No Super-Guns Exist.


New member
OK so I have had enough of 7-XXX Magnum is Superior to a 30-06 BS.

And here is the Truth.

Marksmanship is what hits the target.

I don't care if you have a Nuke to bag a local White Tail. YOU STILL NEED TO TARGET THE NUKE!

Fancy guns and ultimate cartridges = Losers.

Rifles are a SKILL you have to learn, not buy at the Gun Shop!

So.. Buy a .22 and use it often!


New member

That's right, I have no trouble killing a white tail with my 22. Or course, you have to hit it in the eye.....



wayne in boca

New member
Super guns DO exist,I've seen them right on TV.Just saw a guy with a Beretta 92F fire three rounds at a fleeing car.It flipped four times end over end,and exploded in a huge fireball.
That's right, I have no trouble killing a white tail with my 22. Or course, you have to hit it in the eye.....

tINY- i think he meant buy a .22 to do lots of target practice and develope good marksmanship skills. not to hunt deer...


New member
WHAT?!?! How am I gonna shoot deer at 900 meters+ without using my 7mm ultra super mega magnum?!?!

How do you expect me to put down a whitetail if the round i'm using won't penetrate the armor of an M1 Abrams tank?!


New member
uuuummmmmm......what sort of megatons of output of energy are looking at on the nuke? Just wondering, because you really don't have to be accurate with one. The radiation and radioactive fallout will take care of anything that survived the blast (only cockroaches and Cher could survive the nuclear blast!!) You just don't want to be around the general area when one goes off.......Sorry I couldn't resist posting all of this.

You are right in all of this. Marksmanship and shot placement are the key to taking down an animal.


New member
I certainly agree skill means more than caliber. One of my coworkers and I have this running game, where he comes up to me and says, "You know? I read the other day that 8 out of 10 .260 users squat to pee." To which I reply, "And the other 2 shoot better with their eyes closed than you ever have. Care to find out which group I belong to?" :D Of course, I do egg him on when I bring in a target or two that has 3 rounds in less than an 1" and say, "I can do this everyday. Somedays it goes into 1/2 an inch." :rolleyes:

And don't get me started on the folks who think they need a .300 Magnum for whitetail at 50 yards. Or the ones who close their eyes and flinch at the range with their .308 and can't figure out why it won't shoot well. Or...


New member
Not unless you have the new .989 winchester super duper short ultra magnum heat seaking recoiless incendeary tracer round from the new remington 710 ultra ss with a 42-101x75 infrared mil-dot rangefinder scope from tasco. I shot a 90lb doe last weekend at 5000 yards and didn't even have to get her processed the heat produced from the exploding round cooked her right there. All you have to do is point in the general direction of the deer and let the round do the rest of the work.

p.s. that doe never saw it coming she was at the feeder I hunt over when I shot her.


New member
That's nothing.....last week, I shot the biggest bull Elk ever seen on the face of the earth......the rack was 12 feet wide.....16 x 16....5000 lbs !!!
I did it with my trusty Hellfire, super short magnum missle 16,000 yards. I didn't even have to pull the trigger...this is automatic. You just dial in the size buck or bull you want....and it does the rest ! I was reading a magazine about my living room easy chair....when the system sent me an e-mail...telling me where I could pick up my kill. I just drove to the location in my Hummer Gigantico H99...and had the servants load up the Elk.

Whew ! That hunt was hard work ! Now, where to display the rack ???

No super guns..... indeed !!!


New member
Yeah Yeah, them man portables are just fine. But I need help puttin' a muzzle break on my M4 Sherman, so I won't spill my hot coco while blasting that mega mutie beast of a white tail to kingdom come.


New member
I agree w/ some here in that it does take marksmanship to hit a deer out at a nice distance but you have to know your ammo. I was out deer hunting and was with a guy who took a deer at 500 yards. Yes 500. He was using a 7mm wssm. The thing is he practiced out that far. he knew how far the bullet would drop and how he'd have to adjust his scope for taking that far of a shot. So you need to be able to shoot that far but you have to know your caliber and how far it'll drop out there.

roy reali

New member

Are you sure you meant 500 yards not 500 miles? If you meant yards I use one of my revolvers for those distances. I switch to rifles when the distances are measured in miles.

roy reali

New member
New Cartridge To Try

If the .22-250 seems too tame, you should try the .22-25000. The velocity is so great that it produces a vapor trail in the daytime. Sighted in at 200 yards the bullet drop only .0002 inches at 1000 yards. The bullet doesn't even hit the ground in the same county it starts in.

roy reali

New member
You Are Kidding Aren't You?

You are joking about the .30-30 I hope. It might be adequate in your neck of the woods, but our deer are just to tough for such a weak round. The .30-30 might be boderline for some of our smaller chipmunks, but of course only within the cartridge's effective range. Ten yards, if your a good shot, maybe twelve yards, if you can place the shot on a vital area of the chipmunk.


New member
But, but, I thought all my guns were super, but nobody else's were? Are you telling me they aren't? :( ... :D