Possible terrorist threat in South Florida today!


New member
Mentioning "bomb" (or the terrrorist equivalent) in Shoneys is not too far a cry from shouting fire in a crowded theater. Both are inflammatory remarks that move people to action, and both are criminal. We are at war folks, and threats are threats. If indeed these three were joking (no matter what their motivations), I hope they're shown the error of their ways with a federal prosecution for making terrorist threats.


New member
What did those guys expect? I mean, three mid-east looking guys, talking about a possible terrorist attack on a specific day, in a specific place? They must be total dim-wits to think people would ignore it 2 days after the 9/11 anniversary.

If those of you who are finding fault with what the lady did were to hear the same thing, would you let it go unreported? If so, wouldnt you feel like a complete dumb-butt if something did happen?

I dont think there is anything racist involved here. The lady did what she should of done.

If these guys were pulling a prank, then it really has to be one of the most stupid pranks I have ever heard of. I agree this is the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a theater, and should be handled by the legal system as such.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
I agree this is the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a theater, and should be handled by the legal system as such.

I agree. Unfortunately, it is beginning to appear that the legal system, if it follows this sentiment, will be charging the woman who reported this.

As of this AM, the three men have been released. All of the information they have given police has checked out. Thus far, none of the woman's has.


New member
Racist? Feh. It's called "not intentionally ignoring the obvious." Middle Eastern men are more likely members of a terrorist cell trying to blow up stuff than the frumpy-lookin' churchlady one booth over. When members of said ethnic groups start talking about blowing things up, I don't know about you guys, but my ears would certainly pick up.

Moreover, the dudes were terminally STUPID in pulling that prank, in the South no less. They're lucky they only got the cops called on 'em, as opposed to having a jumpy newbie Georgia CCWer draw down on 'em in the restaurant.

"Law enforcement is not to protect the citizenry from the criminal, but to protect the criminal from the citizenry"

It does sound too blatant for Al Queda though.... they might be nuts, but they ain't stupid enough to talk operational plans in public.



New member
I would hope that even Yankees who hear people talking about commiting crimes would report it to proper authorities. I kind of dont think the fact this was reported in GA had much to do with it.


New member
Kaylee, nope, it was good, old fashion racism. Obviously guilty of the offense of being swarthy! LOL, good one, Tamara.

My favorite part of this whole debacle is when they interviewed Eunice and she said "her excellent hearing" allowed her to understand their eeevil plot to be swarthy and wear beards, and, even more eeevil, eating a meal without pork. Reminded me of "excellent night vision" that will prevent people from shooting the wrong person.

Even if they did say this, so what. Can't you tell a bunch of gawking rednecks to get stuffed? Don't know much about Georgia's criminal statutes, but don't you need "present ability" to get around that pesky First Amendment? Would not be surprised to see a criminal prosecution in Georgia just to CYA this whole farce.

The real damage here in the damage that woman in Georgia did to the War on Terrorism. Just as when mall ninjas kick in the wrong door and shoot up a good guy, TFL erupts in anger. Now, Arab/Muslim-Americans will be further enraged by correctly perceived discrimination and may not cooperate with criminal investigations of real terrorists. As one of the medical students said, time for Americans to read a book.

Compare this debacle to the arrests up in Yankeedom today. An alleged AQT cell was busted up because of information provided by fellow Muslims.


New member
lonegunman --

Oh, I'm certain that they'd get reported just as quickly up north. My point was that down in Georgia, some folks wouldn't necessarily wait around for the po-lice to show up.

KS Freeman --

And if it was a couple white kids in long black coats talking about how "They'd all be sorry" and "got enough ammo?" one year to the day after Columbine, you don't think they'd get the same response?



New member

HE said-SHE said. No evidece of anything. She reported it and they followed it up. Did they make a bad joke? I know that that they did not cooperate to well. When are they going to file their law suit? As for EUnice, she did not come off to well in her interview. Reminded me of a busy body. But who knows? These are strange days we live in . Be Good .



New member

Some of the posts I see here are very judgmental, especially in light of the language used in many of them, like racism, gawking rednecks, 15 minutes of fame, and "paranoiac".......... !!

I believe the woman did the correct thing, ..what would the posts read like had the officials found something. It's only "after the fact" all these "all knowing posts' arise.


New member
KSFreeman, maybe you know more about this story than I do. How do you know the woman is racist?

How do you know you are not prejudiced against her, since she is from the south; you seem to assume she is a "redneck"?

And please tell me what you would do if you heard 3 men talking about a terrorist plan? Just ignore it?
Better safe than sorry. People are the eyes and ears of law enforcement and if we were to berate every individual who comes forward with information, crimes would be very hard to solve. The difficult part is to separate the wheat from the chaff and it takes some "sense" on the part of the officer/investigator.

If these guys were joking, and it indeed appears to be, it was in poor taste and of that, they are guilty. As for the lady, she did what we would want someone to do.


New member
FS Freeman

QUOTE]The real damage here in the damage that woman in Georgia did to the War on Terrorism. Just as when mall ninjas kick in the wrong door and shoot up a good guy, TFL erupts in anger. Now, Arab/Muslim-Americans will be further enraged by correctly perceived discrimination and may not cooperate with criminal investigations of real terrorists. As one of the medical students said, time for Americans to read a book.[/QUOTE]

The real damage here, will be "the after the fact" comments that come flooding in.
This will certainly make other "redneck*"citizens hesitate to report any suspicious activity, for fear of a hatchet job like I am seeing here.. :rolleyes:

*"redneck" //// not my term

Some of the comments made in this thread are very offensive. and made by those that so strongly condemn racism.


New member

For those actually PAYING ATTENTION, it is basically a he-said, she-said deal. They claim they said nothing wrong, she says she heard them make statements that really can't be interpreted as anything but terroristic threats. As an aside, all three are citizens of the U.S. (1 by birth, 2 naturalized). No evidence was actually found of any real participation in terrorist activities.

The odds they are real terrorists seems about zero, unless they are the dumbest terrorists in the universe. On the other hand, framing random A-rabs doesn't really make sense either. What's the point? Even if she was a barbaric redneck living by the "Deliverance" lifestyle primer, wouldn't she just have done something immediately that was grotesque or pigheadedly offensive? Or are barbaric redneck persecution techniques suddenly getting more subtle?

I'm just speculating, of course, but it is much more likely that either (a) they really were scumbags joking about mass murder, or (b) she mis-heard what they said, and maybe embellished what happened after the fact to make her motives for reporting them seem more sound. If (a) was the case, they were lucky they didn't get beaten or murdered on the spot. If (b) was the case, she was a dingbat, but not necessarily a redneck racist, since after all it isn't exactly the Really White People of Sweden that fill Al-Qaeda's ranks.

But really, who knows? And who cares, since no matter how you slice it they weren't a real threat? Fortunatley, it seems like we (and our occasionally lukewarm allies) are doing a pretty good job of nailing the "real deal" lately.


New member
Kaylee, the scenario you describe did happen. A lot of kids went to detention for silly jokes or people who "heard" them making silly jokes. That was wrong; what happened in Georgia was wrong. If it was 3 grad students of Swedish heritage at Shoney's in Georgia, nothing would have happened.

lone, how do I know this was racism? Because there was no evidence of any terrorism/terroristic acts other than the racial characteristics of the 3 medical students. They weren't talking, in a public eatery, about any terroristic conspiracy. That was a shooting/fishing story made up after the fact. They were sick of being stared at and could not eat in piece. Somebody took offensive to people who are obviously guilty of being swarthy in public being "uppitee" and called the coppers.

lone, if they really did what you claim they did, why wait until they are all the way down in Floriduh to pull them over for running a toll booth? The coppers didn't believe her. I don't either.

rhedley, nope, I have been making these comments for a long time not just regarding this latest debacle. This type of racism chases away those that would be most valuable in killing the New Barbary pirates. When we act as this situation in Georgia, we alienate the very people that will birddog the BGs. We need human intelligence (as Hackworth sez: those that break bread [or Nan here] with the enemy), that is hard to get when the people you need, are unwilling to cooperate.


New member
KSFreeman, I see your point, but disagree as I think it is baseless.

You seem convinced they were not talking about a terrorist act in public. They deny it, but she says they were. How do you know who to believe?

You also seem just as convinced that this woman is a redneck, and made the whole thing up, just because she doesnt like arabs (which you dont know is even true or not). I am worried that maybe you, and not her, might be the prejudiced one here.

I also think you are dead wrong that race had much to do with it. If these guys were blonde headed, blue eyed Swedes, and I heard them talking about a terrorist act, I would still let the police know.

If they were talking about a terrorist act in public, just as a joke because they thought she was eavesdropping, that really doesnt matter. They are apparrently too stupid to realize that no one else would think its a joke.

As far as the police pulling them over after they ran thru the tollbooth, I dont know why they waited til then to pull them over. But if, as you say, the police didnt believe the woman's story, then why did they get the bomb sniffing dog to check out the car?

So please, for those of us who dont have as much insight as you, please tell me what you would do if you heard 3 men, of any nationality, discussing a possible terrorist attack. I have asked you this already, but you did not answer...


New member

..My advice to some would be, In traveling, don't stop a Shoney's, the way you carry on, you may get detained.. :D

The Good Citizens are up and ready..


New member
lone, sorry about not answering all your questions. If I heard 3 people, of any race, discussing a terroristic plot, then I would contact both federal and local law enforcement and report what I heard.

The three medical students were not dicussing any terroristic conspiracy. If they were, the police would have pulled them over long before they were an entire state away for running a toll booth. I have no idea what reasonable suspicion allowed the Sheriff to bring in the dog. However, I am confident that it was nothing the woman said as if they believed here they would not have waited to pull the cars over.


New member
KS, so how do you know they were not discussing a terror conspiracy? Because they said they werent? Because the woman was a redneck?


New member
lone, if the woman was a credible witness, the police would not have waited for them to drive from North Georgia to Southern Florida. If the woman was a credible witness, others would be popping up left and right to confirm her story and to get on the tee vee.


New member
I may have missed something,,

... how can you say so emphatically the three guys were NOT joking about 9/11?
Were the Police following the three MED students all the way from Shoney's or do you think it may have taken a little time to locate them along the long highway and all the reststops and gas stations?
They stopped both cars, only one blew the toll booth and that may have been incidental.