"MOUSEGUNS" Love Them ,Hate Them, Admit To Carrying One


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For about two years working the night shift in one of the wost parts of Orlando and Kissimee I was never without my tiny Beretta .25 in my right front shirt pocket. I always had at least one more with me, sometimes two


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The mouseguns.com site is very interesting. I found the following 2mm. Now that is small!



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mouse guns

I've carried .22 Beretta, .32 Kel-Tec and now I'm carrying a Bersa .380 I've also carried .22 magnum derringers, and .410 derringer. First rule is have A gun. Any gun is better than a rock.


New member
My NAA mini magnum rules! I was completely surprised by it's accuracy. And all the hoopla about the gun jumping out of your hand is bogus. Follow up shots were not that bad. You can practically hide it in your shoe. It is usually accompanied by a Bersa 383-A, but not always. Now I'm hankerin' for a P-32 in OD green.


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skeeter1 said:
1962 High Standard DM-101 .22 Magnum derringer.
Have you seen the magnificence of its fireball when fired at night?

I am deeply envious of your presentation case and wood (?) grips. Mine came in a cardboard box with white plastic.


New member

Have you seen the magnificence of its fireball when fired at night?

Yes, I have!

My dad and I used to pull it out at night on the 4th of July and fire a few rounds into the compost pile.

I wish I could tell you for sure where I got the walnut grips, but I think they were from Numrich Gun Parts. It was a few years ago, so I can't be sure. They are indeed real walnut, not wood-grained plastic.


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I love my North American Arms Guardian .380. It can conceal while wearing almost anything. I am not a big guy with only a 31 inch waist here in Florida so many weapons are not all that concealable on me. The guardian always fits. Now I am looking to get an ankle holster from my NAA Black Widow in 22 magnum as a BUG. I also have a Cobra 9mm derringer but I don't choose to shoot that. I have kept it because it is a fun conversation piece and to try to get people to fire at the range. I have probably fired it about 15 times in 2 years. Too much punishment.


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I saw a Cobra derringer last weekend at the TSRA show in Mesquite, TX that I have a hankering for. It is a 9MM two shot gun. I think it was only $125. I now wish I had gone back and bought it.

It was definitely a mouse gun size wise.



New member
"Love Them ,Hate Them, Admit To Carrying One "

None of the above...I am abivalent...I don't own one...don;t want one...certainly don't need one

Some of the leaps of logic people trot out to bolster choosing one....I find pretty amusing


New member
Hate to admit to it, but every now and again I drop a Baby Browning .25 in my front pocket. It's just so easy to carry. I guess it beats no gun any day!


New member
I used to have a mousegun... it was OK, I guess. I decided it wasn't for me, but I won't badmouth the choice.

Mine was in a caliber that started with "2", and over time I just kinda came to the decision that a 2 or 3-inch locking folder was about as good if not better.

The gun was cute, though.... even my mom and daughter said so. And it's true that it would go places a .38 snub wouldn't.


New member
A mouse gun beats no gun at all. It's hot where I am mostly, and we dont' often have the luxury of cold weather and jackets to hide decent sized guns.

So .32 Tomcat and .380 ppk get thrown in the pocket quite a bit.

There's no shame in one, unless a mouse actually takes it away and uses it against you, of course.