Possible terrorist threat in South Florida today!


New member
Some time to locate? How many hundreds of miles is it from North Georgia to where they were pulled over? No radios in the Georgia state po-po cars? Georgia police don't how what a roadblock is? No helicopters down there? If they wanted them, they could have got them easily.

rhedley, maybe they did joke out of disgust because they could not eat in peace and people were staring at them. But the woman at Shoney's related a lot more than just stupid jokes, but both federal and state crimes.

If the police believe her, they would have pulled them over immediately. Why let them switch cars in Macon or allow them to get closer to the "target"?


New member
KS, if the police didnt believe her, then why did they follow them, and ultimately pull them over at all?

Why did they get the bomb sniffing dog to check out their car if they didnt believe her?

Why did they close down the highway, and go to all the time and effort to investigate them at all if they didnt believe her?

Finally, why do you think other people would be able to confirm story? Just because she heard it doesnt mean anyone else did.

You are making a lot of assumptions, that are based on nothing.

No offense, just dont understand why you are so sure the guys were innocent, didnt say anything about terrorism, and that she is making it all up.


New member

Years ago, my Mother was killed in an auto accident near her home while I was on vacation, the Highway Patrols in four states couldn't find me [for notification], now granted they weren't using roadblocks or helicopters, but my point it, it's not as easy as you put forth.

You think the police didn't believe her !! Did you see how many cars and equipment they had at the scene?

You seem to want to believe this event was just foolishness, but this is only hindsight on your part. If something had been discovered she would indeed be a good citizen..REDNECK or not..

Have a good weekend........


New member
lone, assumptions? Like the hero lady in Shoney's?:D Not assuming, just going on what we know so far. We may have to wait until these guys start suing before it is all straightened out.

Like I said earlier, I don't know what brought the dog out there. I'm certain the medical students civil suit will tell us. If they believed her, why pull them over in Florida? How about Atlanta? The police could have just walked up to them in traffic.;)

rhedley, this event was foolishness. However, it is not hindsight. This sort of treatment has been going on against innocent Muslims for over a year. It is based in igorance and counterproductive to the War on Terrorism.


New member

You made my point....... you say the event WAS foolishness, but it's only WITH hindsight you can assume this..

''How about Atlanta? The police could have just walked up to them in traffic''. Freeman

Have you ever been on the belt way around Atlanta?

You have this all laid out in your mind, so pat, but it's all based on assumptions on your part. Look back at your posts in this thread


New member
It turns out (News as of 3 PM CST) that the second car paid the toll for both vehicles. Also, to further punish these wild-eyed dealers of death (in future mal-pratice cases), the university has told them that they are no longer welcome at that school and must find another school to study in. I am soooo happy that we, as a nation, punish those related (genetically) to the terrorists in such an even-handed, well thought out manner.

Dadofthree, There was a topic here a year or so back titled "Do you trust the police?" You should read it. Also, lately I have posted that I believe that it is a bad 5-10% that makes the rest look bad. There is the "Blue Wall" to contend with as well. Even if the K9 handler wasn't a prick, once his buddy called for a K9 unit, he probably felt obliged to "help" his brother LEO out and signal the dog to react and provide PC to search. Perhaps on his own, he'd have acted differently. Unfortunately, cops, like you and me, are human and tend to go along with their clique rather than be seen as "not fitting in." That is why I do not trust police.

My grandfather was a cop in Detroit in the 1920's he resigned because he could not in good concience enforce prohibiton. He also considered himself a "Peace Officer" not a "Law Enforcement Officer." He felt his duty was to the people not the politicians and revenue. He went on to be mayor of Pleasant Ridge just north fo Detroit and was an amazing man all together. I am almost glad that he passed away in the 1960's and didn't get to see the police (once again) violate the Constitution and betray the trust of the people who rely on them for help and protection.

NOTE: This is not a blanket indicment of ALL LEOs. Many (at least 90%) are faithful to their oaths and are worthy of our support and trust.


New member
rhedley, it's not an assumption to say this was foolishness. That should have been clear from the beginning; however, because of racism, everyone jumped to assume that Dr. Mullah Omar and his henchmen were out to do eeevil, such as being swarthy while eating. There assumptions aplenty, but they are not on my part, but on the hero woman in Shoney's and the police.

The statement about traffic in Atlanta was a joke. Oops, hope that doesn't get me pulled over down there.:D


New member
Spoken like a lawyer

We may have to wait until these guys start suing before it is all straightened out.

You are asserting that the TRUTH will arise from a law suit??

First, you where assuming, now you are asserting...:rolleyes:


New member
I'm going to look into my crystal ball and make a prediction - there will be NO civil suit! If by some freakish chance there is, I sure hope court TV carries it. :rolleyes:


New member
What, no comments on these guys being kicked out of the university and hospital? After all, they were SUSPECTED of a terroristic threat. I guess they deserved it.


New member
Just maybe

What, no comments on these guys being kicked out of the university and hospital? After all, they were SUSPECTED of a terroristic threat. I guess they deserved it.

Maybe the University and Hospital had a previous record of un- desirable behavior in their records. I would like to think there was more to it than was disclosed.


New member
Labgrade, care to revise your 1st staement directed at me? Turns out it was indeed without merit and they were NOT charged with ANYTHING..

Sad now that these innocent people lost their internships due to someone who was seeking some quick TV time. That's what can happen to ANY of us if we are not careful.


New member
I have no idea what reasonable suspicion allowed the Sheriff to bring in the dog.

There is so much bad reporting on this incident that this may be wrong, but it is reported that they refused a search of the car. That is within their rights, but if an officer has enough suspicion to request a search to begin with, then he likely will request a dog to establish probable cause for a search, even if you are as White Bread as Doogie Howser.

It seems that if these guys were victims of both bad judgement (I happen to think (not know) they made the comments, wise-ass kids being wise-ass kids the world over, regardless of ethnicity), and a really surprisingly bad set of conicidences (the toll booth, the confusion about the plates, the positive hit from the dog, the heightened National terrorism alert, the date). Given the situation, the police would have been grossly negiligent of their duties not to proceed the way they did.

I fail to see where their ethnicity comes into play in their treatment, except as an additional component of the set of suspicious circumstances. If this set of circumstances surrounded a white guy, I suspect the same thing would have happened, given the history of what a certain white guy did to a particular Federal building a few years ago.

The only really rotten part of this is the shoddy reporting by the media and some extremely unfortunate leaks by the authorities. I don't think the names of either the tipster nor the suspects should have gotten to the media. That sort of thing needs to be handled far better.


New member

Sad now that these innocent people lost their internships due to someone who was seeking some quick TV time. That's what can happen to ANY of us if we are not careful.

Just want to calmly point out a couple of things. I really don't think you should blame the Georiga lady for those guys losing their jobs. I think the three Med. students used bad judgement in playing to her fears, as a joke. Which is about what happened. They were most likely stared at, I'm sure it wasn't the first time, and will not be the last time..

I don't think they were "Innocent," and their little JOKE backfired !!