Moral dilemma

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Big Bill

New member
I think poachers do it mostly for the thrill of doing something illegal. It gives them a sense of power and a rush that is almost intoxicating.

I wouldn't be surprised, though, if he doesn't just kill the deer and let them lay. If he's bragging about it to you, you can bet he's told lots of other people. I'd phone in an anonymous tip to your local poaching hotline and tell them about where he hunts and then let them take it from there.
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New member
If this guy is for real in what he`s telling you, he`s a head case with deeper mental issue`s than maybe even you know. Killing something for no other reason than to watch it die?:confused::barf:. Hell he gives poachers a bad name(didn`t think that was possible) . Shooting does,button bucks- ***? As far as the posters bringing up the 'rat' issue: Goodfella`s was a movie based on org.crime where illegal activities were being done for a profit. Killing(shootings) done to prove point or business. Not just killing to be killing!!! Doesn`t compare. If I thought this guy was telling me the truth I wouldn`t hesitate in turning him in. He`s the cancer that eats away at hunters rights.:mad: P.S. I shouldn`t have started off my morning with this thread until I had my first cup of 'jo'.


New member
My bringing up Goodfellas was to raise the point that rats are often retaliated on, and no one feels bad for them. If he is gonna rat, he better watch his back.

What if his "friend" figures out it was him? What if he comes across this thread one day? What if the person who takes the annonymous phone call recognizes his voice & lets out that he knows who ratted?

There are a million different ways his "friend" could find out, and the results would all be the same: bad.

Now, I'm not saying don't rat; I'm saying if you do, then be prepared to have to watch your back for the rest of your life...

Are you prepared for that? If so, then by all means, go for it...


New member
I love all the Gangster movie lines... like you guys are all mafia dudes, living on the hard streets of the eastside...yo!:rolleyes:


You can use my cell phone if you would like :D


New member
robfromsc: my parents are from naples, italy, and the first language i spoke was italian. think about it...;)
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New member
Unfortunately all you have at this point is a blowhard guy and hearsay evidence. There's absolutely no point in turning him in at this point, but once you see any evidence to back up what he says I'd be the first one to call it in. Poachers are simply stealing game from you and me and other legitimate hunters.


New member

Ignore him until you have proof. If and when you have the proof that he indeed is poaching then you should turn him in. Right now it is nothing but hearsay from him. Like some of the other posters have said, "he could be just pullen your chain". As to how you would get proof that he is poaching is beyond me, you will have to figure that one out for yourself. A thief is a thief, they steal from all of us. When you kill a doe you not only kill one animal you kill all the generations that she could have produced and on and on down the line.:mad: As far as being a snitch so what. As a hunter and a sportsman you are morally and ethically required to turn this individual in if he is breaking the law. It's no different than someone breaking into your house and stealing from you personally.:mad:


New member
If you let the DOW know what he has told you,locations,patterns,etc,some days they will have a little time on their hands.
For them,hunting poachers is about like hunting coyotes.They can sit back with optics and watch,put out a stuffed deer,etc.That part is their job.

And,you know,its not a bad thing to have some game wardens who know which side you are on.

Might be good for a suggestion or a land owner referal,etc


New member
I appreciate everyone's responses. I have held off responding until I had a large body of replies. I have examined every one and I will say that cooler heads have prevailed. This man is a known poop-talker and -stirrer. Rather than jump the gun I will continue to gather evidence before I make a decision.

For those of you who think he should swing at the end of a long rope, I assure you that if further evidence concludes that he is indeed a poacher then I absolutely will be notifying the proper authorities.
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