Mousegun preference


New member
Given the slim pickins, I go with the.25 auto. My preference is Baby browning (small, reliable & classy). I'd pick a Hi standard .22 mag DAO derringer if its on the list instead of the .38. OK now I'm getting greedy.:)


New member
Yet another vote for .25 Auto, with the .22 WMR coming in a close second. I've got a .25 "Raven" that my dad got for me as a birthday gift. It seems to be pretty dependable, but I have only fired 100 rounds with it so far. The first few shots are somewhat accurate, but after that the gun gets dirty fast and you can't hit a darn thing past 10 feet.

.25 is also under-powered. My plan, should I ever need to shoot anyone with my .25, is to empty the clip. One .25 has no stopping power, but six might, if I'm lucky. I have a friend who knew a guy that owned a jewelry shop. One day he was robbed and shot back at the BG with is .25, firing 5 times. 4 of the 5 hit the BG solidly in the chest, but he still was able to run out the door and walk 2 blocks before he died. So yes, .25 is deadly, if you can afford to wait a min or two...

Oh, I almost forgot to ask, I know CCI makes .25 ammo with speer gold dot JHPs. I'm thinking about buying a few boxes. Do any of you know if they are any good? My current ammo is winchester 50 gr FMJ. Should I stick with this or try out those JHPs?


Moderator Emeritus
Beretta Jetfire.

(4V50 Gary: I prefer the Jetfire as the Beretta 21 is fair bit larger in the grip/frame due to the Bobcat's DA trigger mechanism.)


New member
I'd go .25. My .25 is a PSP-25, KBI's copy of the Browning Baby. Small, light, and fairly reliable after the initial break-in. Knock the .25 all you want. Granted it's not as powerful as a 9mm or a .38 special, but I know that I wouldn't want to get shot with one.

The reason for this is that it is a repeater. You can shoot it over and over again until you empty the clip, and then put a new clip in and keep going. This is unlike the mini-revolver or derringer, which need to be cocked each time you fire. Last thing I need in a gunfight is one more thing to remember (like cocking the hammer).


New member
From your choices, I'd pick the derringer. I have a American Derringer Corp Model 1 in 357 Mag, and I love it.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
My vote?

NAA .22 magnum with the 1-1/8" barrel.

A quality product, at an affordable price.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

the blind lefty

New member
again,i would just pick my favorite.
in this case a Walther TPH in 25 ACP. probably better guns out there,but hey,it's a pocket gun!if you're gonna live dangerously,live rich.

deputy tom

New member
quote:Beretta 950 Jetfire by a mile.

Ask a couple of dozen older, street wise cops (not young, macho rookies) what they carry for deep cover, and more of them will say .25 than any other.

That's right.I used to carry a Jetfire in a second cuff case until I obtained a Seecamp .32acp to take it's place.Never underestimate the Man behind the gun.Any gun.tom.


New member
I own an NAA mini revolver in .22 MAG

Mine has NAA's custom oversized rubber grip fitted and, yes, I can now shoot it very accurately. The NAA mini, with CCI Maxi-Mag + V ammo, will shoot that little projectile out at well over 1,000 FPS, even from the 1 1/8" barrel. I've had mine for many years and It is no-brainer simple and reliable.

Frankly 45

New member
I would pick #2. Loaded with shot shells, you should be able to dispatch mice without much of a problem - though a bit messy.
For defense against human attackers
I would suggest you find a way to carry
something more powerful. ;)


New member
Beretta Bobcat(Model 20) I cannot tell that much difference between it and the Jetfire...I have carried both(not at the same time) and could not notice and difference in size.


New member
Jetfire 950 - carry cocked & locked?

The Beretta 21 double/single action seems relatively safe when carried locked but not cocked. You can click off the safety and fire via the double action trigger pull.

What about the Beretta 950 Jetfire? It's single action. Do you carry it cocked and locked? It seems as if you are taking a big chance if you accidently click off the safety. Or, do you have the hammer down and hope you can cock the little Jetfire in an emergency?



New member
I prefer the .22 mag NAA. It may not be a one shot stopper but a contact wound directly over the central nervous system would likely be effective and that is what I've practiced at the range.


New member
Hate to bust your bubble, but all these are woefully inadequate and obsolete!! In fact, any mouse gun that is not the Kahr MK9 or MK40 falls into this category!!! :p


New member
"Hate to bust your bubble, but all these are woefully inadequate and obsolete!!"

Yes, and I would still hate to get shot with one.

Any answer to my question about how to carry a Jetfire?


deputy tom

New member
What about the Beretta 950 Jetfire? It's single action. Do you carry it cocked and locked? It seems as if you are taking a big chance if you accidently click off the safety. Or, do you have the hammer down and hope you can cock the little Jetfire in an emergency? end quote:

Rich357, I carried a 950BS in My right front pocket or in a spare cuff case with a loaded chamber,hammer down,safety off for many years.Thumbing the hammer back was almost instinctive.Practice whatever method that You decide on with regularity.tom.

Brian D.

New member
Another Beretta booster.

Given seeker two's choices, the model 20 Beretta is my pick. It was later replaced by the 21, which is a good little blaster too, just somewhat bigger--and the 20 has a better DA trigger pull also. No special ammo preference, just 9 rds. of something you know will go "bang" every time. I use a pocket liner type holster, and practice mostly fast firing drills at the head (and a bit at the body) of an IPSC target, usually at close range. If a real need to use this thing arises, I figure that maybe that up-close assailant will have a more more substantial weapon I can appropriate for my use if the fight is not over yet. Shoot smart, be safe! *Edited to add: denfoote, the Thompson .45acp submachine gun is also thought by many to be obsolete. But if you've ever seen them used in the "assault" matches at places like Knob Creek in Ky., you might take serious issue with those "experts"! Just a little food for thought, no dis intended. I don't believe any handgun is a magic wand fight stopper, but serious practice is a must for all of us if we hope to have a decent chance to succeed and carry on through an armed encounter. Thanx for readin' this.