New Ruger Single-Ten


New member
No thanks. If I ever find myself in a hurry to shoot up my ammo, I'll just pick up a MK II or III.

We won't even talk about that ugly fiber optic front sight.:barf: Even with my old eyes, some things are just WRONG.

BFR 475

New member
I'd like to get one. I like the looks of it and the idea of a ten shot. Now if Ruger would just make a 10 shot version of my 454 Super Redhawk!:D


New member
Betcha I won't be able to get 1 here in Kali....

Yeah, you can.
Single actions are exempt from being on the approved handgun list.
You can import any single action you like!

Just have it sent to your dealer for transfer.
Aside from the sights, the cylinder looks dumb with the notches "spaced" so close together. I can't help thinking even nine would be a visual improvement.


New member
I agree with the above post, the FS is kind of blah, takes away alot from the pistol. I already own a single six convert, and a 617, not really much this would do for me.


New member
The price of a used S&W for a new ruger? No, not me. A model 17 can still be had for less than $600 with a little luck. Even a used 617 can be found for about the same amount of money. Who is going to buy these when the 6 shot versions are around used but nice for $300?


New member
9mm said:
Ah, another single action.... Why not a DA/SA 22lr

+1 on that part.

9mm said:
SA is nice for cowboy style shooting, but if your trying to shoot through a brick in a hour or two its hard....

-1 on that part. Why would I TRY to shoot through a brick in an hour? If I WERE to try it, an auto is better for that purpose. The slower loading, I would consider a benefit, not a drawback. I find that I have just as much fun shooting more slowly with quality 22 ammo instead of blasting through a brick of crap ammo in an hour. (and complaining about it later)

What they need to do is make an SP-101 with 4" or 6" barrel, proper target sights (none of this windage-only drift adustable crap) and a partial under lug. Price it fairly, not greedily. Maybe $300. They would make a KILLING.

The fact is that Ruger has been pricing their revolvers as if they're finished like Smith & Wessons, which they're not. I did the hand finishing on my SP-101, and replaced the springs with lighter ones. It is a great little gun now!
I can overlook the close spacing on the cylinder notches. I can deal with the fiber optic sights or at least swap them out later. I'd like to have one, but at that price it'll never happen - not for four more shots than the lower priced Single Six (which is convertible.)


New member
so... the smart money would be to buy one, stick it in a safe, and have an almost instant collectible Ruger when they discontinue them next year. :D


New member
Fellas, remember that price ($619) is just suggested retail

I also doubt anyone buys a Redhawk for $900 or a GP-100 for $700.

Some dealers will no doubt attempt to gouge their customers.

But eventually, they'll either come down to a reasonable price, maybe $400?, or they'll stop being made because someone at Ruger will decide there's not enough profit in them and cease production.


New member
My 3-screw Single Six look better to me every day. Six at the range or five for carry is still enough. And Mags in the convertible cylinder if I think I need 'em.


New member
I like the concept of having ten shots at your disposal in a .22rf single-action revolver. Though I've had a Super Single Six (with auxilary .22 Mag. cylinder) since the mid-seventies, if I were in the market for another Ruger Single Six the new ten-shotter would get my money.