Possible terrorist threat in South Florida today!


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Possible Terrorist Plot Against South Florida
MIAMI -- An advisory has been sent out to police departments across the state. It's a warning about three men who may be putting together a dangerous plan involving Miami.

A woman at a Georgia restaurant says she overheard three men talking about coming to Miami and she didn't like what she heard. So tonight police are on the lookout for those men.

One day after America remembers September 11th, an alert is issued to police departments across the state about three men.

A woman overheard them talking Thursday morning at a Shoney's restaurant in Calhoun, Georgia. The woman claims the men said, "They (Americans) mourned on 9/11 and they are going to mourn again on 9/13." The men also discussed "running 5 hours behind schedule." One of the men reportedly said, "We do not have enough to bring it down." The men then left the restaurant, and headed south on I-75.

Miami-Dade County officials say they are not taking any chances.

Steve Shiver, Miami-Dade County Manager says, "At this point in time we have no reason... ...to be aware of our surroundings."

We have comprised some information about these men and police are asking for your help. The description of the first car: A Nissan Maxima: cream color with gold trim and a Carmax tag on the front of the vehicle.

Now the second car: A new Honda, black with Illinois plates.

Now for the suspects' descriptions. First: A man of possible Middle Eastern descent, 5'10'', 200 pounds, 20-30 years old, black hair, brown eyes, set wide apart, thick beard that extends past his collar.

Second man: again, possible Mideastern descent, 5'7'', 130 pounds, black hair that comes down to his collar.

The third and final man, also of possible Mideastern descent, 5'7'' 130 pounds, shiny black hair.

Now we want to stress tonight, as we speak, the nation is still at an orange alert. (the second highest) This may be nothing, but they just want to talk to these men to make sure.

If you have any information you are urged to call Miami-Dade CrimeStoppers at (305) 471-TIPS or in Broward call (954) 493-TIPS.

The article's source


New member

Thank GOD for the lady in Calhoun GA!

It looks like they have found the cars she tipped us off to. I am watching it on Fox News right now! Both cars tested positive for explosives when the bomb dogs checked them out!
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New member
These are probably some rogue group..Al Queida seemed more hush hush than talking out loud in a Shoneys. Still I'm very glad they caught them. I wonder what in south Fl they were going to target. :eek:


New member
What they were going to target? Hmmm, probably rednecks that wouldn't stop staring at them as they attempted to eat in peace. "Hey, Cledus, I think that thar's a dad gun ol' terrorist. Call the revenoorers."

This is further proof, as if we needed any, that racism is not only morally wrong, but a complete waste of time.


New member
What they were going to target? Hmmm, probably rednecks that wouldn't stop staring at them as they attempted to eat in peace. "Hey, Cledus, I think that thar's a dad gun ol' terrorist. Call the revenoorers."

This is further proof, as if we needed any, that racism is not only morally wrong, but a complete waste of time.

That's what I'm wondering. When I read what the woman actually alleges to have overheard, I was kind of skeptical. When her name and face appeared in the spotlight, I kind of wrote her off as a "15 minute seeker."

If it turns out to be legit, well then good on her. I don't think it's going to come out that way though.



New member
Sky, a lot of people do not think they exist until they "are on the tee vee." The ignorant are even more dangerous than the envious.

They are calling this woman "a hero" on CNN and showing her face everywhere else. Good reason to keep your head down or you'll end up confirming someone's existence.

another okie

New member
Where y'all from? Half the people in Oklahoma will "mourn on 9/13" because half of our high school teams will lose tonight.


New member
You're right Sky,
I saw this woman on TV and obviously she's looking for 15 minutes of fame. The people who were stopped had nothing on them and were charged with nothing. Apperently we all have to be very careful what we say in public because someone seeking to get famous may be calling the Police "hey, I heard someone saying something I didn't like, better check them out!"

Now the police were down there chasing pink elephants. :rolleyes:


Member In Memoriam
Tsk, swatman, your "charged with nothing" is without merit. At least one of 'em was charged AND ticketed for failure to dump his $.75 in the hopper.

As it turns out, The Lady was prescient & had 'em tagged from the git go.

She's a hero.

Still wondering what type "explosives" the dogs whigged on ...


New member

I don't care what color they were. I am glad the cops checked it out and were able to find the guys. And, so, why did they run the toll gate? Why were they uncooperative?

There must be more to this story than we have heard!


Moderator Emeritus
They were obviously guilty of multiple counts of Eating At Shoney's While Swarthy and misdemeanor Sitting Next To A Paranoiac.


New member
I don't really understand all of the criticism of this woman unless you think that she just made the whole thing up.
This is further proof, as if we needed any, that racism is not only morally wrong, but a complete waste of time
A complete waste of time? They found the guys she described and the dogs confirmed explosive scents.

i thought TIPS was dead?
That's why we didn't need the TIPS program. If you overhear someone planning a bombing or a shooting at a school you already have the ability to call the police. Are some of you saying that if you heard someone talking about blowing up a building, making Americans mourn the day and giving specific dates that you wouldn't tell anyone. None of my business I guess :rolleyes:


They were obviously guilty of multiple counts of Eating At Shoney's While Swarthy and misdemeanor Sitting Next To A Paranoiac
I think she would be paranoid for turning them if only thing they did was eat and be Arab, but unless there is a huge coincidence and she is lying about what they said, they found the guys she described, and the dogs also tagged the car as having traces of explosives.
How could we live with ourselves if this exact same thing had occured on September 10th, 2001 and we ignored it because it was really none of our business.


Member In Memoriam

What explosives might that be? Reason I asked the question.

Dogs whigged on something, but I'm here to tell ya that if there was ANY trace of real explosives in either of those cars, our budding medical students wouldn't be tooling their way into Miami. FAIK, the dogs tagged on likely something nitrogen-based. Coulda been lotsa stuff, most non-explosive.

First I heard of the story (early AM), I was thinking about what in Miami could be ref'd to as "brought down" - figured we were gonna start seeing some things .... &, that the lady twigged on something important.

More 'n more though, as the story started playing out, I just had this real funny feeling that all wasn't what it appeared.

Looks like the "med students" were just sick & tired of being "looked at funny" & decided to do their own kind of "payback."


New member
Very possible that the dogs reacted but with further testing they could not find anything. I don't know if dogs will react to the smell of ammo the same a explosives used for bombs or not. From Sparks post it would seem that they intentionally acted and spoke like terrorists to make a "joke". If that's the case they get what they deserve. I would bet they aren't Americans. Not many people I know would think it is funny. To make a joke about blowing up a building after 9/11 I would think would be reason for the Government to pull visas and send them directly home. Try going to Isreal and making a joke about wear a bomb while riding a bus. Its just stupid. My main beef was that this woman reported what she heard in good faith. She didn't make it up and the idiots tried to make her believe they we terrorists. It seemed that a several thought this woman reported what she heard because she wanted to be on TV or make a name for herself. I don't see that she had a choice but to report it given the circumstances.


New member
DadOfThree, I'll trust cops with dogs when pigs fly. Several years back a buddy of mine was stopped and refused the cop to search so a K9 unit was called for. Of course the dog acted correctly to warrant a search. The trouble was the car was about three weeks old and the guy NEVER, EVER touched drugs and he hadn't gone shooting or put any guns in the car either. After several hours of sitting in the back seat of a VA troopers car they finally let him go with a warning to not be such a smart a$$ anymore.

From what I have heard both here and on other forums, K9s react to whatever the handler wants them to, regardless of there being nothing present to properly trigger them.

I suspect that those FL cops wanted to find out wha was in the car and manufactured PC with their dogs. Did you see the way those guys looked and dressed? They were a walking billboard for "mess with me please, mr. officer" in their Muslim hats and beards. Not that those on their own should deprive them of their right to free passage but it sure makes everyone hinky.

BTW, I think the woman is a bigot who didn't like the way they looked. I also think the cops did the right thing in stopping them regardless of their later actions getting a false (?) hit with their dogs.


Member In Memoriam
According to FOX, the one car which had the "faulty tag" - well, turned out the IL DMV had the records screwed up - both cars clean far as that goes.

One guy was an honest to goodness born in the USofA citizen - like you 'n me, another (as reported) was a naturalized USA citizen & the other here on a visa (IIRC).

Won't say the "joke" was in bad tase, or that the lady didn't do the right thing given the "joke," et al, but I am disgusted with most, most mind you, not all, the lunacy about terrorists behind every bush & don't care to stand in a line, have my stuff searched or frankly, give up one single iota of my (or your freedoms) to be "safe."

If we've so many terrs running about, why aren't there all kinds of "bad things" happening on every corner?

I'll ask again. The West was tinder-dry, most still is. 4 guys, 4 cars, every point of the compass, a box each of railroad fusees & we'd've lost 1/4 the country besides the electrical grid.

Where's the (extra) smoke?


New member
She may or may not be a racist, I don't know. But if these guys were trying to make her think they were and it worked, I have no sympathy at all for them. They got got what they deserved, maybe less.
I don't automatically agree with everything an LEO says but I sure don't assume that they are all lying and should never be trusted. What's the purpose of having any police if you can never trust them. All in all I think they do way more good than harm. Not a flame, we just don't agree.