No Taurus Bashing Please


New member
pointless extra

I want a 1911 and think the commerative versions go good w/this particular firearm and/or some special grips(of course with a good firearm as a priority)


New member
I've got a Taurus PT1911. It's the only 1911 I own. Is it as good as a high end gun? No. I'm not a die hard 1911 fan, (I prefer revolvers) so this will probably be the only 1911 I'll ever own. It functions flawlessly, and is as accurate as I am. At this time, I don't see the need to spend more for a 1911.


New member
I also have a PT1911. I will probably buy a higher end 1911 at some point, because I am an utter 1911 fanboy but I will not sell the Taurus easily. I have tried Kimber, Springfield and Sig 1911s in the last few weeks and not one of them gave me any reason to give up my Taurus. The Sig and Springfield were actually both unreliable with the ammo I had, but the Taurus ate it and asked for more! And it was at least as accurate as the others, in my hands - and my hands are not bad. It does seem that those of us with working Taurus are lucky but that's all the more reason to hang onto it in my opinion.


New member
I don't buy or carry a firearm solely on the name(My summer carry is a Polish p64),but from past experiences i wont be buying any Taurus's in the future.It has to run 100%,or as close to it,for me to stake my life on it.
On the same note i have not bought Colt in years, due to a bad Magnum Carry,and a National Match that i purchased and then in disgust sent back.


New member
I also have a PT1911 in 45 ACP. I have over 5000 rounds down it now and would and do trust my life to it every day. It has more than proven itself to me. I get razed from time to time from some people,but hey who really cares what they think. It has perfomed flawless for over 5000 rounds and to me thats dependability. It could mess up one day,but then pick a pistol that has not.

Old 454

New member
Looking for a good .45 ACP thats a step up and wont bust the bank?

EAA .45 Witness....I have one and love it, there nearly identical to the Baby Desert Eagle in .45 ACP.


New member
Keep it as you will not get much for it used. New - they are only in the 450 -500 range so a used one will prob. be less than half that.

BTW, I have one and is one of my favorite even over custom springfield armory. Now the SA does shoot tighter i think, but I still love the Taurus.


New member
Don't let anyone sell you short on your PT-1911.

New they are going for $650 or better around here, at bud's guns $585.00. Used for $450.00.

They are very sought after and excelent 1911's for the money. Many features that more expensive 1911's don't have. Anyone that wants to give you $250.00 for your gun, is just a blood sucking creap that you should stay away from.

I use this one in IDPA comps with over 1,000 rounds through it and NO failures. That is a lot better than I can say for those using Glocks.


You wouldn't be able to trade even, but the SA RO, Ruger SR1911, Magnum research 1911 and the Para GI enhanced are all a step up. I wouldn't look at the remington too hard. Notice most of these fall in the north of 600$ range, so you might get 300$ from a gunshop, and probably have to pay out another 300$.


New member
No... what keeps the prices down is all the corners they cut... and their hack job customer service.

I have sent back a NIB gun we refused to sell to a customer... only to get it back a few days later with nothing fixed on it. I have sent back the same gun multiple times to Taurus and they still don't get it right.

You will never break even or get your money back on a Taurus. The brand name is tarnished for valid reasons, which is a good reason not to buy them in the first place.

Like I said in my other post... you don't have to get a new gun if your happy with that one. Chances are it will serve you well.

If you don't believe me.. ask a good reputation pistol smith why they won't do custom work on Taurus 1911's or Revolvers.;)


New member
Enjoy shooting your Taurus and don't worry what others think of the gun you love to shoot.

I own a Model 85 Ultralight revolver in blue that is a fine revolver.

I have a person I work with that just traded a Springfield 1911 to buy a Taurus 1911 and has been very happy.

And,yes,I read him the 'are you sure' form before he made the switch.

And I used to own a PT101 40 S&W taurus semi that was the most beautiful handgun I have ever owned (well,other then the 357 mag midnight blued Dan Wesson 357 I used to own but that's another story).

I got rid of that PT for the same reason you're thinking of getting another handgun.

The quest 'for something better'.

Better is a gun you love to shoot that you already own.

Be happy,shoot often.

Luke Flupper

New member
Maybe just me

I have a PT1911 as well as an older PT92. I don't want to jinx myself but I have had absolutely no issues with either of them. They are as accurate as I could ever be with a hand gun. I love the PT1911, the day I purchased it I was able to impress myself with it's accuracy to the point of bragging about it to all that I could corner. Granted there are better made and therefore more costly pistols available. For me these are just fine and I will hang on to them. I just need free ammo!!!!!


New member
Keep it. Any new gun, some more then others, but all to a certain degree is a roll of the dice. If it works though you have already rolled and come out a winner, dont loose your winnings for the potential of another win.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I had a few Taurus revolvers in my day but never a semi auto. Without going into any detail I can say I'll never own another Taurus again. That being said, if it works and you like it keep it. If my first Taurus didn't have any problems I'd still have it today. Also keep in mind, the Taurus isn't going to be your last gun, wait till you can afford the gun you want.

As for the gun you want, you don't seem to know what that is. Spend sometime doing some research and rent guns till you find something worth saving for. That way you end up with something they suits your needs and you'll enjoy owning.
My PT1911 came with an out of tune extractor. It would double feed all the time so I paid $40 to send it back with a letter describing the problem (no tension).

They sent it back with a replaced extractor, also out of tune and would not hold a round so it would still doublefeed.

I then took it upon myself to get a few tools and tune it myself. Now it works great, no thanks to Taurus.

I would suggest the Ruger SR1911 or the Springfield Range Officer model.