New Sig 226!


New member
I hear ya about the Glocks. I will only buy DA/SA guns from now on too. I'm at a point in my life where this is my preference. I will admit that when I was younger, I didn't like that trigger system as much as I do now.

As for the grips - the E2 grip is the reason I like the Sigs now. Most of the standard grips have always made the gun too big for my hands. The E2 grip is perfect. And, I put rubber grips on ALL my handguns. The E2 grip texture is rough enough that I don't have to. It's fine as is.

I still prefer my 92s, but only by a small margin


New member
The issue is-keeping your thumb out of the way of the slide release. And it's not just SIG pistols that folks can have a problem with if they're not mindful of the possibility of their thumb interfering with the slide release during recoil.

I won't say publicly how many different pistols I have owned since 1993, but it is a LOT. This was the first and only time it has been an issue for me on ANY gun.

I find it interesting that a thread started by Idaho636 on this page pretty much parallels your experience. Regarding his issue with his newly acquired Kahr model PM40 pistol, Idaho reported, "My grip...was causing my thumb to bump the slide release and lock the slide back. I've never had that happen once prior to shooting the PM40 (using the same grip that I've used for years and years shooting pistols and never had an issue)... I just found it interesting that a certain gun/grip combo (coupled with the recoil characteristics of this pistol) can cause issues where shooting 100+ different handgun designs and thousands of rounds over the years using the same grip never caused an issue before. Live and learn."

I'm not saying that the problem is necessarily a common one (though you'll see it mentioned often enough in the auto pistol forum to realize it's not exactly a rare event for more than a few folks and doesn't just involve SIG pistols); only that it happens often enough "to be mindful of the possibility". I also found it interesting that the "fix" for Idaho was to "adjust my grip by bending my thumb downwards"; sort of the same advice I proffered earlier in this thread.
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New member
As for the grips - the E2 grip is the reason I like the Sigs now.

The E2 grip configuration is now on the relatively new SIG Model 227-giving this double-stack Model 220 .45 ACP a grip difficult to distinguish from the Model E2 226. I own both and, blind-folded, you'd be hard-pressed to tell one from the other by just the feel of the grip.


New member
Nice purchase. Two thumbs forward is for sure a problem with a sig. It's probably not the right way to do it but I put my back thumb on the side of the front side to still be two thumbs forward. It's makes for an easy transition from glock to sig

Uncle Malice

New member
Nice purchase. Two thumbs forward is for sure a problem with a sig. It's probably not the right way to do it but I put my back thumb on the side of the front side to still be two thumbs forward. It's makes for an easy transition from glock to sig

Yup, that's how I run mine too.


New member
Interesting, I've never had a slide release issue on my P226 in many thousands of rounds. I hold it similar to this,, except with my index finger up front on the trigger guard. YMMV, key is to keep your fingers out of the way no matter how you hold it.

Nice gun. I've had exactly one malfunction, a stovepipe the first time I took it out, probably 15 years ago. A few other limp-wrist failures (mine is .357 SIG, relatively susceptible to this), once from me and a couple times from friends.
Not had that problem

I recently changed my two handed grip to put my right thumb over my left. I don't know if that resulted in not having the problem you have had with the slide or not. But I also recently bought a Sig P226 TAC COMP in .40. I can honestly say it is the best shooting semi auto I own.


New member
Hey Ship, it's been a long time.

Have you jumped off the spaghetti ship or are you just expanding the horizons?

Best wishes.



New member
I have never subscribed to the thumbs forward hold. The grip on a fighting pistol IMHO has to be a grip that fights gun grab attempts.

Right thumb tucked down, left thumb on top. The meat below the left thumb, fits on the grip. Plus thumbs forward on a .357 Revolver can be exciting!
Congrats! They are wonderful. A contender for my favorite gun of all time.

Same here, except that is my favorite gun of all time and it's the only gun I run on the regular. I have 5k+ through mine. I've gone through 40 handguns. Settled on the P226 then the Glock 19 and then went back to the P226.

Hands down nothing beats it in my book. Love this gun like no other.

Also, magazines... pick up some flush MecGar 18 rounders will ya? That's how I carry mine with at least two 20 rounders as spares.

Enjoy! Here's mine. :)



New member
Just experimenting. I just ordered a third Sig. I got an M1A11 this week, and I just ordered a Sig pro from Buds.

Ship, I had the 2022 for a while and it was a tack driver. The only thing I thought odd is the takedown. It's weird to say the least, I don't know what they were thinking. Wears on your thumb but gets easier after you shoot and takedown several times. Also, the newer models come with what sig calls the "short trigger", I prefer the standard trigger. For those with smaller than average hands the short trigger might be perfect, also you get an extra backstrap. The ergos are quite different from the Italian or Brazilian stallions, but sig is sig.

I will say the SA trigger pull is heavenly and again, it does drive tacks! It's truly a wonderful gun.

Let us know how you like it.



New member
I did the unthinkable today.... I have been messing with my main carry Beretta 92FS, my new Sig 226 and the new Sig M11A1. I ACTUALLY swapped out the 92FS and put the new M11A1 as my new night stand gun.
I've spent a lot of time holding all 3 guns in 1 handed and two handed grips over and over and over the last couple of days to decide...


New member
I did the unthinkable today.... I have been messing with my main carry Beretta 92FS, my new Sig 226 and the new Sig M11A1. I ACTUALLY swapped out the 92FS and put the new M11A1 as my new night stand gun.


The flags will be flying at half mass all over Italy! :D:D:D

They will hold a special mass at the Vatican! LOL!


New member
Shipwreck, that's an endorsement if I've ever heard one. Must take a special gun to get the 92-series off your nightstand.

Mine will carry the torch.