Please do not carry ammunition to Russia in your luggage...


New member
whay does the US not make as big a deal about americans being abused abroad?

Many other countries see our death penalty as a human rights violation. Other countries see blasphemy of their prophet as an abomination against God. Should they invade the USA?

One country's freedom is another's oppression.

Don H

New member
Ruthless4christ said:
but when an american is being abused by another government (is that not foriegn affairs?) we do nothing about it?
An American abroad who knowingly violates another country's laws is hardly being abused when called to task for it. Or are you just saying that the laws of other countries shouldn't apply to Americans?


New member
Don H, all i am saying is that when the american government wants to wage an undeclared war, to gain money or to help out people that are not even from here, it´s no big deal. but an american gets in trouble overseas, and i promise you the first theng the embassy will tell you is that they cant interfere. I dont believe anyone should be crooked anywhere, but when the US government wants to be crooked for thier own gain it´s one thing, when it comes time to back up the little man it´s another.


New member
TSA travel rules

as i travel ALOT all over the world, i am up to par with the protocal of TSA for weapons on international flights.

as long as it is inclosed in a hard case (within or without your suitcase) you can carry up to 4 pounds of ammo. inside or outside the us. that is on the american side. thats all TSA cares about. once you are in the other country it is in thier hands


New member
another point

i have lots of slavic family in russia, as i am half ukranian, and i should bring up something else. THe russian government is completely Russian Orthadox, it pervades politics and culture to the most extreme degree. so much so that evangelical churches can no longer legaly buy property inside of main cities, and churches other than ORthadox are regularly ahrrasied by the police.

I am not trying to say The US needs to do anything about this. However being a Missionary myself, and being friends with many(in the dozens) of missionaries in russia i belive the judges rule could most likley be biased by the fact that lots of russian officials feel that any churches other than THIER national church is a culteral perversion and must be stamped out.
just an observment


New member
Does anyone know if this guy would have been allowed to give the ammo to his friend if he had declared it?