least one handgun in every room.

here's the security sticker on my front and side doors...



New member
I beleive that some things deter thieves, like bright outside lighting, and some things encourage thieves, like pro-gun stickers on house or car windows. If you are more concerned with projecting a macho image than in detering thieves then put all the stickers you want on your house and car. I want to deter thieves from choosing my house, but if they decide to break in I do not want to forewarn them that they are likely to encounter an armed homeowner. This issue reminds me of the "mall ninja" syndrome where the individual clearly enjoys, or needs, to tell the world what a tough, mean warrior he is but really projects an amusing childishness to everyone around him.


New member
I was biking home the other day (car's broken down) and this jeep that passed suddenly pulled to the side in front of me and slammed on it's brakes. This was about 500 feet from the corner road that my apartment is on.

Turns out they saw me, the way I look, and wanted to know where they could get some weed. But before I knew that, I was obviously weary of their intentions. I thought about crossing the street but it's fairly busy and would have looked suspicious, plus I was almost home. I slowed down, went wide, and was going to just drive by but that could have sparked an even worse situation so I decided to treat them like someone asking directions.

They looked to be college aged and for whatever reason they were trying to find some fun in a place they found boring. Not sure why they were here, but the whole thing made me nervous. Were they cops trying to entrap me? I don't have or smoke weed but people see me and ask me on occasion, and I've had younger people ask me to buy them beer. Never have, obviously.

So, during the short conversation I mentioned that the only entertaining thing around, in my opinion, was the gun range. I said it without really thinking to put the concept in their heads that I at least occasionally shot, and that perhaps I had a gun in my bike bag. They were extremely sketchy and I was kind of hoping to freak them out with the statement.

Their response actually had that effect on me. They said that they had guns and looked interested, and I said "unfortunately it's members only", which it is.

We parted ways and even though I immediately regretted bringing up guns, it occurred to me as I biked into my parking lot that I had basically just told two guys, who were not local, that I had guns and where I live. Not a mistake I'll make again.

I wouldn't suggest telling anyone that you carry, or that you have guns, it seems like bad advertisement.


My all-time personal favorite goes something like "If I find you trespassing in my house tonight, they'll find you lying in my house in the morning." Pic of a big hog leg included.;)



New member
Hellbilly, my dog is ALWAYS home, heehee, the fat slob hates going out in the car, for walks, LOL!
Seriously, I have alot of friends who are LEOs and they all agree, no matter how vicious your dog is, no matter how expensive and sophisticated your alarm system is, no matter how bright your security lights are or how secure your locks are, or, no matter how many guns ya own, if a criminal is going to break in and rob you or do whatever criminals do, nothing is going to stop them. It doesn't matter if you are home or not. I agree that some of the stickers out there look tacky or may advertise you own firearms, but thinking like a law abiding citizen (I have a hard time even trying to think like a punk), with half a brain, I would think (hope) that hearing what could be the dog from hell, or seeing a warning that the occupants are armed, would make me think twice, even three or four times about breaking in. Then the reality hits, and I realize that most criminals don't think, or care. Well, the way I look at it, it is their butt-crack, not mine.


New member
IMHO putting a gun-related sticker on your home achieves the same thing as putting up a yard sign that says "PLEASE BURGLARIZE ME". :rolleyes: I'm not worried about violent thugs coming in at night looking for a shootout. I'm worried that crooks will case my home and raid it when I'm not there... and take my tools, checks, spare cash, and credit card statements while they're at it. :(

I go further than most people. My mailbox is outdoors and unsecured, so I have a P.O. box where all of my financial information and all of my gun magazine subscriptions go. Nobody reading my mail will have any idea that there are firearms in the house.


New member
maybe a simple NRA member sticker displayed could cause a possible
BG to think a man or men live there as well. No offense to you or anyone
but a membership display isn't like saying I have a large cache of guns
sitting on my coffee table.

It simply shows that someone who lives there is a member of the National
Rifle Association. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't think the targets and other signs help much but they probably help
the attorney of the guy who got shot and sues your estate.


New member
IMHO putting a gun-related sticker on your home achieves the same thing as putting up a yard sign that says "PLEASE BURGLARIZE ME".
That's also why there's no revealing stickers of any sort on my truck. I prefer flying under the radar. Nothing unusual, nothing to draw attention, as far as anyone can tell I'm just another sheep in the crowd.

No offense to you or anyone but a membership display isn't like saying I have a large cache of guns sitting on my coffee table.
No, but the BGs (as well as the busybodies and the .gov) do realize that nobody bothers joining the NRA without having at least some guns. And guns are highly sought after by burglars, they bring a good price on the black market. It makes you a burglary target.