New Ruger Single-Ten

David the Gnome

New member
I got an email from Ruger this afternoon about a new 10-shot 22LR version of the Single-Six they're calling the Single-Ten.


Looks like a great hunting/woods gun to me. :)

Jim March

New member
But...wait...what? It doesn't have gas-powered auto-ejection of the empties!


Ahem. On a more serious note. Chamber that in 22LR/22Mag convertible and I will seriously want to scrape up the coin.

wolfe 21

New member
wondering why it took them this long to realize that more shots is always better (atleast as long as your on the chamber end of the barrel). Always seemed like there was a lot of cylinder between those six shots. might be interesting, but I need another single action like I need a hole in the head.



New member
Ah, another single action.... Why not a DA/SA 22lr :( SA is nice for cowboy style shooting, but if your trying to shoot through a brick in a hour or two its hard....


New member
Ok, so it's 10 not what? Next people will start whining and crying it takes too long to unload and load. :rolleyes: If you load 6 and shoot 6, it's not so much of a benefit if you gotta load 10 then shoot 10. All equals out in the end. i'll pass

Jim March

New member
Turns out 10 was too many - the rims are too tight together to do a magnum conversion cylinder. 9 was the magic number :(.


New member
Back in the late 50's High Standard made a double action rimfire (western style) Mine is a J.C. Higgins model 90.


New member
I got the same email today and I have to admit, I like the looks of it. But then, I'm a SA shooter and love 'em. I'm anxious to get a look at one as it seems like it would be a good one for plinking as well as hunting. I've looked but haven't been able to find anything on how much these are going to run? Anybody have any info on that? Thanks.


New member
As a Ruger single action junkie with a penchant for Single-Sixes I'll be buying the first one I see. I believe I'm required to do so. ;)


New member
I'd rather have a lr/mag convertible even if it means dropping to a 9-shot but I'll be getting one of these. I never shoot mags out of my convertible anyway.

I do wish ruger would do a DA .22lr like a 9-shot sp101


New member
I recognize the market and have no doubts about Ruger's robust (almost...rustic) quality and great customer support. I think it will succeed and I think buyers will be happy. As a target pistol, I bet it's great.

That said, it does nothing for me.


New member
Those fiber optic sights are stupid on any gun .They give a different sight picture in sun and in shade . Even the orange insert S&W sights did the same .Like two clicks difference sun vs shade at 50 yds !!:barf: