Not All That Happy with My New Springfield-


New member
I hope in a year yuou have straightened out your problem. Several things i would say:

a. Buy a full sized 1911 or Commander. Cool new stuff is untried.

b. Break it in (some have already said this; They are right)

c. Magazines do not generally (or never) cause FTE. Look to other causes. If I had to guess from this distance, I would be looking at something impeding the slide from retracting....Like lubricant and breaking in, like ligfht loads, like an extractor problem.....Not a magazine problem.

d. If your 1911 won't shoot with a Wilson 47D, a CMC shooting star, a king or a metalform magazine, send it back to SA. BUt run a few hundred rounds through it first. Go ahead, you will not hurt it...Put some oil on the rails! Clean it after each shooting for a while. Too much oil attracts powder residue.

e. Be sure that your cartridges are loaded up to mil spec., insuring adequate recoil for the slide to retract and extract the spent case.

This outa fix yo problem.


damn....a year old post....uh...I dunna know....Uh??


New member
If you want a Browning design that WORKS then get the BROWNING HIGHPOWER. They feel BETTER in ones hand than even a 1911 ,CZ,Sig, H&K,Glock ect.. ect... ect... and they will out shoot all the above mentioned pistols except maybe a 1911 race gun, also I can guarentee reliability out of a Marklll High Power, right out of the box. When Moses created the BHP he corrected all the mistakes he made in the 1911.


New member
If, after 90 years of trying, manufacturers are still building 1911 pistols that aren't reliable from the get-go, there's something wrong with the design.

This statement is simply wrong. I'll agree that it's closer to true regarding software, but each copy of a program is the same as the original; there's no individual variation from one copy to another.

That's not true of hardware, due to the fact that perfect work costs more than pretty good work, so unless the product is made to be perfect rather than affordable, there's going to be some variation from one to another. This variation is what causes problems, not inherent design flaws. Maybe there are flaws in the design of the production facility, or the process is flawed, but the design of the 1911 isn't inherently flawed in such a way as to make it unreliable when executed within specs. (Note, I'm not saying that it can't be improved in some ways, but again, "perfect" is different from "sufficient".)

Some Firestone tires have recently been found to have some manufacturing flaws. Does this mean that the design for the tire is flawed? No, because the problems were only associated with SOME of the tires, specifically the ones produced by 2 or 3 facilities, while other facilities produced the SAME design successfully.



New member
Do y'all realize how old this thread is? I read along awhile and saw I posted in there. Huh?!? Looked at the date - 2001.;)


New member
Now How Did This Get Dredged Up?

But since you all asked-

About all I have to say is that my SA and me have been through many adventures since this thread first appeared. It now has a titanium firing pin and extra power firing pin spring, courtesy of a little mishap at the range. The pistol had again begun to have jamming problems so I installed (all by myself) a Wilson Combat extractor. It extracted great for a several range outings (a couple of hundred rounds) but settled into a routine of one or two extraction related failures per range session. I bought two Wilson Combat magazines and they seem to be the least likely of all my mags to jam, but never lock the slide back after the last round. I mean N-E-V-E-R. Later, the McCormick mag started doing the same thing occasionally. They all lock back just fine when you just rack on an empty mag. Factory mag always locks back but seems to be related to more jamming.

I installed a Wolff extra power recoil spring. Didn't seem to really be doing anything either way. I put the original equipment spring back in just in case the extra power spring was causing the lockback issue with the Wilson mags. It wasn't. I put a Wolff standard power spring in. Hasn't changed things. I do not believe that recoil springs have much to do with the extraction or lockback problems.

I put a Pachmayer wraparound grip on the gun because one of the original plastic grip panels developed a hairline crack. The front of the Pachmayer grip started to tear where it joined one of the side panels so I replaced it with a Hogue. The Hogue is doing okay.

At this point I am going to try to make an appointment with the 1911 specialist Teddy Jacobsen down in Sugarland and have him do his reliability package on the gun, and possibly install a better grip safety. I talked to him about the pistol around January and he seems to be honest and knowledgeable.

J.R. Bob Dobbs

New member
If Teddy can't make your 1911 run 100%, nobody can. He enjoys an outstanding national reputation, if you were not aware.

Sorry to hear you're still having problems after all this time. I gave up on the 1911 after 2 Kimbers, each with well over 1k rounds, and multiple trips to the factory, still jammed about every 50 rounds. The replacement "big dog", a Sig 220, hasn't failed yet. YMMV.