Ported barrel a deal Breaker?


New member
oneounceload said:
As I posted earlier, the serious target guns do not come ported.
Come now, 1-oz, you're beating a dead horse on this one. One of my Perazzis is factory compensated, and I never had anyone say it isn't a serious target gun. The reason some serious competition guns don't come with ports is the same reason pro bicycles don't come with pedals -- they are very individual features and are left up to the end user. If porting wasn't effective, why was it been banned, as a cheat, in some of the shooting sports? If all the comp guns came factory ported, they wouldn't be allowed in some of the international events and their marketability would suffer.

1-oz, you are fortunate that your ports seem to be self-cleaning, most aren't. Perhaps your sissy loads don't leave deposits.

I've shot a lot of targets in competition and have never heard anyone comment about ported guns being louder. Of course, all competitors wear ear protection. If you're in a duck blind right next to someone with a Cutts and you don't have ear protection, perhaps you should re-think your situation, Cutts or not.


Zippy - yours is the first and only P gun I have ever heard that came factory ported - I have seen dozens, been able to try some and none had porting. looking at the Perazzi site as I write, they don't show it. While Perazzi will build you anything you want, porting is not something they seem to heavily advertise.

Maybe my light loads clean the ports better than your loads, my friend, but typically running a brush down the barrel takes care of whatever might be building up in there.

Don't know how much 5-stand you shoot, but our stations are close to one another and ported barrels, even with muffs, are noticeably louder

Just the way it goes I guess, y'all do what you want


New member
Sissy loads ...oh, oh ...( now his feelings are going to be hurt ...) ...

I will agree that sometimes a 5 stand stations get way too close to each other ...and with targets that are moving hard left or right ...some shooters tend to get way out in front of the cages ...and swing pretty hard to their left or right ...and a ported gun can blast the shooters next to them ...

but every time I've seen that be an issue ...its because the cages on the 5 stand were set way too close together ...where, in my opinion, they need to be a solid 3 yards apart ( like a Trap field ) ...to eliminate the noise issue. I don't shoot a lot of Trap - but I shoot next to ported guns on a Trap field all the time / and I don't find it an issue. I do find noise is an issue if someone wants to shoot an 18" barrel on a Trap field ...and I won't stand next to anyone shooting a gun like that on a Trap field.

I've seen some 5 stands ...where the stations are really close ...at around 5 or 6 feet ...and it is noisy .../ but that's a field layout problem ....not a porting problem, in my view.


New member
Is a ported barrel REALLY hot stuff or is it just "Frosting on a fritter"? I've never felt the need for one...


New member
<< Yes, but the Goldwing has heated seats / and heated grips too ...>>

Gawd, might as well buy a TOUR BUS. No offense... Just sayin'...

1950 panhead, nothing on it it goesn't need to run or be street legal.
Solo seat and P pad on a rigid frame.


Staff In Memoriam
I've never felt the need for one...
Well the point of the thread was whether or not I should skip buying the gun due to it being a factory ported unit and no smooth bore shiny field barrels sans porting.

At this point I, with the opinions of all who replied, think I could live with the colander look.

If I find later that I just cannot stand the porting, I can hope they make a regular barrel by then or I will just JB Weld the holes and might even insert some mono fish line and have me some kitty whiskers... Then when I go sneaky snakin' around the place huntin' up feral cats, they might think me and the 930 are just one big ugly cat with a real long nose;):D

As for the bike, my rigid riding days are 15-20 years behind me... Still like a hotrod bike but now the aura or style is replaced by a road hugger with high perfomance suspension, brakes and tires to back up stupid high horsepower...
