Need advice for dealing with teenager


Me: Experienced father with two adult daughters.
The problem is, your not the father. But, if your girlfriends says okay, try this. The boyfriend is a jerk and nothing scares or bothers him. introduce yourself and make sure that he is more scared of you then the devil. Tell him your "expectations" if he is going to date the daughter. And make sure you "explain it" to him.

I really can't post what I want to tell you, but maybe you get the idea. And if daughter is pissed at you after,....too bad.



New member
I have 2 teenage girls now (13 and 15) and am watching whats going on very cautiously. As of now me and my girls are best friends. We do everything together. I even spend hours walking with them in the mall shopping. Took them to their first concert.(Blink 182) Its great to be a part of their lives in and out of the house. It will kill me to see them move out on their own. Until then, I will spend as much time with them as possible. You wanna see a grown man cry like a baby? You should see me when I watch Father of the Bride (Part 1) I bawl from start to finish. Expecially the part when they are at the dinner table after she comes back from Europe. The father sees her talking to him at present age and all of a sudden she's a young un again. Just kills me.