Moral dilemma

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New member

"The man" will get him one of these days. You can laugh about it when he gets caught of his own accord, but if you snitch on the guy, that is something you have got to live with. Poaching is a felony. Convicted felons can't buy guns. Maybe try talking to him about it and convincing him that his little escapades aren't worth a felony offense.


New member
Remember, all evil needs to succeed is for good people to do nothing about it.

Amen and +100. There shouldn't even be a consideration here, if you genuinely believe he's engaged in such prolific poaching.....turn his a$$ in. People like that don't deserve the right to hunt or own firearms, they've proven that with their own irresponsible actions.

Your own decision to become a "rat" is up to you, but personally I don't think I would be ok with myself if I didn't let someone know. Nobody earns a clean conscience by making everyone happy.


New member
Anyone with a conscience would turn his ass in. As would any true Texan. He's a bubba and
his behavior is a disgrace.
Poachers are a plague.


New member
Maybe things are different in Texas

I can assure you that they aren' least where I come from. I'd turn him in in a heart beat. All it takes is one guy like that to make all hunters look like nothing but trash.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I guess I'd spend a bit more time trying to figure out if he's just blowing smoke. However, I've never run into somebody who'd openly brag about poaching if they weren't a mixture of poacher and "judgementally challenged". I can't see an honest guy making up that much of a line of blarney. But, it's worth holding off doing anything until you're more convinced about his wrong-doing.

He's surely not "subsistence hunting", which could be forgivable. Good job and all that.

So, if I'm convinced that he's a crook, I'm gonna tell the TP&WD folks, but with the caveat that I don't know from direct observation that he's doing more than bragging and leg-pulling.

Sorta like a bunch of coin dealers after a show, bragging about some of their deals. One looked across the table at the lady with me and asked, "What do you do?" She replied, "I'm a Special Investigator with IRS." His immediate response was, "I'm pleased to meet you. I'm the biggest liar in the state of Oklahoma."

No moral dilemma, but facts are better than BS.

Huey Long

New member
My policy in such situations is see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

There's really no need for you to snitch, anyway. Guys who break the law and then run off at the mouth about it always get busted eventually. All you have to do is wait; he'll eventually get what's coming to him.
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New member
I'm not sure about calling the authorities, you really have no proof except for his say-so, and he may be baiting you. My opinion would be to avoid going hunting with him at the very least, because someday he will get caught and anyone with him will be at least an accomplice. I had a friend once who I introduced to hunting, and he started poaching any time he could. Always offered me venison from his freezer. I stayed as far away as possible.


New member
I'd talk to him and try to find out if his supposed poaching is actually poaching or him just tootin' his own horn. If I truly believed that he was poaching I would try to convince him that it's a bad idea and get him to stop without involving the DNR. If that didn't work I would probably drop an anonymous tip about a poacher.


New member
Hhhmm..anyone see Good Fellas?

"Go f yourself, Tommy", says Spider...

"What are you gonna do about it?", says Jimmy...

"Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang!!!", says Tommy's 1911.

"Eh, whatever, he was a RAT...his whole family are RATS....he was gonna grow up to be a RAT!!!" says Tommy.

"Wow, killed for sticking up for himself, but excused for accusations of being a rat...seems no one cares what happens to a rat, whether true or false.", says me.


New member
I am not going to advise the OP what to do.He has to work that out.

I do not accept the notion advising law enforcement a person is bragging about unlawful unnecessary killing make the good ,responsible citizen a rat or a snitch.

I would turn in a pedophile,a wife or kid batterer,a heroin or meth dealer,or a
a poacher.

I suppose baby rapers,wife and kid beaters ,drug pushers,and poachers would think that makes me a rat.
Gee,they might get a felony and not be able to have a gun.Too bad.I don't care.Felons committing crimes with guns threaten the right to bear arms for all of us.Guys who kill deer any time,anywhere,with a 17 HMR and a big grin on their face help make hunters and hunting look like crap to people who could have been introduced to legitimate hunting.

I don't care if somebody has lost work and has a hungry family does what he needs to do,but this guy just likes killing,with no respect for anything.

There is no "Rat" to it.

Para Bellum

New member
If the bragger is not lying, he's exactly what gives hunters and gun owners a partially bad reputation. This should be stopped.


New member
if what he is telling you is true, and is proven to be true. the person is an scumbag that needs to swing. people who poach and don't get caught everytime should know better than to 1. poach,2. poach and tell others about it.

if you are killing animals out of food desperation on your own land,cleaning and butchering it yourself its kinda hard to be caught. unless you have trespassers or nosy neighbors.

until laws and regulations came about you could simply walk out your door and shoot or trap animals for food. now that there is laws,etc in place to regulate so everyone has a fair chance to take game without screwing up the system of nature,they should be obeyed, if they are broken there should be a penalty,which there is.

if its not true and they are just yanking yer chain, kidding around about things like that are not funny. and should not be made up or discussed.


New member
When you play the game, you play by the rules... if he's just out thumbing his nose to the law then turn his butt in... no question. The only problem is that I wouldn't turn him in without direct proof, which it doesn't sound like you have at this point.

When it's no longer a game...rules aren't relevant... as others have stated, if he were subsistence hunting... that's another issue, although rather than encouraging him in hunting deer, I might try to hook him up with a guy that had a hog problem if that were the case...

Of course, his whole behavior with you is not consistent with someone who is forced into being a subsistence hunter...they've got better things to do...


Staff In Memoriam
King of BS was once my buddy! He would run a line of crap so wide and deep just for C&G that the boss had a note in his check once that said that he would have to be "let go" if he ran a line that caused an uproar risking the resignation of 80 equipment operators again...:D My nick name "bernie" and "Bernard" were cuz he felt a few folks didn't need to know my real name and the nick stuck in many circles of acquaintances. To this day if asked by an official "WHATZ YER NAME BOY?"... "Bernie... Bernie Sir..." Funny how things like this last 20 years with little use...
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