Please do not carry ammunition to Russia in your luggage...


New member

Sorry but on this one I don't think the state dept. should lift a finger. I check all local laws before transporting guns and ammunition here, I can't imagine trying to bring ammo to Russia.

U.S. Pastor Given More Than 3 Years in Prison for Bringing Rifle Shells Into Russia

Monday, April 21, 2008

MOSCOW — A Moscow court on Monday sentenced a U.S. pastor to more than three years in prison for smuggling hunting ammunition into Russia.

Phillip Miles, from South Carolina, has been in custody since his arrest on Feb. 3. He was arrested several days after customs agents at a Moscow airport found a box of 20 rifle shells in his luggage.

The court sentenced him to serve three years and two months in prison, with the sentence calculated from his detention date.

Miles has said he brought the .300 caliber cartridges for a friend who had recently bought a Winchester rifle. He said he did not know bringing such ammunition into Russia was illegal.

Judge Olga Drozdova accepted in her 20-minute summation that Miles had brought the ammunition for a friend, "as they are both inveterate hunters."

The cartridges were not initially found as he flew into Moscow. They were detected a day later as airport security put his luggage through an X-ray machine while he was on his way to check in for a flight to Perm, a city in Siberia.

Miles was dressed in a gray jacket and clerical collar for his sentencing.

"I'm very disappointed. It's a strange sentence for one box of hunting bullets," he said as court bailiffs led him in handcuffs from the courtroom cage, where defendants in Russian criminal courts are held during trial.

His lawyer said the sentence was surprisingly severe.

"I hoped he would only be found guilty of the illegal possession of ammunition," Vladimir Ryakhovsky said.

He said the conviction for smuggling was unfounded as his client had acted without any intent to break the law.

An appeal will be filed within 10 days, he said.

Miles seemed relaxed throughout the judge's summation.

His interpreter struggled to keep up with the judge's delivery and stopped at various points throughout the sentencing. At one point, Miles tapped the interpreter's elbow to remind her to resume.

Miles has admitted bringing in the shells, but said he did not bother to check if Russian laws differed from U.S. laws.

But Drozdova said the court could not condone ignorance of Russian customs regulations and noted Miles had visited the country more than 10 times.

She also stressed repeatedly that information on baggage limitations was available in the airport in both English and Russian.

Ryakhovsky said, however, that leaflets in the airport contained no specific references to a prohibition on taking cartridges onto flights.

"The judge's finding on that front was dishonest," he said.

Miles will remain in a Moscow jail until the appeal.


New member

Wow. What a statement. This pastor from South Carolina makes a mistake by bringing in hunting ammo (without the gun) and is sentenced to 3 years in prison in a foreign country for this "mistake" and you have the audacity to call him a moron??

Musketeer, I hope you are never faced with a circumstance where you find yourself at the mercy of a state, any state for a law you were not aware even existed. Then, none of us will ever have to call you a moron.

Of course, if anyone cares... the reason Russia is being hard on this man and the reason why the charges have been trumped up is because he is a member of the clergy. The Russian government wants you to worship at their government alter, not the alter of God.


New member
The man smuggled ammunition into Russia.

Smuggle, meaning to bring into a nation illegally. There is nothing trumped up here. He brought the ammunition into the nation on purpose. Remember the old "ignorance of the law is no defense" adage, this is a perfect example. He did not forget he had some ammo in a bag and get caught, he brought it in on purpose.

Let's roll the clock back 20 years... Would any American have seen a problem then bringing ammunition into Russia? Why would you not even bother to check the laws before trying to do so today? This is nothing more than punishment for the one universal offense, stupidity.

I have no doubt the Russian's would be hard on any American dumb enough to do this.


New member
Smuggle, meaning to bring into a nation illegally. There is nothing trumped up here.

Musketeer, did you read the story you linked to?? is what the man's lawyer had to say.

His lawyer said the sentence was surprisingly severe.

"I hoped he would only be found guilty of the illegal possession of ammunition," Vladimir Ryakhovsky said.

He said the conviction for smuggling was unfounded as his client had acted without any intent to break the law.

So, Musketeer, you find yourself in a situation where you are taking the Russian government's position in this matter and not the defense. Very odd, if I may say so.


New member
He said the conviction for smuggling was unfounded as his client had acted without any intent to break the law.

His intent to not break the law was meaningless, he chose not to even investigate the legality of his actions. He willingly packed the ammo into his bags and transported it to Russia.

Am I siding with Russia here, to a large degree yes. I may not agree with the law but I do agree with the right of a sovereign nation to write and enforce its own laws within its own borders. Kind of like if a Russian came here and violated our laws.


New member
Wow. What a statement. This pastor from South Carolina makes a mistake by bringing in hunting ammo (without the gun) and is sentenced to 3 years in prison in a foreign country for this "mistake" and you have the audacity to call him a moron??

Personally, I'd choose the word "idiot" over "moron," but now we're just playing semantics.

It's their country, their rules.


Having, in my misguided youth, spent a small amount of time in a Mexican jail, I must say that I have no sympathy whatsoever for folks who travel some where and get themselves into a pickle.

This guys has been to Russia before and has no excuses.

WildimwiththeforcesofreasonhereAlaska ™


New member
Having, in my misguided youth, spent a small amount of time in a Mexican jail

How much time have you spent in Mexican jails in your misguided adulthood?:)

As for this case, the punishment seems fairly stern, but the good pastor seems to have been either cocky and foolish, or ignorant and foolish.


How much time have you spent in Mexican jails in your misguided adulthood? learns that no matter how drunk, calling a Tijuana Cop "pendejo" (sp?), is not advisable.

It was a $500 insult :)

WildboydidismellbadaftergettinoutofthereAlaska TM



"Freedom" in Russia is approximately back to where the USSR was in 1988-1990.

Argue all you want with FH's ideology, but find me a better set of historical metrics that are fairly consistent and I'll use them instead.

Does anyone know of a study or paper analyzing historical trends in national freedoms vs economic power? It would be interesting to see comparisons for the last couple decades of:

1. Sum over all countries of (population of country X / world population) * freedom house metric for country X
2. Sum over all countries of (Freedom house metric * GDP of country X / total world GDP)
3. Sum over all countries of (Freedom house metric * gross consumer spending in country X / total world gross consumer spending)
4. Item 2 removing the freedom house metric component
5. Item 3 removing the freedom house metric component

Please don't make me find the data and do it myself (which might never happen)! Someone somewhere must have done something like this!


New member
Well this guy got what he deserved. He willingly brought an illegal item into a foreign country without ever bothering to read the laws. Where did he think he was going, Alaska. This is Russia, even with the fall of communism little has changed in regards to the laws of the land. Firearms and ammo are heavily restricted in Russia, with severe penalties for breaking those laws. He probably got off light, compared to a poor Russian citizen who would be sent to the worst prison in Russia for a very long time.


New member
I wonder what is going on with the friend who asked him to bring it...

I'll never forget an old episode from around 91 of American Detective. They were riding around with the Soviet cops who caught a drunk motorcycle driver. The American cop asked what the penalty was. They recited some stuff about a fine and revocation of license. I was thinking that it seemed pretty light until the related the last part of the sentence...

"... must spend three years is Soviet People's labor camp." GULAG!!!! This moron is hanging out the back of the paddy wagon shouting the only English he probably knew ("Cops Suck") and they were taking him to the gulag!


New member
It's their country, their rules.

+1. It seems odd to me that people who always dump on the president and the government in general, for meddling in the affairs of a certian middle eastern nation, are so quick to override the laws of other sovereign nations simply because they deal with the preferred hobby of this board.

Don't like it, don't go there.


New member
While I don't disagree that there should be some penalty for what the pastor did, I do think that 3 years in prison is unnecessarily harsh. Confiscation of the ammo and perhaps a fine would seem reasonable, but prison time I just can't get to.