New Ruger Single-Ten


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The USFA 12/22 is a FULL SIZE single action - with twelve 22 size holes instead of six 45 size. Cool concept but seems like a LOT of weight to carry around for a 22. It ain't cheap, either.

(But now that I know it exists, why do I seem to yearn for one? Dang you, Master Blaster. :mad: )
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I like it....the SS was way too large & heavy for being a it makes more sense....

...but I still wish they'd start making the Bearcat Convertables again.... :(


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My fiancée has been thinking about a Single Six. I showed her the Single Ten, but she didn't seem all that enthused. Might have been the fiber optic sight, might have been the lack of a .22 Magnum cylinder. She's thinking about shooting metallic silhouette, and with the interchangeable cylinders of the Single Six she can shoot two different classes using one gun.


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I saw the title and thought maybe Ruger was making a 10mm Single Action revolver. That would have been COOL!


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More than a few will bite on this. Me? I'll eternally pass. If I was to pay a high ticket price on a deuce deuce, I'm going with the Model 41, thank you very much. Why would a .22 even cost that much anyway? Is there something I'm not understanding about this?
I have a USFA 12/22 which is why I brought it up. It is a full size and weight hog leg. Beautifully made in the USA. Kinda like a spaghetti westerns when one keeps on shooting and shooting after 6 rounds before reloading. Fun reaction from others. I paid $825 for mine new off GB when they first came out in 2009. Hard to find now.


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* #51
Join Date: September 12, 2008
Location: Chicago
Posts: 76
More than a few will bite on this. Me? I'll eternally pass. If I was to pay a high ticket price on a deuce deuce, I'm going with the Model 41, thank you very much. Why would a .22 even cost that much anyway? Is there something I'm not understanding about this?

Seems that about the same amount of materials, labor etc goes into a 22 as it would any other revolver they make. The difference in cost is usually whether the revolver they make is blued or stainless. The latter pushing the price up.


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I love single actions but don't care much for Rugers. I'm a little more lenient when it comes to .22's. I could deal with a single six, adjustable sights and all. But that's just asking too much. I'd rather have an RG 66.


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I like the sights, but haven't seen it yet to handle. That said, I agree with many who had hoped for an SP101, 4", half-lugged barrel with fully adjustable sights. That would be the cat's meow!


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Some will buy it but I won't be among them, mostly because it's yet another aberration of something I used to love.

I breathlessly away the desert-camo railed version, with laser grips.


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Ruger single action 10 shot .22 lr.

This one is easy.....

I dont want to clean 10 holes + the barrel. Cleaning 6 I can deal with, maybe even 7 or even 8. But 10 little holes???? :eek:

I hope one of my friends buys that gun, just like I hope one of them buys the Taurus Judge.

I'd choose the Ruger over the Taurus, and I guess it wouldent be that bad if you just didnt clean it every time you shot it, and then when you did clean it, just clean it well enough that it still works. But I'm to meticulous in my cleaning to own a 10 shot revolver...

MAAAAYBE if it was a double action I would consider it, because despite the cleaning, it would give me lots of cheep double action trigger time, and that might be worth it. I'd like one of the S&W double action .22's but they are very expensive.

Thanks for the option Ruger, but no thanks.

I like the single six;)


this is a great gun.

perfect for the line up of 10 targets MashieNiblick has in mind. . . .

i'd have to hang them and staple them real close together to be able to take care of them with five .410 shots from the Taurus Judge. .

- MN