No Super-Guns Exist.


New member
I beg to differ super guns do exist a buddy of mine had one it said so on the slide. It said springfield 45 super on it:D i beleive there even may have been a slightly smaller one call a 38 super:D


New member
No no no. You are all wrong. Shooting things takes way to much ammo and energy save it for the range. I just go out the night before buck and lay down some claymores and pot52 telle mines. The next day I walk into the woods and harvest the kills. :D


New member
id say that my ideal white tail gun is a 105mm howitzer. i just aim at the bush and hope that there are enough tags around to put one on all the deer in there. its also an effective way to clear sloughs for farming.

but seriously how many of us need to shoot a deer over 100 yards. if you arent sneaky enough to get within at least 200 just go home and buy an X-box.

keep the .30-30 your grandpa passed down and learn how to hunt like he did, youll have more fun than popping off rounds at 1000 yard distant bambi anyway.


New member
Why do you need to get worked up over something like this? It's someones may get old but we all have to deal with it. Is it really THAT annoying?


New member
the formula

Who was it that said;" A bee-bee gun that hits its target is more effective than a cannon that misses"?
Here’s the secret formula for success;
A good rifle of adequate power + a proven bullet + lots of ammo + regular realistic practice + the patience to wait for a good shot=SUCCESS
I don't see a super mag adding much to that formula