Pick a .380 - not what you think


New member
I know getting opinions out of this bunch is tough, but here's your problem: You need to buy a .380 Auto, 9x17, 9mm Kurz, whatever you like to call it, because, well, you don't have one. It's not a carry gun. It should have some pride of ownership aspect, history, high level craftsmanship, etc. It will go to the range mostly, not a safe queen. Just to make it harder, exclude the FN 1910. That would be too easy, and it's already on my list.

Given those rules, what would you buy?


New member
I know getting opinions out of this bunch is tough, but here's your problem:

I'm not sure that I've ever seen the "problem" of getting an opinion around here...

Sig p238 - matches my other carry guns "manual of arms", well made and carries easy. My "list of requirements" is a bit different from yours.


New member
Colt 1908, Beretta 1934, CZ 83. Of course, it's hard to find anything better than the FN 1910; That's been my carry for about 45 years now.:D


New member
No idea why anyone would want a. 380 range gun but having an LCP now I would go with the Walther Pk380.


New member
I second the colt 1908, even with its terrible sights I've found it to be a phenomenal shooter and pretty to boot. There's quite a bit of history behind it and the 1903 as well.


New member
Nothing wrong with the .380 as a range gun. Absolutely dirt cheap to shoot for a reloader.

A Sig P232 in stainless steel or the aluminum frame model if you want to save a few ounces. Classic lines, wonderfully made, more reliable than a PPK and very enjoyable pistol to shoot with an excellent double action trigger and good sights. Nothing wrong with the Sig P230, either.
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Easy!!!! A surplus Beretta 84.


lee n. field

New member
I know getting opinions out of this bunch is tough, but here's your problem: You need to buy a .380 Auto, 9x17, 9mm Kurz, whatever you like to call it, because, well, you don't have one. It's not a carry gun. It should have some pride of ownership aspect, history, high level craftsmanship, etc. It will go to the range mostly, not a safe queen. Just to make it harder, exclude the FN 1910. That would be too easy, and it's already on my list.

Given those rules, what would you buy?

Something fairly elegant. The Beretta Cheetah, or Browning's version of the same.


New member
It should have some pride of ownership aspect, history, high level craftsmanship, etc.

Easy choice, Beretta 1934, or for something more modern, M84.
There is nothing with more class, and Italian beauty than a Beretta!
Well, OK, maybe Sophia Loren.:D


New member
I don't follow .380's so someone choose for me. My criteria is simple... stick to what OP outlined and give me:

Longest barrel
Best single action trigger break
Best target type adjustable sights
Made from metal, no plastic outside of grips

Capacity doesn't matter, the four items listed are in order of importance.


New member
Cheap, under appreciated ... The Bersa Thunder 380 is an awesome gun. Reliable solid gun that is actually nice to shoot. Accurate too. The PPK is nice too, a little nicer craftsmanship maybe ... for a lot more money.