Mousegun preference

gordo b.

New member
I carried model 20 Berratta in .25 for 15 years ending in 89 . it was always on my person. I had 2 needs to pull and 0 shots fired. I carried win bb in tip loads as it seemed to penetrate test materials well and always fuctioned. I rotated 3 magazines. Before that I carried Colt .25 pocket auto(was my grand dad's) . Now I carry Astra Cub .22 short nickle version when I CANT pack a real gun.:D


New member
Seecamp .32 vs Beretta 950

How easy is to handle (shoot) the Seecamp .32 vs the Beretta 950 .25 Auto? Is the Seecamp large enough to handle well? Which is easier to shoot accurately?


Kentucky Rifle

New member

The .32ACP Seecamp has about twice the recoil as the Jetfire. (And is a little smaller.) And, that's not too bad. (IMO) I carry my Seecamp a lot. Lubed with Militec-1 (about 4 times now) it's just about the smoothest little hide-out gun in the world. I was quite amazed when, at 15 feet, I could do head shots all day. With NO sights too. Now, as with most everything else, my Seecamp is stoked with RBCD ammunition. (Works perfectly.)



New member
Thanks, KR.

I may be looking for something that is not possible to make. I would like the accuracy of a Glock 26 in a a much smaller, lighter package.

Head shots at 15 feet may be good for a pistol the size of the Seecamp .32.

Thanks again,


New member

If you shoot it enough, you can keep shots in 5 inch circle all day long at 10 yards. This, using point shooting technique, sights are minimal anyhow. Light, 8 rounds, minimal recoil. Very accurate little gun, trigger about 5 pounds. Long but smooth, which is just what you need in a pocket gun.


New member
Hi KR,

I'm sure head shots at 15 feet are a lot to ask of a very small pistol with no sights. For the little Seecamp to do that is very good indeed.
