No Mo' SCOPE!!!!


Staff In Memoriam
well Junior found a buyer for the honkin' huge Bushnell scope and rings that was on my 336C Marlin. The guy who bought it also had a 336, I got the hole filler screws and mounted the scope on his...

Man this thing feels so good without a scope. More like a BB gun than a rifle now. So light to carry and so free to mount and swing.

I put 3 150 and 3 170 grain rounds in the tube. At 65 yards, I couldn't tell the 2 weights from one another, All were minute of deer with a a couple being well under 1 inch.
Man what a rifle now!!!
I refused to just pull the scope as it would require the ammo to sight in. This way it wasn't my choice but I am ready already!


New member
When I bought my Marlin it had a scope and the first thing that happened when I got it home was to take that stupid thing off.
I am with you guys 100% about lever guns and scopes.
It dont belong!


Staff In Memoriam
Later, on the first trip to the woods, I realized that not only the weight was an issue... I never felt a balance issue with a scope on any other rifle like the lever gun. It was so top heavy that it took noticeable effort to keep the rifle properly upright on the shoulder.

It is naturally straight and natural now!



Staff In Memoriam
Luckily, you are still young enough to see.
If I can see it in my glasses, I can put the irons on as easy as crosshairs... I am one to call the .30-30 a 100 to 150 yard round so at that distance I can hit the "pump house". wouldn't try for a brainer at more than 25 though:eek:


New member
My problem is that my left eye is great, and I'm near sighted in my right eye. Works pretty well because I can read fine, but I shoot right handed. Would have been great if it had been the other way around. I have tried to wear glasses . But, when you hustle up the side of a mountain in twenty degree weather they fog over as fast as you can clean them off.


New member
Cowboy guns just don't look right with scopes. I include revolvers in that statement! I know a lot of ppl like 'em. Just not my cup of coffee. (I don't drink hot tea)


Staff In Memoriam
But, when you hustle up the side of a mountain in twenty degree weather they fog over as fast as you can clean them off.
Yeah I find that too... lucky for me, our weather being quite humid, they clear real fast as soon as the fog cools off.

Cowboy guns just don't look right with scopes.
Tell me 'bout it!!! Sinful!


Well, in his defense, junior bought this gun as his first "deer rifle" and insisted on optics. He bought the most expensive non-nikon at walmart for -$80 and cheap see thru rings for sub $20. I aquired the rifle in a trade for a slap wore out junk lorcin .380. The deal was he still owned the scope for when he bought a different rifle. He sold the scope and rings to a buddy of ours for $50 for what else??? To put on his Marlin 336...:D:rolleyes:

James R. Burke

New member
To each his own. I had a few levers never scoped them . One came with a pretty good scope on it. I pulled it, and put it on a bolt I had at the time.


New member
I had a 336 given to me when my father had was his... he never hunted with a scope...I did put a scope on it when i got it... for hunting... my age/eyes could be slowin me down a bit... but... I would rather have a scope on the rifle and hit the deer that I aim for... than to injure and lose an animal to bad shot placement from not having the scope on it.. Just me an my 2cents.


Staff In Memoriam
Yes, James, there is a Santa cla..... err yes to each his own.... Glad I finally got good reason to try the irons... It was my own conservative nature that left it on so long! I cannot wait to connect with a brown fur sack of fresh meat.



New member
Hogdogs, junior has a great looking gun there! I can see where optics might be necessary. I will have to put them on all my guns one day. Don't mean I'll like it tho!


New member
My young eyes just don't work with iron sights anymore. However I am not a fan of a full size scope on a lever gun either so... about three years ago I put one of those cheap BSA red dots on it just to see how I like it and boy oh boy it is nice. I keep saying I will replace it with a nicer red dot, but if it aint broke don't fix it keeps me from tinkerin'.



New member
Brent, you might have felt differently about a scoped 336 if it had come with a proper scope. I've got a Leupold VX-II 2-7 on my Rem Model 7 (same length and weight as a 336). Weighing only 10.5 oz, it balances nicely on the rifle. The same scope on your 336 and you probably would have kept it.


Staff In Memoriam
doyle, I will concede that the scope on the rifle was way wrong in dimensions but the satisfaction I got from sending just 6 rounds down range with the irons and hitting a 4-5 inch group with irons offhand... I can just imagine how tickled silly i will feel when I am doing the bloody work on a dead deer killed with iron sighted lever action "saddle gun"...:D When i buy a bolt rifle, I will likely not even try it with out a scope... some rifles just SCREAM "Scope me Daddy!"

Dr. Strangelove

New member
I took a scope off a Ruger Model 77 in .308 this year after I realized all my shots deer hunting were less than 100yds. It made it much lighter and far easier to handle in the woods/brush.

I also like the "back to the roots" aspect of it, it wasn't all that long ago that scopes were a rarity, especially where I live.

Sometimes I think we depend too much on equipment and not our own skills. (By the way, that's not directed toward anyone in this thread, just a general statement.)

Hog Buster

New member
I had a Winchester Model 94 years ago and put peep sights on it. That was the quickest pointing and best shooting lever action I ever owned. I never liked scopes on lever actions. I always felt it hampered their quick pointing ability...... Now that I think about it I killed a number of deer and hogs with that rifle. Sorry that I got rid of it.....HB


New member
I hate a levergun with a 'scope for my own uses too.

That's probably why I mostly use bolt action rifles, but the one lever I have has open sights.



New member
A thought on sights

I joined the marlinowners site after I got an 1894 and I found the most interesting sights advertised. I bought one and was so impressed that I bought one for my 39 Mountie. Skinner Sights, at, are half the cost of XS and Williams I was looking at. Take a look.