My new GSG-5 just came in - photos


New member
tulsamal, there are a variety of aftermarket stocks available...GSG manufactures an A3 style collapsible stock...I'd get a pic from, but all their servers appear to be down...


New member
I plan on getting one as soon as my business picks up a bit. I noticed them at Buds also for $500. I think I'll probably wait for one and buy it at a gunshow early next year. Of course, Obama may have something to say about that.... it's European and it looks "evil". The imports are the first one to go. Remember the Uzi's. I had a mini-carbine with folding stock. It didn't shoot worth a darn so I got rid of it (accuracy wise). I think I just had too high of expectations with it at the time (1987-1988). With a stroke of the pen, they were gone and the price skyrocketed.