out of luck CCW due to travel arrangements???

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AH, you know where you can shove you 1 line answers that do nothing right? you had absolutely nothing to say last time either. I was starting a discussion on this forum. it was pretty much a rhetorical question+some of us enjoy the forum not just to get answers from 'the internet'. not surprising you took 'newness' the derogatory way also; thats why I added the bit in parathenses after during its original post. I said that out of respect for the LEO's that have already retired or have much more experience than me. that doesn't mean I am green, and I do not recall being overly repetitive about it. I will never have anything to prove to you. you can continue to try and get that from the people in your life which I am sure ou do.

wc145, I read your site+thanx. all that says is as of 7/09 the declaration, letter of authority or whatever is no longer accepted which I gather it used to be as I said. I know for a fact they flew armed offduty(as much as 'for a fact' I can get without eyeballing anyone actually boarding a plane. if you don't want to believe me thats pretty much on you. it didn't feel right to me, and thats why I didn't bother trying the one time I had the opportunity to. I explained myself after your original post but I guess you're still having trouble grasping it which is fine. show me in black&white where it says feds are ok no questions asked. I know marshalls are but what I was speaking about I wasn't trying to say LEOSA grants the right which you eluded to - that happens to be the same reason why I am respecting amtrak. I am federal law enforcement wc145 but I dont see why that would matter. many feds dont use planes for official duties but maybe you're right. personally I didnt want to mention the fed thing which I have in my other posts/threads because of trolls like AH(however your post was before his so I figured I'd let you know since you said 'feds can no questions asked') his question had already been answered before he asked it

wc is fine but when trolls like AH show up its time to just close the thread. I dont need the fun of TFL turning into he said she said and faxing documents to please his mind. what do you do Sir? whats your profession? are you an LEO? you shouldnt be judegmental AH.
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SHOT, that LT was already sitting on the plane when they came and got him off. I purposely left out the rank of the coworker who answered the call. he had already been approved or ID'ed and he was just waiting for the plane to take off&I guess someone decided to make a phonecall for whatever reason. it wasn't funny to him, but he is still a good enough guy to get a laugh out of it now.:)


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"CCW and gun comes into site by accident" thread

thats good to know. thanx for laying that out for me. I don't take risks w/my CCW unless I am sure, but I still have some learning to do. I thought hospitals were legal and banks weren't. It turns out banks are and hospitals aren't. I don't do too much inside banking, but I am still figuring they're a case by case CCW basis anyways until I learn different

posted by therealdeal 10/3/2010

therealdeal- it sounds as if you are not familiar with your own state's laws, at all.

This is a rather critical element of successfully carrying, whether open or concealed.

Perhaps you should spend some time and review your state's statutes directly as they are written.

posted by AH.74 10/3/2010

**It just gets old**

now to the 10/3/2010 thread partially quoted above: there are many laws when one CCWs. it takes time to learn them all. I don't see the problem taking certain areas of it slow. (ps- I am answering this post to make you happy AH!:D- I never responded in the thread to your only post quoted above.

again, I already knew the flying was legal for me. thats why I started the amtrak thread since I thought it wasn't legal. next time I'll get pe:rolleyes:rmission


You come across as being "thefakedeal" who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

It does not take much time to understand your own state's laws, it just takes intelligence. Something it seems you're lacking.

You certainly do not come across as a fed. Not even close.

If I had nothing to say last time why did you message me privately agreeing with my suggestion that you should indeed familiarize yourself with the laws?

ah74, you brought up a good point on my ccw hospital, banks, post(the one with it coming insight by accident). THE HOSPITAL THING HAS ALWAYS SEEMED LIKE A VERY BIG GREY AREA(sorry hit caps by accident), that I have never tried it and would be timid to unless I saw the law in black+white. the hospital is confusing to me w/regards to ccw.
ps-mentioned here after I just saw your post- I think I am done with posting on this one:the guy from virginia has been private messaging me VA laws- I guess he didnt like all the outofstate comments. personally I like hearing the other state laws too

A timid, confused fed who claims to have a CCW but doesn't understand the gun laws, that ARE there in black and white if only you had read them for yourself while becoming educated for CCW? Are you serious? Or is it YOU who are trolling? Why you don't ask your FED resources before posting to the internet is very questionable.

The concept here that is CRITICAL is having a full understanding of ALL the laws BEFORE carrying guns around concealed or not. Something you have admitted you do not have.

I'm no troll. Methinks you doth protest a little too much.
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OK A$% - have a good+safe Holiday Season. I probably would've answered you if you didnt always come across as an A%$ / I guess I did PM you but I forgot. Obviously when I responded to the other guy I did PM you real quick- I was trying to be friendly at the time despite your ignorance&I mean that with the sincerest honesty. I mean in that thread as only one example I said I carried under leosa. you ask loaded questions that are malicious in nature. Your purpose is to try an give a 'put down'. I am going to go and have a dinner w/my family now. do me a favor and leave me alone on this forum. I have a college degree, volunteered for the war on terror serving 4yrs, and I now I serve america and the justice dept. Not even counting the above statement, I have been much more vocal and communicative about my personal life than you have in your own posts. like your mom used to tell you, worry about yourself. I am very proud of what I do, and Sir you are lucky we are not on the playground right now. You are not better than people you think you have figured out over a couple communications on the internet. I am sure you think you are very special compared to some of us lowly LEO's whatever you do for a living but you need to drop the 'good will hunting' bit.


You have told me to shove it and have now used threatening tones. Who is the malicious one?

I have only tried to understand your questions which don't seem to make sense from someone who should have the background and experience you claim to.

I am not sure how you think I should have told you so much about my personal life in the two exchanges we have had.

In any event I am not out to "get" you. If you don't like being held accountable to your public posts reconsider what you post publicly.

Also- my first post to you was out of alarm that you did not seem to be familiar with your state's ccw laws yet were carrying anyway. That is concern for you, not attempts to put you down. So there is no need to be so defensive, I was actually trying to help. It is too bad that you feel the need to twist that around.
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AH.74, I wasn't surprised earlier to receive a negative response from you. I read it from my cellphone, you thought about it, and when I finally logged in you doubled your post and said many other unnecessary things on your 1 hour plus later edit. as you admitted, your first post to me was one of alarm. you then brought it up again 1 month later to pass judgement- you have never had anything nice to say. are you some kind of know-it-all or something? basically what your saying is since I have been allowed legally to CCW for 2 yrs, I should automatically know all the laws? you keep saying state laws. this amtrak thing isn't a state issue; again as I stated earlier I was starting a discussion about the federal travelling issues in general with amtrak at the forefront and flying also. I had already done my research and learned that it wasn't legal to leosa on amtrak. there are varying opinions on the issue: the laws, opinions, and so-on are diverse whether its driving, flying, using a boat, or taking the train. your asking about my profession. I think its reasonable(though I would never normally ask), whats your profession as I asked earlier? Please give me more of your background before we go any further with this conversation. If not, I feel its safe to say that you might be the imposter here. I would like to know how you know so much about the feds? your only communications to me have been on the three threads I have started. I still do not understand what is so alarming about asking if its ok to CCW more than one weapon while travelling thru many, multiple states(notice there is no question mark- I am making a statement and hoping you won't respond). I wanted to make sure on that other thread that it was ok from here to MA while I drove with my family - I had already known I was legal to CCW. LEOSA doesn't mention the multiple firearm thing. You are saying I shouldn't be ccw because I wasn't sure if I could ccw in a hospital originally-laws vary and change and I crossed that bridge when I needed to go to the hospital with my spouse. that is a farce on your part and you are trying to drag my good name thru the mud. I am very safe with my CCW, and I have definately earned the right. you pretty much backed me in a corner and forced me to respond or it looked like you were right. thats why I said I had nothing to prove to you. you got your way though, as I am sure you are used to in some form or another. lastly no hard feelings:

1)it sounds like a personal problem


2)you'll be alright someday
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You really do protest too much.

I am not trying to drag your name through the mud. Where do you come up with these things?

I did not ever say I knew anything in particular, lots or little, about the feds. I only commented that you don't come across as one.

I was alarmed that you did not seem to be familiar with your state CCW laws- the interrelation of CC and OC, and the locations it was not legal to CCW. If you are a fed, what does printing matter? Would you really get in trouble with work because of it, like you were worried about? I find that hard to believe.

You said you would be "timid" and referred to yourself as "confused" about the laws. These are not terms I recall people in your profession using, ever.

Yes, after two years I believe you should be much firmer in understanding the laws as they pertain to CCW. These laws don't just change overnight.

I would also think that if you are involved with DOJ you would ask people you were sure knew the laws rather than rely on the internet's invisible people no matter how much you like using the forum.

I did not back you into any corners. Again with the defensiveness. I have never seen any LEO be so defensive, nor feel the need to hold his or her experience over anyone's head as any type of justification or to make himself seem credible.

My background? It's in manufacturing, nothing whatsoever to do with law enforcement. In fact I have experience supplying to Olin-Winchester, specifically in their shotshell lines. I don't see how that has anything to do with it. If you review my profile you will see that over the two years I have been a member here I post very selectively and have no history being argumentative or instigating, in fact quite the opposite.

Others were wondering if you were saying you were in law enforcement or not- your phrasing was unclear.

I am allowed to doubt your credibility based upon what I see you say. I have said nothing to make you think I am an "imposter."

I have no personal problem with you, only making observations. I am glad you think I'll be okay someday. I think the same of you, and agree and appreciate the comment of no hard feelings.


New member
AH, you are a troll. please leave me alone for the 2nd time. I have no interest in reading your posts or threads. your terminology explains why I asked you about your knowledge of the feds. it isn't rocket science. I didn't want to respond to you because I saw right thru you and had a notion this kind of conversation would ruin my thread. I tried to nip it in the bud. I did respond because I felt like you put in a position where if I didn't it would look like I was avoiding your insinuations. you were trying to call me out and then wrongfully did later out of anger. whether you truly(I doubt it) believe I am making this up is irrevelant. my perception on the matter is what counts and it was dead on. your contexts of timid and confused were not the same in my posts as they were in yours(total opposite end of the spectrum). you Sir are the one that is making it up as you go. I Sir am guilty of falling into this ridiculous banter. It doesn't benefit either of us. please keep your fed&leo stereotypes to yourself. They have already proven to be inaccurate. I didnt just fall off the turnip truck
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it will be a cold day in hell before I don't protest against the likes of someone like you. everything is fine in your world as long as the players and actors are all in line with your vision of things. you expect me to respect you, yet you don't give respect on your end(just like its ok to ask questions and call someone fake but its not ok for someone to ask you questions or your profession&suggest you are an imposter). you reserve the right to give that later if and when you so choose.it doesnt work that way. any rational person who reads the posts can figure out why I aksed you what you do for a living. I'd appreciate the closing of this thread. you win
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You've become way too overly defensive so I have deleted the original content of this post. It does no good at this point. I have never called you names or acted immaturely in my exchanges with you.
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I have only tried to understand your questions which don't seem to make sense from someone who should have the background and experience you claim to.

Not really trying to take sides, but that's what I was thinking.


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Cops I know dont lose their heads, they remain calm cool and collected. Their training shows.

Now what can we learn from this thread?


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last post

well I am human but I can admit when I make a mistake. I apologize for losing my cool, and that mainly goes to the fella who was in on it with me. You had the right to your thoughts with regards to me; it was a soft spot for me because you were questioning one of the most important, necessary, & proudest parts of my life. I made a mistake by not handling it in a different manner. I am sure the tfl vets have seen someone not stay around before, so this won't be anything new. I just can't feel comfortable enough to stay on this forum with you all after this thread. It is very unlike me to jump around(I usually stick with what I got), but this is the way its gonna be this time I guess. My dad taught me 30somethin yrs ago that its time to go when someone willnot respect you or calls you a liar. I cant control your own opinions&posts; you have your rights plus can post what you like as long as the admins allow it. I do know that its not wise to think an leo can never lose his cool just like any other average joe, and staying calm is always important for everyone especially in their own professional settings. I started many threads, and some tfl members know that threads donot always go the OP's way. I enjoyed bringing up different discussions+points, and that was all I was trying to do here. I will continue to be a good father, husband, proud vet, and continue to tackle my career to the best of my ability. Anyways, have a good+safe Holiday Season.


New member
I will continue to be a good father, husband, proud vet, and continue to tackle my career to the best of my ability. Anyways, have a good+safe Holiday Season.

Now that sounds like a plan.

Remember, as a pro you must act like a pro. My cousin shoulda trained ya :)
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