Opinions on Beretta 92

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Cocked and locked and just plain crocked....

Actually, there is a good reason why some people like cocked and locked, even who don't carry cocked and locked.
One of he big reasons why so many rangemasters like 1911s is because its simply easier to shoot a cocked gun. Eight hours a day these guys wear cocked and locked guns while demonstrating to students. Then, at the end of the day, what do they do? Strap on a .38 revolver snubby!

When I got my CCW the rangemaster (as was required by house bill 40) had us apply the thumb safety to our pistols. Of course those of us with DAs wound up shooting the entire course double action. This means I scored 89 instead of 100, as I was using my most accurate DA- a stainless Beretta. At that time you had to qualify with what you were going to carry. Had I used a High Power or a 1911 I would have gotten a better score.
After the class was over the instructor, who was the head deputy in our town and I reshot it, this time I did not have to apply the thumb safety on every shot, and I did get a perfect score, even though we moved back ten yards.

As for the parting shots of my worth yopponent,

You know, there are folks who shoot blackpowder pistols too, Mr. Hand, but im not gonna switch to those obsolete weapons either. If the Luger is all that hot, why didn't it beat the 7,000 rounds between parts failure back in 1910 that the Colt did? Its a classic gun only because of its place in history. The reason nobody sane uses one today to protect their hind quarters is that it is poorly designed and fragile and prone to jamming thanks to that weak toggle action.

I don't see myself abandoning my Glock, 1911 or Beretta for a Lahti or Luger any time soon, but to be honest, I always did like the Radom and if I had one I would be tempted to carry it. It strikes me as a gun that was severely overlooked back in the day it was in production.

Oh, and by the way Mr. Hand, I never called you a liar. You yourself may have proved yourself to know next to nothing about the topics at hand, but I never called you a liar.
When I worked at a gunshop I could feild strip every semi auto pistol on the market, and I was quite familiar with their actions and lockwork, unlike yourself, who don't seem to know the difference between a Luger's toggle action and a Berettas locking block.
At any time you could have hushed up instead of keeping on making up baloney that you have no references for and embarrassing yourself even further. There is a famous quote that goes, "It's better to remain silent on a topic you know nothing and let people question whether or not you are ignorant about it than it is to remove your foot from your mouth and remove all doubt.
Thats why I never ever talk about auto repairs. I dont know crap about carss other than some obscure stats on old sixties muscle cars, most of which I forgot.
I do thank you for one thing though. You reminded me what a great pistol the B -92 is. Im gonna rotate my Glunk out of battery for a while and start carrying the 92 again soon.
Technically, I usually just shot the B 92 to avoid wear and tear on my High Power. When you field strip them side by side and look at the sheer size and thickness of the internal parts, you will understand why the Beretta can handle plus p ammo and the Browning folks recommend it. Its like Mass Ayoob said in print- the parts inside are more robust and can handle it.
Simple physics.
I feel very sorry for the Cliff Clavens of the world who- when caught up on stuff they know absolutely NOTHING about continue to spout out made up sewage to try and cover their tracks. Most adults, when shown an error have the testicular fortitude to admit it.

And was explained to you Mr Hand, the reason nobody makes a .45 with a locking block is because it would be too thick to be a reasonable size pistol. You dont need a locking block with the low pressure .45 acp.

You can whimper and whine and sulk, or you can look at this as a learning experience and start admitting when you are in over your head and start doing your research in print and book instead of online rumour mills.
I'm in the Army and my primary individual weapon was an M9.

It's a pretty good pistol. The original ones had some problems with the back part of the slide separating (seen that one time), but it didn't happen as much as it has been made out to happen. It was a metallurgical problem as I understand, not a design deficiency, and the problem has long since been fixed. That price is also pretty good going by the description of the pistol you gave.

Someone pointed out before that the military had encountered problems with them in Iraq and Afghanistan and so forth due to the sand and dust. Take that with a grain of salt, just about everything had problems in Iraq and Afghanistan, due to the sand and dust. Unless you plan on going on a month long recon patrol in the Tora Boras with the Beretta as your only weapon, you'll be okay.

The 9mm ammo that we use in the military is hotter than most of the civilian loads, so you really don't have to worry about durability too much. I don't remember where I heard this, but there was a military CT unit one time that had reported firing upwards of 10,000 rounds through their berettas and encountering stress cracks, but that is a LOT of comparatively hot ammo- 90% of people don't fire that much.

Go ahead and get it, it's a pretty good gun.



Someday you will reach the end of your teenage years and wish you had shut up more often. While you are new to this forum, I am not. I have a good reputation for knowing what I'm talking about on this and a number of other forums. Ask around.

I'm absolutely fine with having a difference of opinion, but you obviously are not. Your absolutely childish behavior will do much more for your reputation than your self-declared knowledge of one gun.

I have never been rude to you, but you have been nothing short of a complete jerk. Your behavior is totally reprehensible and entirely uncalled for.

Please do not address me again.


New member
I just tuned into this thread, and I love my Berettas.
There certainly isn't a shortage of opinions here with this many pages devoted to the pistol in question... :D
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