Okay, What The Heck Is Wrong With Kel-Tec?


New member
Well, I'm in Missouri, but I'm backing of of any gun purchases for awhile. My boss keeps talking about cutting pay, cutting hours, cutting people and closing the store, so, I'm actually afraid to spend any money. Internet stores like Amazon are forcing local stores out of business - one reason I don't give them any business.

I had to pass up a good deal on a .38 Super this weekend which really bummed me out.


There's nothing wrong with Kel-Tec. They're just working expanding their plant to about twice it's original size. They've started working 24 hours a day now to try and keep up with demand. There's a lot of companies in this country that would love to be in their shoes with so many orders pouring in that they have to double the size of their factory to keep up.

I own a P-40 and a P-3AT that both have worked flawlessly since I took them out of the box new. At less than half the cost (actually more like a 1/3 of the cost) of my Springfields, Desert Eagles and S&W semi auto pistols they are the only semi auto's I've ever owned that didn't have at least one failure of some sort. No matter how much a gun cost the best it can be is 100% reliable and that's what my Kel-Tec's have been.