New Military 45

New Military 45, which one?

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I'm more inclined to believe a company like Federal than I am to believe someone on the internet who could for all I know be Sarah Brady :)


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The problem with the ENERGY formula is that it depends on temporary stretch cavity not permenant crush cavity created by large frontal area rounds. Some of the more enlightened bulletologists are starting to get away from using energy to determine a bullets effectivness. I do not completely discredit energy because a rifle is more effective than a handgun due to massive velocity. But it takes MASSIVE velocity to make a difference.

Due some research. Maybe you might learn something. A .40 is fine as long as you have a bunch of 'em. You might need every one. But then again ANY handgun round is under powered and is only back up to a long gun.

I carry a .45 in the line of duty as do MOST officers lucky enough to choose. Why? Because we have to trust our lives to it on a daily basis and have the unfourtunate benefit of experiance.


New member
Due some research.
I did ("do") some research

I carry a .45 in the line of duty as do MOST officers lucky enough to choose. Why? Because we have to trust our lives to it on a daily basis and have the unfourtunate benefit of experiance

sorry if I don't look gullible enough to believe everything I read on the internet :)


New member
No. I believe you lack of response to my real world experiance question says enough. But sure, I guess you could make something up. And by the way, My dad can beat up your dad.


New member
like I said, you could be the sultan of Brunei for all I know..and you've been in more gunfights than all the old western gunslingers put together :rolleyes:


New member
IN fact during my time in the Marine corp with 3rd Det Force Recon out of Okinawa Japan and in my 11 years as a police officer/sheriff's deputy I have not been in any shootings myself. I have been on scene for a bunch of them. I have made (responded to) an accidental discharge call with a 12ga where a guy shot his own calve off and I have made a few suicides. Now to go beyond this is silly. Carry what makes you happy. If you discredit everything you read then why are you reading this stuff?


New member
like I said before "Sorry, I don't look gullible enough to believe everything I read on the internet" :) now apparently it's extremely important to you that I believe you are what you claim to be :) just don't expect me to believe every post I read here as the Gospel according to the Apostles :)


New member
chaingunner, Are we done trying (and failing) to lambast me?
Lambast, now that's a word I don't hear much anymore. Sorry about lambasting you gunner, I was just wondering how you concluded the two were alike. No offense meant.:)


New member
with some selfish trepdiation...

....I'd pick the Springfield XD-45. The XD series is so reliable and so easy to learn to shoot accurately, and they are not as expensive as some of the other models listed. I trust my own life to an XD-40, and I'd certainly be comfortable seeing our soldiers carrying and XD.

The selfish part comes in when I realize that if the military made an order for these, we'd probably see civilian prices go up and availability go down, and I'm waiting for it to the prices to go DOWN and the availability to go UP! :D



New member
good grief

Renfield, he never said he was the only authority. He was saying what he's seen. Period. This is getting silly.

The caliber debate will always be around. You carry what you can shoot best, you are most accurate with, you can recover and get back on target with the quickest. The gun you should carry is the biggest caliber one you are GOOD WITH.



New member
he claims to be the authority..supposedly he's been there yadda yadda

he got a little upset (okay a lot upset) when I said that I'm not inclined to believe everything somebody posts on the internet..I offered proof from a credible professional source that shows how the .40 does not give up a lot of ground to the .45 and he started huffing and puffing


New member
he got a little upset (okay a lot upset) when I said that I'm not inclined to believe everything somebody posts on the internet..I offered proof from a credible professional source that shows how the .40 does not give up a lot of ground to the .45 and he started huffing and puffing

anyone can say anything they want, professionals in a specific field arnt perfect either. Debating over the difference in stopping power of .40 S&W, 9x19mm and .45 ACP is only going to get people blue in the face. All three are great cartiridges, all three will kill, all three have proven their worth (well .40 isnt as time tested as the other two, but still). In the end, and believe me i feel like a broken record playing remix albums, its all about shot placement, if you can shoot 9mm better than .45 then that is the round you should be using, bottom line end of story.


New member
I think that a well placed (You name round) is better than a poorly placed .45

The difference comes when both rounds are placed in the same place. I think some rounds will do better than others in disrupting and damaging tissue.

I think ANY handgun round is underpowered and will always select a long gun when I have the option available to me.