NEW pistols -- Rohrbaugh 9mm -- more information


New member
It really seems too good to be true, but one of the first thoughts I had when I bought my P32 was, with a little tinkering and some steroids, this thing could shoot a 9mm.

I love my MK9, but if this little jewel turns out to be the real deal, I will be buying one.


New member
That seems to be pretty much the general concensus, Brad.

It does seem that the time is right for a 9mm Mighty Mouse gun, and Rohrbaugh seems to have the action and features "right" for one.

Launch time is just 2 months away! :D


New member
The R-9 is a LOT smaller than the P-11 even though it weighs the same. In fact, the R-9 is just a bit shorter, taller, and wider than the Kel Tec P-32. Onslaught posted a table comparing the R-9, the Kahr PM-9 and the Kel Tec P-32 in an earlier post on this thread. The P-11's specs are:
Technical Specifications
Calibers: 9 x 19 mm Luger
Weight unloaded lbs. 14 oz. 400g
Loaded magazine 6oz. 159g
Length 5.6" 142mm
Height 4.3" 109mm
Width 1" 26mm
Sight radius 4.6" 116mm
Muzzle energy max 400 ftlbs 540J
Capacity 10+1 rounds
Trigger pull 9 lbs 40N
The numbers don't really give you a feel for the differences in size. I have both a P-11 and a P-32, and the P-11 is small, but the P-32 is tiny by comparison.

I'll be a lot of R-9s end up in places where P-11s don't go -- like purses and pockets just like P-32s do now. :D
The R-9's construction of stainless and aluminum instead of polymer is also a large distinguishing difference.

So, the R-9 is 6+1, while the P-11 is 10+1, and the R-9 is tiny by comparison to the P-11. The R-9 is also going to be considerably more expensive, but I don't see them as direct competitors because the P-11 is an accurate compact CCW, and the R-9 is a mouse gun.


New member
Finally-The all-critical thickness is disclosed!

Probably more than length or height, for a pocket pistol, it has to be THIN. .081" is incredible for a 9mm platform. That's approx .009 narrower than Kahr's newly released PM9.

I also don't care a whit about unloaded weight either; Loaded weight with a full mag of ammo is where the rubber meets the road. The weight looks to be in the NAA G380 or Kahr PM9 neighborhood.

Sounds like they'll have a lightweight high-velocity striker system, much like the KelTec P11. Hope it doesn't have the mile-long trigger pull of the P11; Rather it be a little shorter and a little stiffer pull.

Bottom line? "Build it and they will come."


New member
Probably more than length or height, for a pocket pistol, it has to be THIN. .081" is incredible for a 9mm platform. That's approx .009 narrower than Kahr's newly released PM9.
Your decimal point sneaked left a place, Jeff. The Rohrbaughs are 0.81" thick and the PM-9 is 0.90" thick so the R-9 is 0.090" narrower. :D

Agree with you on the "unloaded" weight specs. What's worse is that some manufacturers leave the mag out for unloaded weight! :mad:


New member
If I can figure out how, do you mind if I include your table or a link to it in an edit to the top post?

Sorry BH, I didn't see this 'till just now. By all means, post away... But of course, by now, it's too late to modify your first post. I'm glad they're handy for others besides me. You should see the collection of tables I have on different pistols... Med. sized carry, mouse guns, mini-9's, full sized combat pistols... I've got stats for most of your mainstream pistols out there.

With all the talk of the P11, I feel like I missed one. Shoulda included it in the table as well. Hmmmmmm.... Kel-Tec is bad about not posting barrel length and slide width though...

I dont usually comment on looks but they are one ugly gun. Count me out.
I thought it was a bit "unique" looking myself, but if it can replace my P32 as a go-anywhere pistol... I don't care if it's PINK with ORANGE polka-dots Ok, maybe I'd CARE, but I'd still buy one ;)


New member
Well I think this sucks

...I think this a LAME. Because here I am, ready to go FINALLY buy a P-32 this week, and along comes something the same size with a much more desirable caliber.

I had all but forgotten about that little gem, and now it looks like I'll need to start saving all over again. Sheesh. ;)



New member

........a note of possible interest, I am also on the list for a early delivery, for the purpose of providing pocket holsters. Will most likely be a favorite carry ,aswell.


New member

That's what I'm guessing. :D

What a gift combination! A pretty new pistol in a quality holster! (Ammo separately, of course...!)

Or, if the pistols are hard to get (as I'm sure they will be), a holster with a pistol certificate in it...! :D


New member

"........a holster with a pistol certificate"... Blackhawk

I guess, seein' as how it was your idea, you get the first one,, but the price of the holster will lay you back. ;) :D


New member
Blackhawk, thanks for the info/links. Sheesh. I just told my wife that I was content with my current handgun collection (still a couple of long guns on the wish list). Now you make a liar out of me! My P32 has been a constant companion ... but a true pocket pistol in 9mm would be the cat's meow.

I wonder how the magnetic lock works? I've seen cutaways of the magna trigger, but Devoid will only install it on S&W revolvers. Semi's have the magazine where a revolver's main spring is located ...


New member
Legionnaire, quite "Bond" like, isn't it? :D
I wonder how the magnetic lock works?
Dunno for sure, but I suspect the magnetic plunger workings are forward of the mag well. Rorhbaugh claims it's the first use of the magnetic lock on a semi, and that it's patented. It does require the use of a ring that may need to be worn on your middle finger. You can get multiple rings, and you can get the magic magnet put into your own rings. (Wonder what they'll do to floppy disks...?)

I'm vascillating on the magnetic lock. I'll probably get an MS-9 and just disable the lock if I don't like the ring deal, but it seems like a palliative for the blissninnies in PRK and elsewhere that require an internal lock for a gun to come into their grabber havens.


New member
"Bond like" is a good descriptor. I can see how the magnetic lock would be good for bedside storage, but think it's overkill for a piece that's designed to be carried in a pocket. Seems like the greatest value of the Magna Trigger is to prevent someone getting their hands on your gun and using it against you. But retention would appear to be pretty good if you've got it in your front pocket!

Guess I'll have to give my local dealer a "heads up" to let me know when the Rohrbaugh's become available through channels. What's current projected availability date? I thought I saw something earlier in the thread, but can't seem to see it now ...


New member
Supposed to be available in October.

The magnetic lock may be handy if inquisitive kids are around. Many parents live in fear that their gun ignorant kids are going to get a hold of a gun if they have one around. Never dawns on them to educate their kids about guns, nor does it dawn on them that their kids might encounter guns at a neighbor's house.


New member
Onslaught said:
I don't care if it's PINK with ORANGE polka-dots...

My first thought when I read that was, "I think I saw that color scheme on a NIB P32 at a gun show once..." :D
