Pondering the craziest SA wheelgun upgrade ever :)

Ideal Tool

Hello, Jim March. For some reason, I have been thinking of your post ever since I saw it. I just knew I had came across this before..but I've been too busy. Attended very nice Antique Arms show over weekend..& finally found answer...I am sorry to burst your bubble...but Colt beat you to the punch in the very early years of the Peacemaker production! There is a new book out about rare variations of the Colt S.A.A. I didn't buy, but there are detailed drawings very close to what you had in mind..perhaps you should look into firearms design? Anyway, they had a gas eject system, as well as a mechanical ejector. These of course were all tool-room prototypes..I wonder if they are on display or even exist? Good stuff though!

Jim March

New member
Not surprised at all. Hell, the Maxim machine gun is very obviously derived from the guts of an 1873 Winchester levergun. To a degree, so is the Luger pistol. Right at the transition from 19th century to 20th they were trying all kinds of crazy crap :).

Jim March

New member
There Will Be Brass. And copper line. No guages, but...I'm seriously considering other "Steam-esque" cosmetic upgrades. I mean hell, if I'm most of the way there already...screw it, right?


I'd like to get some engraving done on the sight body...on one side, "Krakatoa", the other "Breakalegga"...


One trick will be to get the upper half of the loading gate open only after the "eject position" chamber has an empty in it. I think there's a way to do that automagically - by carving slots into the upper loading gate so that as the cylinder cycles twice, the shells themselves will push the upper loading gate first halfway then all the way open. It'll make the cocking stroke stiffer on the first two but that should be OK - I've already got the lower-slung SBH hammer on there and I tend to grip it very well with my strong-side thumb.

Here's why it matters:

Start with the gun in carry position: fully loaded, hammer down, both halves of the loading gate all the way closed. Cock it, and a live round is moved from the behind-the-barrel position to the "eject position". This is round six in the firing order. We don't want it ejecting yet - but we can allow the upper half of the loading gate to come open halfway, pushed by that first rotation for the first cocking. We fire round one. The upper half of the loading gate is still closed enough that it holds round six in. Good. We cock it again. The upper half of the loading gate gets another, second "shove" - and now it pops out all the way. Good. Round six is now safely in the gun, held by the LOWER loading gate half (original to the gun and still closed). With the upper half of the loading gate open, great, each empty in that spot when the gun fires gets auto-ejected via a gas tap copper line off the compensator chamber at the muzzle.

When the gun is dry, one option is to just dry-fire it putting the last empty behind the eject location and use the manual ejector to kick it out. Then throw open the LOWER loading gate, free the cylinder for rotation, grab a tube and fill 'er up. Close both halves of the loading gate, ready to go.

Key thing here, I'll have to make sure there's no "high spot" on the front of the upper loading gate...otherwise I'm liable to tap the primer on live round number six and set it off out of battery, trashing the frame. Whoops. There'll be some damned careful clearance checks there.


I'm gathering parts now. I've taken careful measurements, performed a true free-spin mod (altered the pawl) and otherwise started the prepwork.

Heh. Yeah, this is either gonna be really cool or really stupid, damned if I know which yet :).


you forget the basic issue with this whole idea. if you make a system that is automatic in function, wether by magnet activating the system by simple rotationinto a set place, or gas piston, you must deal with the fact that a simple system like this will toss a live round out the first time it activates.

for a mere 30,000 i will tell you at least 4 different ways to make sure that doesnt happen. and for an extra ten i will tell you how to do the original idea inside the ejector rod housing and have it work.

Dr. Strangelove

New member
Jim March said:
Dr. Strangelove said:
Better yet, why not drill a wee tiny baby hole under the barrel and plumb a rigid tube to it, thus having a gas-operated single action pistol?
OK, that's officially WAY evil. But...dear God. It would work.

Well, of course it's WAY evil... that's why I'm Dr. Strangelove.


Mein Führer, I can walk!:)

(Note: I'm not a Nazi, I'm not suggesting Mr. March is, it's a very funny movie, google it...)


if you have a 45 acp chamber one, you can have the ejector assembly shuck empties out, and have it insert live rounds. thats if you figure out the required force needed to push a live 45acp round out of a 1911 magazine( can use them hi cap glock mags too if ya wanted). the magazine wouldhave to be upside down, and youd loose the loading gate completely to install a mag well.

gas operation would be easy, but youd have to forgo low pressure stuff. can easily do it manually as well, but you dont seem interested in it.

crap, need a peacemaker now to jury rig.

Jim March

New member
I've done some pondering as to what the muzzle end will look like. Here's what I have so far:


Direct link:


i figure by using an oversize tube as the basic structure I get two advantages: I can use the existing front sight mount as a base and I get these "gas passages" to work with pointing back along the barrel. Those gasses have to be directed out sideways from there but there's a couple of ways to do that as shown :).

NOT shown yet is the gas tap tube but that's easy - probably best is to run it along the ejector rod assembly.


New member
I like the P-51 look, but you'll definitely need a heavily modified holster to hold without ripping them off during the draw.