Minors with firearms


About 10 years ago and before I got married, I rented a house with my Best friend which was out in the country and just down the street from my best friends parents. My friends little brother, who was 14, would often stop by our house and hang out with us before he would go back hunting in the woods. Well one day my friends little brother stopped by our house and was with one of his buddies - they both had shotguns and were on there way back to the woods for some hunting and shooting. To make a long story short (and the fact that I'm not a great writer) my best friend's little brother never came back from the woods that day, alive. Apparently his friend was not very educated on guns and had no business borrowing a shotgun and shooting with my friends brother, unsupervised. My friend's little brother was shot in the chest by his friend and was dead before anyone was able to get back to him. What I have learned from this is that you might be able to trust YOUR child with a firearm but you have to make it very clear that they are not to share firearms with their friends.

I am a minor and that is why I ask this.

What are the legalities of minors storing firearms in their room? I looked at all sorts of ".gov" websites looking for the laws regarding minors with firearms and found nothing. I know there would be nothing anout guns in a kids room, but I expected to see something about keeping guns away from us young folks.

Would it be legal for me to buy a safe and store my guns in it?

And if I am able can anyone recommend a good safe? I don't want to spend more then 500 bucks on this.

(I live in ohio if that helps)

Billy 45

New member
North Carolina has a law that reads:

"It is unlawful to store or leave a firearm that can be discharged in a manner that a reasonable person should know is accessible to a minor"



New member
A lot of us are from a different generation. My first Gun was a 22 Rifle I received at age 12. The rifle was mine and it stayed in my room, along with the ammo. I was taught long before I got the rifle on the use, rules and everthing else that goes along with having and using a weapon. Everyone I knew then had a rifle or shotgun, and everyone knew that they were not toys. No one thought a thing about me and a friend going hunting.


New member

my best friend's little brother never came back from the woods that day, alive.

thats truly a sad :( and makes a good point that you may trust your child but its the friends that you need to worry about :mad:

My boy asks him what he's gonna do and he says he's gonna shoot the farmer's cows. My boy starts protesting, but he didn't stop him and he didn't leave. After boy 1 takes the gun and fires a few rounds out into the field and boy 3 has shot some they keep after my son to shoot the gun, "we shot, you gotta shoot" Reluctantly he took the gun and fired one or two rounds into the ground in front of them, says "there, happy now, let's go"

another point of the buddys getting your child in to deep stuff. :(
sounds to me like a good kid, that knew right from wrong, made a bad decision.
Now will pay for it the rest of his life, all because his *** hole friends
(tryin to keep it clean) i think if it were me and my son aimsqueeze i say for get you mr election guy ! you messed up big time letting 1 kid lie!
and if my son gets taged for this cow killin stuff. every one will know the truth. Would let my son sing like guns and roses....loudly...the truth will set you free
now to the original question ... yes i did had my first bow always in in my room arrows too . then a .17 cal pellet gun all befor i was 9 my parents belong to a archy club so i was taught to shoot at a very early age and was also taught to respect all archery equipment and guns as tools not toys.. get my *** whoped other wise so once i was a pre teen i got a lever action single shot .22 (still have it, my sons now). then a single 20ga all were kept in my room on a gun rack with lockin rod ammo was in drawer also locked
then at 14 got my 870p ...... now always they were on rack and locked up no matter how much my buddies would beg come on man let me look at it , my responce was go ahead and look it's right there on the wall.....them.. no man let me hold it ...me ... no way not going to happen we will be going out to the ranch (uncle's dairy 300+acres...so shootin close to a cow was taboo) on sat..asked your folks if you can come with , i let you shoot it then oh ye get some money for shells....had to buy my own, mowed a lot of lawns ...lol
Now once older and filled up said gun rack, got a 8 gun cabinet and even when i had kids ,two daughters (20/18 now)they were taught to respect guns as i was tools not toys taught them to shoot a bb gun first then the ss.22 so did my son (he's 8)as i said he has a few of his own guns now some he can't shoot yet 16 ga shottie and my ole L/A ss .22 but they stay in the safe with all the rest, He has a bb gun and a bow in his room. Sorry to say times are changin and the guns have to be in the safe. Just can't trust the friends.Not all kids are raised around guns and we all know what curiosty did to the cat and no way i want that for my children! My girls always knew where the key was kept but knew it's not show and tell as some one else had said befor me.....My son is being taught this as well.