No Super-Guns Exist.

roy reali

New member
Real Super Guns

Real super guns take about one or two canisters of smokeles poder to make one reload. A pulley is required to help seat the bullet. If your round doesn't require those steps, then it is not really a super round.


New member
A 7mm magnum is not what I call a supergun.

Now this is more like it.



New member
You are joking about the .30-30 I hope. It might be adequate in your neck of the woods, but our deer are just to tough for such a weak round. The .30-30 might be boderline for some of our smaller chipmunks, but of course only within the cartridge's effective range. Ten yards, if your a good shot, maybe twelve yards, if you can place the shot on a vital area of the chipmunk.

Your joking right??? You guys kill me, I was the guy in the PA woods hunting whitetail with a 30/30 lever with Iron sights, sometimes with a 3x to 9x scope and get funny looks. I would come out with a deer , while these nimrods who go hunting with 30/06, 7mm, or 308 bolt actions with freakin sniper scopes would come out empty handed. Out of 6 deer all but one dropped with one shot, the one that didn't I took a stupid shot and hit him in the gut, but I tracked him and found him about 100 yard away, bleeding to death. Most of my shots were anywhere from 50 to 100 yards sometimes thru branches. 20 should be able to anything with any rifle at 20 yards. When I was 8, I could hit tin cans with a BB gun at that distance. By the way I know an old man that would poach deer with a spotlight and a .22 rifle. It can be done with one shot, but it takes talent.


New member
a true super gun, fires white 8-10lb projectiles (bout the size of a jack o' lantern) up to nearly a mile! any one know what im talking about?

roy reali

New member

Now, that might work for California deer. That is if you can get a clean broadside shot, I wouldn't risk any odd angle shot though.

roy reali

New member
Penn Deer

Your Pennsylvania deer do not have ready access to BALCO products. I suppose a .30-30 would do. Our California deer would put a whooping on you if took a shot at them with such a light weapon. We have guys here taking to the woods with .30-378 Weatherby Magnums going after them. They ususally carry a couple of hundred rounds each, so a confrontation with a deer should go well. They might even get lucky and catch it with multiple shooters in a good crossfire. Come hunt our deer if you've got the guts.

the best is my spitball gun, sends a .2 grain ball at a scorching 100fps,now thats a super gun, you guys dont have nuthin':D
took an elk at 2000yrds with it yesterday as a matter of fact:eek:


New member
:D :D Oh my God I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard how do you guys come up with this stuff.:D :D

Bender711...been chunkin' lately?;)

Death from Afar

New member
A very eccentric friend of mine- who has an awesome machine gun collection- Vickers, Maxims, MG08's etc- is heavilly into Medieval Siege engines (!!) , and for laughs has an life sized Trebuchet in his back paddock. He entertains us- after a few beers of course- by flinging dead sheep:eek: :barf: or paint pails filled with concrete 100's of yards. His next move is to make a ballista to throw car axles a kilometre or so....:eek:


New member
Ah yes ... Pumpkin Chunkin, the queen of shooting sports.

"I love the smell of squashed pumpkin and compressed air in the morning ..."

A fun time and highly recommended to those who've never been.

C Philip

New member
Short Magnums

What is the point of a short magnum rifle round? I don't mean to insult anyone who has a rifle chambered for a short magnum round, I'm just asking because I honestly have no idea of the benefits of a short mag. I read that they are supposed to be more accurate that longer magnum rounds, is this really true? Also, an article I came across said that short mags give the benefit of working in a shorter action. What does this mean? Does it just mean you don't have to work the bolt over as long a distance because the round is shorter? That just seems like a silly argument for the short mag.

roy reali

New member
Wait Till You See Next Round Of Short Mags

They are currently working on a super, micro magnum. It has the profile of a frisbee. It is almost flat and launches a small bullet at a kazzilion feet per second. The bolt of the rifle needs to only be moved a quarter of an inch to cycle a round. The only drawback is that the scope rings have to be very tall.


New member
I've seen that prototype round. The case is 10" in diameter (at the base) x 2.25" long....firing a 7 grain, 1.2 mm bullet (0.050", to be exact). It's called the .05 WSSSSSSSSSSM. Quite a scorching round. Requires 16,100 grains of powder, for a normal load. Alas, however, they are having problems with it. First, as roy said, the scope rings have to be rather high. Next, the receiver is a bit least in width. Resizing the case is a bit tough with a hand press. Extraction and ejection is a bit of a problem. Finally, the recoil is just a bit on the stout side.

Oh well, they'll sort it out. Can't wait to get one.
In all seriousness, a friend is willing to sell a browning a bolt in the 325wsm, does it have feeding probs? I know its really accurate(1moa) but aside from its accuracy and power what else is there to know

roy reali

New member
Next Big Step

Up until now small arms cartridges have been cylindrical shaped. They have been stretched and shrunk. We are reaching the point of having done just about everything possible. But a new development will give experimentors something new to work with.

The next big thing is square cartridge cases. Think of the possibilities and advantages. Reloaders won't have to worry about their cases rolling off their bench. The recievers of hunting rifles can be made flat. Imagine the ease of scope mounting. Once square has run its course we could look forward octagon shaped ammo and the triangle can't be that far off.

The possibilities are endless.


New member
Your Pennsylvania deer do not have ready access to BALCO products. I suppose a .30-30 would do. Our California deer would put a whooping on you if took a shot at them with such a light weapon. We have guys here taking to the woods with .30-378 Weatherby Magnums going after them. They ususally carry a couple of hundred rounds each, so a confrontation with a deer should go well. They might even get lucky and catch it with multiple shooters in a good crossfire. Come hunt our deer if you've got the guts.

Your Deer are big and dumb, and (gulp) I ain't scared of them. Our deer are small and sneaky. Sneak up behind you and steal your wallet.

Death from Afar

New member
a friend is willing to sell a browning a bolt in the 325wsm, does it have feeding probs? I know its really accurate(1moa) but aside from its accuracy and power what else is there to know

Aside from the excessive recoil, massive muzzle blast, short barrel life and expensive ammo? ;)