Pellet Pistol Gun for wife


New member
This year I quit feeding black sunflower and replaced it entirely with safflower. Its about twice the price, but does not attract near the number of squirrels so it lasts longer and is more available to the birds as the squirrels are not monopolizing the feeder. I don't see any less birds, or fewer species. I only feed from November to May to keep the bears and coons at bay. I also have suet and thistle out too.

It may be fun and gratifying to harass the squirrels but I am doubtful of its ultimate efficacy. I had a friend who used to shoot them with .22 CB caps but the best he could do was just create a temporary void that just invited more to the feast.

T. O'Heir

New member
A water pistol would be best. Not very accurate or have much range. Mind you, tree rats aren't known for their memories. So getting squirted on Monday may not still be in Rocky's mind on Tuesday.
There's a thing called a 'Stream Machine' that says it'll do 70 feet. Supposedly sells for $12.
"...Garden hose..." That you probably have already. The holster for 'em is kind of awkward though. snicker.


New member
Crosman makes a pump .177 (1377) or .22 (1322) pellet pistol, it's fairly powerful and she wouldn't have to pump it much to scare them without injuring them too much.


New member
Crosman makes a pump .177 (1377) or .22 (1322) pellet pistol, it's fairly powerful and she wouldn't have to pump it much to scare them without injuring them too much.

You realize at 2-3 pumps (minimum to reliable shoot a 1377/1322) you are shooting at around 370ish FPS.

Hitting a squirrel with a .22 would be like you getting hit with a softball or larger projectile moving at like 250 miles per hour. I don’t think minimum amount of injury is what you’d be thinking. :).

All I am saying is a 1377 will injure them pretty badly but not kill them humanely. If your gonna shoot the little suckers use an air rifle, hit them in the right spot and anchor them.

I am kinda perversely wondering what a 250 mph softball would do to me. Definitely an ouchy and broken ribs for sure. It’s gonna leave a mark. :)


New member
I'd recommend a Beeman HW-70 in .177 cal. It's a spring-action (no pumping needed), accurate pistol with adjustable sights. Squirrel stew on the stove!


New member
My Squirrels don't raid my feeder, just look up at it !!!

She is willing to do most anything to protect her bird feed. Not necessarily kill them, just scare them away.
I can relate to her situation and rather than kill them, I prefer to repel them. Even though it took some work, that is what I "finally" accomplished. ..... ;)

Don't get me wrong, I teach Hunter Ed. and enjoy eating squirrels That I "hunt". Normally, I do not shoot "Yard-Squirrels" and in fact, you could say that I have protected them by shooting ones that had the Mange. Rather than recommending a pellet gun, I recommend you find a good way, to repel 24/7 and there are many. Your wife doesn't hate Squirrels; she just doesn't like what they are doing to her feeder. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
If you can still find the metal ones, these will work. After awhile they stop trying and just look up. trying to figure it out and settle for what's on the ground !!!

Be Safe !!!
That thing looks like a hoot to just sit and watch.

My wife wanted a squirrel feeder one time. I told her, "God will provide for the squirrels." Without batting an eye she shot back..."He did. He provided me!"

What could I say? She got her squirrel feeder.

Just to stay on topic, I've got a CO2 "Colt SAA" that shoots BB's. You load it with special cartridges, just stick the BB in the end of the cartridge, and load like a normal SA revolver. It's a lot of fun to shoot. I don't know that I'd count on hitting too much with it, but it makes a pretty loud CRACK when it fires. Might work. Or at least be satisfying to shoot. :)

Here's what it looks like.


Pretty fun to plink with but sort of slow to reload.
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New member
Run out of town on a rail

My fair city has constructed 5 squirrel bridges, to prevent the little rodents from being squashed by cars.
We also have an annual squirrel festival.

Most of the squirrels in my neighborhood are darn near tame.

Shooting squirrels here? Naah, I have enough headaches in my life.


New member
Squirrel ....... bridges?????

This is probably a stupid question but how do the little rodents know to use or are enticed to use the bridge instead of “froggering” across the road???


New member

Yes, 5 of the darn things. Civic pride.

I live in a city that seems to worship rodents. In the big scheme of things, what the heck, it is amusing and harmless.

We have a lovely park with lake in the middle of the city, lots O trees, and lots of squashed squirrels running between the park and across the street to the other trees.
Harmless and amusing. One is a replica of the George Washington bridge done in Aluminum.
City even made a little money off them. One is carrying advertising for a new Disney movie starring? Why furry little rodents of course.


New member
I have a sight hound. She’s pretty good at keeping the squirrels on their toes. A few weeks back she brought us a rabbit. She was impressed with herself, the wife not as much.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


New member
Squirrel ....... bridges?????

This is probably a stupid question but how do the little rodents know to use or are enticed to use the bridge instead of “froggering” across the road???

Great question! In these parts, the squirrels use the subway. Yet there are still roadkills...:confused: :(
That thing looks like a hoot to just sit and watch.

My wife wanted a squirrel feeder one time. I told her, "God will provide for the squirrels." Without batting an eye she shot back..."He did. He provided me!"

What could I say? She got her squirrel feeder.

Just to stay on topic, I've got a CO2 "Colt SAA" that shoots BB's. You load it with special cartridges, just stick the BB in the end of the cartridge, and load like a normal SA revolver. It's a lot of fun to shoot. I don't know that I'd count on hitting too much with it, but it makes a pretty loud CRACK when it fires. Might work. Or at least be satisfying to shoot. :)

Here's what it looks like.


Pretty fun to plink with but sort of slow to reload.
Nice! Own a number of Air Pistols and keep meaning to get one of the Colts. Pellet guns and BB guns all the best buys now with the Riot shortages. Summer coming on quick and Perfect for all my Co2's. Thank goodness for Air Rifles and Pistols, I still get to shoot frequently.


I know the OP has already settled on a solution, but thought I would reply anyway given that there's still some discussion on the topic of airguns for scaring pests away.

For scaring pests away, something like an Airsoft gun, shooting plastic round balls at relatively low velocities, would be much better. There's still some chance of permanent injury if an eye is hit, but much less than with a conventional airgun shooting metal projectiles.

It can be surprising to some to find how effective even low-velocity airgun pellets can be.

The book, Airgun Hunting and Sport, Misadventures of a Manic Compressive, by Ron Robinson, has a lot of information about hunting with airguns and killing small game (rabbits, squirrels, etc.) with CO2 air pistols churning out velocities only in the 400fps range.

Animals shot with a conventional airgun should be shot with the intention of humanely dispatching them, not with the aim of simply scaring them.
One thing further about Air Rifles etc. It seems that on Powder Burner forums, any mention of a Air Rifle for instance is usually associated with killing squirrels. They are much more than that. While many people do hunt with them, I would say more enjoy the sport of target shooting, bench rest shooting a and Field target competition. Just like a rifle. I own many nice Air Rifles and I would estimate I do about 95% target shooting and 5% hunting. Air Pistols the same. Not that I have ever owned a air Pistol that I would attempt to hunt squirrels with. I have thinned out the backyard Population with a Pellet rifle, but not something I like to do.
My squirrel shooting is mostly like the target below.



New member
Get her a Wrist Rocket style slingshot and a bag of marbles. Odds are she won't hit them, but will come close enough to scare them away. Squirrels are very tough.


New member
I get that one can kill or severely injure small animals with a BB gun, but what about deer? I have a CO2 BB pistol that claims a muzzle velocity of 495 fps with a fresh CO2 cartridge, and at close range it will go through a steel food can. Does anyone have any idea if it could penetrate a deer at about 100 ft? The deer get in my garden and I would like to sting them with a shot to their rear end, but do not want to penetrate their skin and risk infection and slow death.