Never mind the Best, who makes the WORST revolver?


New member
I saw a deputy sheriff in a very small Kentucky county one time carrying an RG 4 inch 38 special.....:eek: I believe the crap honor will have to go to the Valor 22's made by Arminius.


New member
Ernest, I owned H & R Mod. 999 Revolver. I thought it was great for the price. 10-shot cylinder, break-top, auto ejection & decent accuracy. My only complaint was the rear sight kept getting loose because it had to be pulled up to open the cylinder. I guess H & R made some junk revolvers in their lower-priced line. I heard Sirhan's was an H & R 8-shot 22.


New member
I don't see why you guys who have those Clerke revolvers don't try to take them down to the next "buy back" and see if you can't get 100 bucks for the thing. Tell them it was one of the original "invisible to X-ray" guns that lead the polymer craze, 125 bucks EASY when those tards running the show figure that it's some uber evil assassination gun.


New member
the Rexio, made in south america.

i saw it for $99, thought it was used, owner said it was brand new, but after looking it over , i could have swore it was used. sight looked like it was drop on cement.

Mike Weber

New member

:rolleyes: Sorry guys:
I know that the Hipoint isnt a revolver, it just came to mind when thinking about Clerkes and other junk.:)By the way I am wishing that I had bought a couple hundred Clerkes for those police buy back programs.


New member
If they ever do a buy-back around here, the Clerke could be easily removed from the bookend.
I hesitate to participate in a buy-back though, hate to add to the numbers the antis would brag about when the program was done.


New member
A friend showed up at the range one day with his newest BUY!. It was an H&R 999. "Look at this!", he said. "The Only Problem is that it won't stay shut." And sure enough, he'd take a few shots and down would come the barrel, out would come both fired and unfired brass. Scrounge around gathering the unfired ones, load her up and take two or three more shots before repeating the drill.

The next time I saw him he had modified it with some kind of twist tie to hold it closed. Just untwist and Voila, read to load. A quick twist and ready to shoot. Seems he went to a gunsmith who wanted about three times what he paid for the gun to replace the latch.

to the best of my knowledge he's still shooting it with the wire out the sides.

7th Fleet

New member
Out of the commonly available handguns which are on the present retail market, the absolute worst would have to be Taurus. I have a bud who owns a large gun shop and he's had many of them brought back in the last few years.


The crappy Argentinian revolvers you are talking about might be


those are real POS revolvers!!!

Although, the did pass the revolver checkout test...hmmm..maybe that test needs to be revised?


New member
Whoa, hey, steady on, there....

This is another one of those friggin' surreal moments I mentioned on the "Everybody here?" thread.

I started this thread. It's mine. I haven't so much as given it a thought in a year and a half.

And here it is hopping again like it never stopped. Heck, the last post on it was OVER TWO YEARS AGO.

I'm havng a Keannu moment. I just have to say "Whoa. Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K."

It just feels REALLY ODD to pick up old threads right where we left 'em way-back-when. I suppose I'll get use to it. Eventually. At some point.



Hokay, back on topic. Rexio-Pucara revolvers are pretty solid guns in my experience. I haven't sdhot one, mind you, buty I got a close look at one in .38 special a while back, and though rough it was, it seemed to function just fine. It reminded me of all the Baikal shotguns that turned up. They're roughly made, but durable, built of adequate materials, and they WORK, at a great price.

I'll put Rexio-Pucaras in the same category. If you can't afford a REAL gun, but you don't want GARBAGE, I imagine one of these might serve you just fine.

Clerke's and RG's are TRASH. They're friggin' dangerous. To the SHOOTER. Worst ever, no contest. Worse than those oh-so-famous "suicide specials" of the turn of the (last) century.

Oh, and BTW...

Whoa. This is surreal. ;)


New member
Worst revolver for me was a .32 rimfire Iver Johnson that I found on the railroad tracks when I was 18 (back in the 60s). The ammo was expensive, and then it was (like the man said) like I was shooting blanks. Couldn't hit a thing.

I took it across the way to the 100-yard range and aimed it upwards at a 45-degree angle, and the bullets plopped down about 40 yards downrange.


New member
A few posts said Taurus. I have a Raging Bull .44 mag that is a good shooter. More accurate than I am and the price was right. Just my .02¢.


New member
Guns don't shoot trucks, people do.

I never saw a Hi-Point revolver!

This was my first thought, too. I have a Hipoint 9mm and I like it. The only time I had any trouble with it was when trying to shoot reloads. It shoots all factory ammo without a problem. All Hipoint owners I've talked to say the same.

Taurus has apparently made substantial improvements over the past few years. I have a 605 that I really like.

OTOH...I have an RG 14s I'll sell at a very reasonable price.